27,351 research outputs found

    Ranking Semantic Web Services Using Rules Evaluation and Constraint Programming

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    Current Semantic Web Services discovery and ranking proposals are based on user preferences descriptions whose expressiveness are limited by the underlying logical formalism used. Thus, highly expressive preference descriptions, such as utility functions, cannot be handled by the kind of reasoners traditionally used to perform Semantic Web Services tasks. in this work, we outline a hybrid approach to allow the introduction of utility functions in user preferences descriptions, where both rules evaluation and constraint programming are used to perform the ranking process. Our proposal extends the Web Service Modeling Ontology with these descriptions, providing a highly expressive framework to specify preferences, and enabling a more general ranking process, which can be performed by different engines

    Improving semantic Web services discovery and ranking: A lightweight, integrated approach

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    Semantic Web services frameworks provide the means to automatically discover, rank, compose and invoke services according to user requirements and preferences. However, current preference models offer limited expressiveness and they are tightly coupled with underlying discovery and ranking mechanisms. Furthermore, these mechanisms present performance, interoperability and integration issues that prevent the uptake of semantic technologies in these scenarios. In this work, we discuss three interrelated contributions on preference modeling, discovery optimization, and flexible, integrated ranking, tackling specifically the identified challenges on those areas using a lightweight approach.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-32273Junta de Andalucía TIC-590

    A Semantic Approach for Description and Ranked Matching of Services in Pervasive Environments

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    With the recent developments in technology, new and diverse devices are being introduced into the pervasive world. This has raised new challenges for the discovery of devices and their services in dynamic environments. The existing approaches such as Jini [AOSJ99], UPnP [UPnP06], etc., describe services at a syntactic level and the matching mechanisms in these approaches are limited to syntactic comparisons based on attributes or interfaces. In order to overcome the limitations of these approaches, there has been an increasing interest in the use of Semantic Web technologies to support the description and matching of services. This paper proposes a semantic matching framework to facilitate effective discovery of device based services in pervasive environments. This offers a ranking mechanism that will order the available services in the order of their suitability; the evaluation of the experimental results have indicated that the results correlate well with human perception

    Model-driven semantic Web service composition

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    As the number of available Web services increases there is a growing demand to realise complex business processes by combining and reusing available Web services. The reuse and combination of services results in a composition of Web services that may also involve services provided in the Internet. With semantically described Web services, an automated matchmaking of capabilities can help identify suitable services. To address the need for semantically de-fined Web services, OWL-S and WSML have been proposed as competing semantic Web service languages. We show how the proposed semantic Web service languages can be utilized within a model-driven methodology for build-ing composite Web services. In addition we combine the semantic-based discovery with the support for processing QoS requirements to apply a ranking or a selection of the candidates. The methodology describes a process which guides the developer through four phases, starting with the initial modelling, and ending with a new composite service that can be deployed and published to be consumed by other users.

    A Model of User Preferences for Semantic Services Discovery and Ranking

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    Current proposals on Semantic Web Services discovery and ranking are based on user preferences descriptions that often come with insufficient expressiveness, consequently making more difficult or even preventing the description of complex user desires. There is a lack of a general and comprehensive preference model, so discovery and ranking proposals have to provide ad hoc preference descriptions whose expressiveness depends on the facilities provided by the corresponding technique, resulting in user preferences that are tightly coupled with the underlying formalism being used by each concrete solution. In order to overcome these problems, in this paper an abstract and sufficiently expressive model for defining preferences is presented, so that they may be described in an intuitively and user-friendly manner. The proposed model is based on a well-known query preference model from database systems, which provides highly expressive constructors to describe and compose user preferences semantically. Furthermore, the presented proposal is independent from the concrete discovery and ranking engines selected, and may be used to extend current Semantic Web Service frameworks, such as wsmo, sawsdl, or owl-s. In this paper, the presented model is also validated against a complex discovery and ranking scenario, and a concrete implementation of the model in wsmo is outlined.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2006-00472Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2009-07366Junta de Andalucía TIC-253

    An Extensible and Personalized Approach to QoS-enabled Semantic Web Service Discovery

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    We present a framework for the autonomous discovery and selection of Semantic Web services based on their QoS properties. The novelty of our approach is the wide use of semantic technologies for a customizable discovery, which enables both the service users and providers to flexibly specify their matching models for QoS and the corresponding environmental conditions. In the presented approach, the discovery and ranking of services can be personalized via the use of domain ontologies detailing the user's preferences and the provider's specification. The discovery component is modeled as an adaptive query processing system in which the basic steps of filtering, matchmaking, reputation-based QoS assessment, and ranking of services correspond to logical algebraic operators, which facilitates the introduction of different discovery algorithms and the automatic generation of appropriate parallelized matchmaking evaluations, enabling the scalability of our solution up to unpredictable arrival rate of user queries against high numbers of published service descriptions in the system

    Semantic description and matching of services for pervasive environments

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    With the evolution of the World Wide Web and the advancement of the electronic world, the diversity of available services is increasing rapidly.This raises new demands for the efficient discovery and location of heterogeneous services and resources in dynamically changing environments. The traditional approaches for service discovery such as UDDI, Salutation, SLP etc. characterise the services by using predefined service categories and fixed attribute value pairs and the matching techniques in these approaches are limited to syntactic comparisons based on attributes or interfaces. More recently with the popularity of Semantic Web technologies, there has been an increased interest in the application of reasoning mechanisms to support discovery and matching. These approaches provide important directions in overcoming the limitations present in the traditional approaches to service discovery. However, these still have limitations and have overlooked issues that need to be addressed; particularly these approaches do not have an effective ranking criterion to facilitate the ordering of the potential matches, according to their suitability to satisfy the request under concern. This thesis presents a semantic matching framework to facilitate effective discovery of device based services in pervasive environments. This offers a ranking mechanism that will order the available services in the order of their suitability and also considers priorities placed on individual requirements in a request during the matching process. The proposed approach has been implemented in a pervasive scenario for matching device-based services. The Device Ontology which has been developed as part of this research, has been used to describe the devices and their services. The retrieval effectiveness of this semantic matching approach has been formally investigated through the use of human participant studies and the experimental results have indicated that the results correlate well with human perception. The performance of the solution has also been evaluated, to explore the effects of employing reasoning mechanisms on the efficiency of the matching process. Specifically the scalability of the solution has been investigated with respect to the request size and the number of advertisements involved in matching.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Semantic web service automation with lightweight annotations

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    Web services, both RESTful and WSDL-based, are an increasingly important part of the Web. With the application of semantic technologies, we can achieve automation of the use of those services. In this paper, we present WSMO-Lite and MicroWSMO, two related lightweight approaches to semantic Web service description, evolved from the WSMO framework. WSMO-Lite uses SAWSDL to annotate WSDL-based services, whereas MicroWSMO uses the hRESTS microformat to annotate RESTful APIs and services. Both frameworks share an ontology for service semantics together with most of automation algorithms

    Efficient Approach Towards an Agent-Based Dynamic Web Service Discovery Framework with QoS Support

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    Abstract. Web services are about the integration of applications via the Web. Hereby, the programming effort should be minimized through the reuse of standardized components and interfaces. One of the fundamental pillars of the Web service vision is a brokerage system that enables services to be published to a searchable repository and later retrieved by potential users. One of the subtasks in a service-oriented architecture is service discovery. Service discovery, the identification of existing Web Services that can be used by new Web applications, is one of the most critical problems deterring Web Service (WS) technology. Current solution is based on UDDI catalogue browsing that supports only primitive matching mechanisms and provides no control over the quality of registered services Quality of Service (QoS) is becoming an important criterion for selection of the best available service. Currently the problem is twofold. The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registries do not have the ability to publish the QoS information, and the authenticity of the advertised QoS information available elsewhere may be questionable. We aim to refine the discovery process through designing a new framework that enhances retrieval algorithms by combining syntactic and semantic matching of services with QoS. We propose a model of QoS-based Web services discovery that combines an augmented UDDI registry to publish the QoS information and a reputation manager to assign reputation scores to the services based on customer feedback of their performance. The Certifier verifies the QoS claims from the Web service suppliers. A discovery agent facilitates QoS-based service discovery using the reputation scores in a service matching, ranking and selection algorithm. The novelty of our model lies in its simplicity and in its coordination of the above mentioned components. The Proposed framework should give Web services consumers some confidence about the quality of services of the discovered Web services

    A Semantic Framework for Priority-based Service Matching in Pervasive Environments

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    The increasing popularity of personal wireless devices has raised new demands for the efficient discovery of heterogeneous devices and services in pervasive environments. The existing approaches such as Jini [1], UPnP [8], etc., describe services at a syntactic level and the matching mechanisms in these approaches are limited to syntactic comparisons based on attributes or interfaces. In order to overcome the limitations in these approaches, there has been an increased interest in the use of semantic description and matching techniques to support effective service discovery. This paper proposes a semantic matching approach which facilitates the discovery of device-based services in a pervasive environment; the approach provides a ranking facility that orders services according to their suitability and also considers priorities placed on individual requirements in a request during the matching process. The evaluation studies have shown that the matcher results correlate reasonably well with human judgement