3 research outputs found

    A novel composite web service selection based on quality of service

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    Using the internet, as a dynamic environment thanks to its distributed characteristic, for web service deployment has become a crucial issue in QoS-driven service composition. An accurate adaption should be undertaken to provide a reliable service composition which enables the composited services are being executed appropriately. That is, the critical aspect of service composition is the proper execution of combination of web services while the appropriate service adaption performed with respect to predetermined functional and non-functional characteristics. In this paper, we attempts to deliberate the optimization approaches to devise the appropriate scheme for QoS-based composite web service selection

    Towards a seamless integration between process modeling descriptions at Business and Production levels - work in progress

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    To fulfill increasing requirements in the manufacturing sector, companies are faced with several challenges. Three major challenges have been identified regarding time-to-market, vertical feedback loops and level of automation. Grafchart, a graphical language aimed for supervisory control applications, can be used from the process-planning phase, through the implementation phase and all the way to the phase for execution of the process control logics, on the lower levels of the Automation triangle. Work in progress is examining if the same concepts could be used on the higher levels of the Automation triangle as well. By splitting the execution engine and the visualization engine of Grafchart various different visualization tools could potentially be used, however connected by the shared Grafchart semantics. Traditional Business languages, e.g. BPMN, could therefore continue to be used for the process-planning phase whereas traditional production languages, e.g. Grafchart or other SFC-like languages, could be used for the execution. Since they are connected through the semantics, advantages regarding the three identified challenges could be achieved; time-to-market could be reduced, the time delays in the vertical feedback loops could be reduced by allowing KPI visualization, and the level of automation could be increased

    Semantic Inference on Heterogeneous E-Marketplace Activities

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    An electronic marketplace (e-marketplace) is a common business information space populated with many entities of different system types. Each of them has its own context of how to process activities. This leads to heterogeneous e-marketplace activities, which are difficult to make interoperable and inferred from one entity to another. This study solves this problem by proposing a concept of separation strategy and implementing it through providing a semantic inference engine with a novel inference algorithm. The solution, called the RuleXPM approach, enables one to semantically infer a next e-marketplace activity across multiple contexts/domains. Experiments show that the cross-context/cross-domain semantic inference is achievable. This paper is an understanding of many aspects related to heterogeneous activity inference