3 research outputs found

    Fuzzy ontology representation using OWL 2

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    AbstractThe need to deal with vague information in Semantic Web languages is rising in importance and, thus, calls for a standard way to represent such information. We may address this issue by either extending current Semantic Web languages to cope with vagueness, or by providing a procedure to represent such information within current standard languages and tools. In this work, we follow the latter approach, by identifying the syntactic differences that a fuzzy ontology language has to cope with, and by proposing a concrete methodology to represent fuzzy ontologies using OWL 2 annotation properties. We also report on some prototypical implementations: a plug-in to edit fuzzy ontologies using OWL 2 annotations and some parsers that translate fuzzy ontologies represented using our methodology into the languages supported by some reasoners

    Семантични технологии и средства в цифрови библиотеки за художествено и културно наследство

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    ИМИ-БАН, 19.11.2013 г., присъждане на образователна и научна степен "доктор" на Лилия Радославова Павлова по научна специалност 01.01.12 информатика. [Pavlova Liliya Radoslavova; Павлова Лилия Радославова

    Semantic classification of Byzantine icons

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