10 research outputs found

    Semantic Mask for Transformer based End-to-End Speech Recognition

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    Attention-based encoder-decoder model has achieved impressive results for both automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) tasks. This approach takes advantage of the memorization capacity of neural networks to learn the mapping from the input sequence to the output sequence from scratch, without the assumption of prior knowledge such as the alignments. However, this model is prone to overfitting, especially when the amount of training data is limited. Inspired by SpecAugment and BERT, in this paper, we propose a semantic mask based regularization for training such kind of end-to-end (E2E) model. The idea is to mask the input features corresponding to a particular output token, e.g., a word or a word-piece, in order to encourage the model to fill the token based on the contextual information. While this approach is applicable to the encoder-decoder framework with any type of neural network architecture, we study the transformer-based model for ASR in this work. We perform experiments on Librispeech 960h and TedLium2 data sets, and achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the test set in the scope of E2E models

    On the Comparison of Popular End-to-End Models for Large Scale Speech Recognition

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    Recently, there has been a strong push to transition from hybrid models to end-to-end (E2E) models for automatic speech recognition. Currently, there are three promising E2E methods: recurrent neural network transducer (RNN-T), RNN attention-based encoder-decoder (AED), and Transformer-AED. In this study, we conduct an empirical comparison of RNN-T, RNN-AED, and Transformer-AED models, in both non-streaming and streaming modes. We use 65 thousand hours of Microsoft anonymized training data to train these models. As E2E models are more data hungry, it is better to compare their effectiveness with large amount of training data. To the best of our knowledge, no such comprehensive study has been conducted yet. We show that although AED models are stronger than RNN-T in the non-streaming mode, RNN-T is very competitive in streaming mode if its encoder can be properly initialized. Among all three E2E models, transformer-AED achieved the best accuracy in both streaming and non-streaming mode. We show that both streaming RNN-T and transformer-AED models can obtain better accuracy than a highly-optimized hybrid model.Comment: Accepted by Interspeech 202

    Low Latency End-to-End Streaming Speech Recognition with a Scout Network

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    The attention-based Transformer model has achieved promising results for speech recognition (SR) in the offline mode. However, in the streaming mode, the Transformer model usually incurs significant latency to maintain its recognition accuracy when applying a fixed-length look-ahead window in each encoder layer. In this paper, we propose a novel low-latency streaming approach for Transformer models, which consists of a scout network and a recognition network. The scout network detects the whole word boundary without seeing any future frames, while the recognition network predicts the next subword by utilizing the information from all the frames before the predicted boundary. Our model achieves the best performance (2.7/6.4 WER) with only 639 ms latency on the test-clean and test-other data sets of Librispeech

    Joint Speaker Counting, Speech Recognition, and Speaker Identification for Overlapped Speech of Any Number of Speakers

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    We propose an end-to-end speaker-attributed automatic speech recognition model that unifies speaker counting, speech recognition, and speaker identification on monaural overlapped speech. Our model is built on serialized output training (SOT) with attention-based encoder-decoder, a recently proposed method for recognizing overlapped speech comprising an arbitrary number of speakers. We extend SOT by introducing a speaker inventory as an auxiliary input to produce speaker labels as well as multi-speaker transcriptions. All model parameters are optimized by speaker-attributed maximum mutual information criterion, which represents a joint probability for overlapped speech recognition and speaker identification. Experiments on LibriSpeech corpus show that our proposed method achieves significantly better speaker-attributed word error rate than the baseline that separately performs overlapped speech recognition and speaker identification.Comment: Accepted to INTERSPEECH 202

    Exploring Transformers for Large-Scale Speech Recognition

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    While recurrent neural networks still largely define state-of-the-art speech recognition systems, the Transformer network has been proven to be a competitive alternative, especially in the offline condition. Most studies with Transformers have been constrained in a relatively small scale setting, and some forms of data argumentation approaches are usually applied to combat the data sparsity issue. In this paper, we aim at understanding the behaviors of Transformers in the large-scale speech recognition setting, where we have used around 65,000 hours of training data. We investigated various aspects on scaling up Transformers, including model initialization, warmup training as well as different Layer Normalization strategies. In the streaming condition, we compared the widely used attention mask based future context lookahead approach to the Transformer-XL network. From our experiments, we show that Transformers can achieve around 6% relative word error rate (WER) reduction compared to the BLSTM baseline in the offline fashion, while in the streaming fashion, Transformer-XL is comparable to LC-BLSTM with 800 millisecond latency constraint.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Interspeech 2020 Camera Read

    Continuous Speech Separation with Conformer

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    Continuous speech separation plays a vital role in complicated speech related tasks such as conversation transcription. The separation model extracts a single speaker signal from a mixed speech. In this paper, we use transformer and conformer in lieu of recurrent neural networks in the separation system, as we believe capturing global information with the self-attention based method is crucial for the speech separation. Evaluating on the LibriCSS dataset, the conformer separation model achieves state of the art results, with a relative 23.5% word error rate (WER) reduction from bi-directional LSTM (BLSTM) in the utterance-wise evaluation and a 15.4% WER reduction in the continuous evaluation

    Investigation of Practical Aspects of Single Channel Speech Separation for ASR

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    Speech separation has been successfully applied as a frontend processing module of conversation transcription systems thanks to its ability to handle overlapped speech and its flexibility to combine with downstream tasks such as automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, a speech separation model often introduces target speech distortion, resulting in a sub-optimum word error rate (WER). In this paper, we describe our efforts to improve the performance of a single channel speech separation system. Specifically, we investigate a two-stage training scheme that firstly applies a feature level optimization criterion for pretraining, followed by an ASR-oriented optimization criterion using an end-to-end (E2E) speech recognition model. Meanwhile, to keep the model light-weight, we introduce a modified teacher-student learning technique for model compression. By combining those approaches, we achieve a absolute average WER improvement of 2.70% and 0.77% using models with less than 10M parameters compared with the previous state-of-the-art results on the LibriCSS dataset for utterance-wise evaluation and continuous evaluation, respectivelyComment: Accepted by Interspeech 202

    MAM: Masked Acoustic Modeling for End-to-End Speech-to-Text Translation

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    End-to-end Speech-to-text Translation (E2E-ST), which directly translates source language speech to target language text, is widely useful in practice, but traditional cascaded approaches (ASR+MT) often suffer from error propagation in the pipeline. On the other hand, existing end-to-end solutions heavily depend on the source language transcriptions for pre-training or multi-task training with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). We instead propose a simple technique to learn a robust speech encoder in a self-supervised fashion only on the speech side, which can utilize speech data without transcription. This technique termed Masked Acoustic Modeling (MAM), not only provides an alternative solution to improving E2E-ST, but also can perform pre-training on any acoustic signals (including non-speech ones) without annotation. We conduct our experiments over 8 different translation directions. In the setting without using any transcriptions, our technique achieves an average improvement of +1.1 BLEU, and +2.3 BLEU with MAM pre-training. Pre-training of MAM with arbitrary acoustic signals also has an average improvement with +1.6 BLEU for those languages. Compared with ASR multi-task learning solution, which replies on transcription during training, our pre-trained MAM model, which does not use transcription, achieves similar accuracy.Comment: 12 page

    Multi-microphone Complex Spectral Mapping for Utterance-wise and Continuous Speaker Separation

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    We propose multi-microphone complex spectral mapping, a simple way of applying deep learning for time-varying non-linear beamforming, for offline utterance-wise and block-online continuous speaker separation in reverberant conditions, aiming at both speaker separation and dereverberation. Assuming a fixed array geometry between training and testing, we train deep neural networks (DNN) to predict the real and imaginary (RI) components of target speech at a reference microphone from the RI components of multiple microphones. We then integrate multi-microphone complex spectral mapping with beamforming and post-filtering to further improve separation, and combine it with frame-level speaker counting for block-online continuous speaker separation (CSS). Although our system is trained on simulated room impulse responses (RIR) based on a fixed number of microphones arranged in a given geometry, it generalizes well to a real array with the same geometry. State-of-the-art separation performance is obtained on the simulated two-talker SMS-WSJ corpus and the real-recorded LibriCSS dataset.Comment: 10 pages, in submissio

    Alignment Knowledge Distillation for Online Streaming Attention-based Speech Recognition

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    This article describes an efficient training method for online streaming attention-based encoder-decoder (AED) automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. AED models have achieved competitive performance in offline scenarios by jointly optimizing all components. They have recently been extended to an online streaming framework via models such as monotonic chunkwise attention (MoChA). However, the elaborate attention calculation process is not robust for long-form speech utterances. Moreover, the sequence-level training objective and time-restricted streaming encoder cause a nonnegligible delay in token emission during inference. To address these problems, we propose CTC synchronous training (CTC-ST), in which CTC alignments are leveraged as a reference for token boundaries to enable a MoChA model to learn optimal monotonic input-output alignments. We formulate a purely end-to-end training objective to synchronize the boundaries of MoChA to those of CTC. The CTC model shares an encoder with the MoChA model to enhance the encoder representation. Moreover, the proposed method provides alignment information learned in the CTC branch to the attention-based decoder. Therefore, CTC-ST can be regarded as self-distillation of alignment knowledge from CTC to MoChA. Experimental evaluations on a variety of benchmark datasets show that the proposed method significantly reduces recognition errors and emission latency simultaneously, especially for long-form and noisy speech. We also compare CTC-ST with several methods that distill alignment knowledge from a hybrid ASR system and show that the CTC-ST can achieve a comparable tradeoff of accuracy and latency without relying on external alignment information. The best MoChA system shows performance comparable to that of RNN-transducer (RNN-T)