250 research outputs found

    Deep Contextualized Acoustic Representations For Semi-Supervised Speech Recognition

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    We propose a novel approach to semi-supervised automatic speech recognition (ASR). We first exploit a large amount of unlabeled audio data via representation learning, where we reconstruct a temporal slice of filterbank features from past and future context frames. The resulting deep contextualized acoustic representations (DeCoAR) are then used to train a CTC-based end-to-end ASR system using a smaller amount of labeled audio data. In our experiments, we show that systems trained on DeCoAR consistently outperform ones trained on conventional filterbank features, giving 42% and 19% relative improvement over the baseline on WSJ eval92 and LibriSpeech test-clean, respectively. Our approach can drastically reduce the amount of labeled data required; unsupervised training on LibriSpeech then supervision with 100 hours of labeled data achieves performance on par with training on all 960 hours directly. Pre-trained models and code will be released online.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 2020 (oral

    Towards End-to-end Unsupervised Speech Recognition

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    Unsupervised speech recognition has shown great potential to make Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems accessible to every language. However, existing methods still heavily rely on hand-crafted pre-processing. Similar to the trend of making supervised speech recognition end-to-end, we introduce \wvu~which does away with all audio-side pre-processing and improves accuracy through better architecture. In addition, we introduce an auxiliary self-supervised objective that ties model predictions back to the input. Experiments show that \wvu~improves unsupervised recognition results across different languages while being conceptually simpler.Comment: Preprin

    SpeechUT: Bridging Speech and Text with Hidden-Unit for Encoder-Decoder Based Speech-Text Pre-training

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    The rapid development of single-modal pre-training has prompted researchers to pay more attention to cross-modal pre-training methods. In this paper, we propose a unified-modal speech-unit-text pre-training model, SpeechUT, to connect the representations of a speech encoder and a text decoder with a shared unit encoder. Leveraging hidden-unit as an interface to align speech and text, we can decompose the speech-to-text model into a speech-to-unit model and a unit-to-text model, which can be jointly pre-trained with unpaired speech and text data respectively. Our proposed SpeechUT is fine-tuned and evaluated on automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation (ST) tasks. Experimental results show that SpeechUT gets substantial improvements over strong baselines, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on both the LibriSpeech ASR and MuST-C ST tasks. To better understand the proposed SpeechUT, detailed analyses are conducted. The code and pre-trained models are available at https://aka.ms/SpeechUT.Comment: 14 pages, accepted by EMNLP 202

    EM-Network: Oracle Guided Self-distillation for Sequence Learning

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    We introduce EM-Network, a novel self-distillation approach that effectively leverages target information for supervised sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) learning. In contrast to conventional methods, it is trained with oracle guidance, which is derived from the target sequence. Since the oracle guidance compactly represents the target-side context that can assist the sequence model in solving the task, the EM-Network achieves a better prediction compared to using only the source input. To allow the sequence model to inherit the promising capability of the EM-Network, we propose a new self-distillation strategy, where the original sequence model can benefit from the knowledge of the EM-Network in a one-stage manner. We conduct comprehensive experiments on two types of seq2seq models: connectionist temporal classification (CTC) for speech recognition and attention-based encoder-decoder (AED) for machine translation. Experimental results demonstrate that the EM-Network significantly advances the current state-of-the-art approaches, improving over the best prior work on speech recognition and establishing state-of-the-art performance on WMT'14 and IWSLT'14.Comment: ICML 202
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