18,209 research outputs found

    Adversarially Tuned Scene Generation

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    Generalization performance of trained computer vision systems that use computer graphics (CG) generated data is not yet effective due to the concept of 'domain-shift' between virtual and real data. Although simulated data augmented with a few real world samples has been shown to mitigate domain shift and improve transferability of trained models, guiding or bootstrapping the virtual data generation with the distributions learnt from target real world domain is desired, especially in the fields where annotating even few real images is laborious (such as semantic labeling, and intrinsic images etc.). In order to address this problem in an unsupervised manner, our work combines recent advances in CG (which aims to generate stochastic scene layouts coupled with large collections of 3D object models) and generative adversarial training (which aims train generative models by measuring discrepancy between generated and real data in terms of their separability in the space of a deep discriminatively-trained classifier). Our method uses iterative estimation of the posterior density of prior distributions for a generative graphical model. This is done within a rejection sampling framework. Initially, we assume uniform distributions as priors on the parameters of a scene described by a generative graphical model. As iterations proceed the prior distributions get updated to distributions that are closer to the (unknown) distributions of target data. We demonstrate the utility of adversarially tuned scene generation on two real-world benchmark datasets (CityScapes and CamVid) for traffic scene semantic labeling with a deep convolutional net (DeepLab). We realized performance improvements by 2.28 and 3.14 points (using the IoU metric) between the DeepLab models trained on simulated sets prepared from the scene generation models before and after tuning to CityScapes and CamVid respectively.Comment: 9 pages, accepted at CVPR 201

    Political Text Scaling Meets Computational Semantics

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    During the last fifteen years, automatic text scaling has become one of the key tools of the Text as Data community in political science. Prominent text scaling algorithms, however, rely on the assumption that latent positions can be captured just by leveraging the information about word frequencies in documents under study. We challenge this traditional view and present a new, semantically aware text scaling algorithm, SemScale, which combines recent developments in the area of computational linguistics with unsupervised graph-based clustering. We conduct an extensive quantitative analysis over a collection of speeches from the European Parliament in five different languages and from two different legislative terms, and show that a scaling approach relying on semantic document representations is often better at capturing known underlying political dimensions than the established frequency-based (i.e., symbolic) scaling method. We further validate our findings through a series of experiments focused on text preprocessing and feature selection, document representation, scaling of party manifestos, and a supervised extension of our algorithm. To catalyze further research on this new branch of text scaling methods, we release a Python implementation of SemScale with all included data sets and evaluation procedures.Comment: Updated version - accepted for Transactions on Data Science (TDS

    Combining Language and Vision with a Multimodal Skip-gram Model

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    We extend the SKIP-GRAM model of Mikolov et al. (2013a) by taking visual information into account. Like SKIP-GRAM, our multimodal models (MMSKIP-GRAM) build vector-based word representations by learning to predict linguistic contexts in text corpora. However, for a restricted set of words, the models are also exposed to visual representations of the objects they denote (extracted from natural images), and must predict linguistic and visual features jointly. The MMSKIP-GRAM models achieve good performance on a variety of semantic benchmarks. Moreover, since they propagate visual information to all words, we use them to improve image labeling and retrieval in the zero-shot setup, where the test concepts are never seen during model training. Finally, the MMSKIP-GRAM models discover intriguing visual properties of abstract words, paving the way to realistic implementations of embodied theories of meaning.Comment: accepted at NAACL 2015, camera ready version, 11 page
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