5,496 research outputs found

    Multi-Cue Structure Preserving MRF for Unconstrained Video Segmentation

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    Video segmentation is a stepping stone to understanding video context. Video segmentation enables one to represent a video by decomposing it into coherent regions which comprise whole or parts of objects. However, the challenge originates from the fact that most of the video segmentation algorithms are based on unsupervised learning due to expensive cost of pixelwise video annotation and intra-class variability within similar unconstrained video classes. We propose a Markov Random Field model for unconstrained video segmentation that relies on tight integration of multiple cues: vertices are defined from contour based superpixels, unary potentials from temporal smooth label likelihood and pairwise potentials from global structure of a video. Multi-cue structure is a breakthrough to extracting coherent object regions for unconstrained videos in absence of supervision. Our experiments on VSB100 dataset show that the proposed model significantly outperforms competing state-of-the-art algorithms. Qualitative analysis illustrates that video segmentation result of the proposed model is consistent with human perception of objects

    Crowdsourcing in Computer Vision

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    Computer vision systems require large amounts of manually annotated data to properly learn challenging visual concepts. Crowdsourcing platforms offer an inexpensive method to capture human knowledge and understanding, for a vast number of visual perception tasks. In this survey, we describe the types of annotations computer vision researchers have collected using crowdsourcing, and how they have ensured that this data is of high quality while annotation effort is minimized. We begin by discussing data collection on both classic (e.g., object recognition) and recent (e.g., visual story-telling) vision tasks. We then summarize key design decisions for creating effective data collection interfaces and workflows, and present strategies for intelligently selecting the most important data instances to annotate. Finally, we conclude with some thoughts on the future of crowdsourcing in computer vision.Comment: A 69-page meta review of the field, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 201

    Webly Supervised Learning of Convolutional Networks

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    We present an approach to utilize large amounts of web data for learning CNNs. Specifically inspired by curriculum learning, we present a two-step approach for CNN training. First, we use easy images to train an initial visual representation. We then use this initial CNN and adapt it to harder, more realistic images by leveraging the structure of data and categories. We demonstrate that our two-stage CNN outperforms a fine-tuned CNN trained on ImageNet on Pascal VOC 2012. We also demonstrate the strength of webly supervised learning by localizing objects in web images and training a R-CNN style detector. It achieves the best performance on VOC 2007 where no VOC training data is used. Finally, we show our approach is quite robust to noise and performs comparably even when we use image search results from March 2013 (pre-CNN image search era)
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