27 research outputs found

    Ambient Sound Helps: Audiovisual Crowd Counting in Extreme Conditions

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    Visual crowd counting has been recently studied as a way to enable people counting in crowd scenes from images. Albeit successful, vision-based crowd counting approaches could fail to capture informative features in extreme conditions, e.g., imaging at night and occlusion. In this work, we introduce a novel task of audiovisual crowd counting, in which visual and auditory information are integrated for counting purposes. We collect a large-scale benchmark, named auDiovISual Crowd cOunting (DISCO) dataset, consisting of 1,935 images and the corresponding audio clips, and 170,270 annotated instances. In order to fuse the two modalities, we make use of a linear feature-wise fusion module that carries out an affine transformation on visual and auditory features. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments using the proposed dataset and approach. Experimental results show that introducing auditory information can benefit crowd counting under different illumination, noise, and occlusion conditions. The dataset and code will be released. Code and data have been made availabl

    Look, Listen, and Act: Towards Audio-Visual Embodied Navigation

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    A crucial ability of mobile intelligent agents is to integrate the evidence from multiple sensory inputs in an environment and to make a sequence of actions to reach their goals. In this paper, we attempt to approach the problem of Audio-Visual Embodied Navigation, the task of planning the shortest path from a random starting location in a scene to the sound source in an indoor environment, given only raw egocentric visual and audio sensory data. To accomplish this task, the agent is required to learn from various modalities, i.e. relating the audio signal to the visual environment. Here we describe an approach to audio-visual embodied navigation that takes advantage of both visual and audio pieces of evidence. Our solution is based on three key ideas: a visual perception mapper module that constructs its spatial memory of the environment, a sound perception module that infers the relative location of the sound source from the agent, and a dynamic path planner that plans a sequence of actions based on the audio-visual observations and the spatial memory of the environment to navigate toward the goal. Experimental results on a newly collected Visual-Audio-Room dataset using the simulated multi-modal environment demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach over several competitive baselines.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 2020. Project page: http://avn.csail.mit.ed

    Foley Music: Learning to Generate Music from Videos

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    In this paper, we introduce Foley Music, a system that can synthesize plausible music for a silent video clip about people playing musical instruments. We first identify two key intermediate representations for a successful video to music generator: body keypoints from videos and MIDI events from audio recordings. We then formulate music generation from videos as a motion-to-MIDI translation problem. We present a Graph−-Transformer framework that can accurately predict MIDI event sequences in accordance with the body movements. The MIDI event can then be converted to realistic music using an off-the-shelf music synthesizer tool. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our models on videos containing a variety of music performances. Experimental results show that our model outperforms several existing systems in generating music that is pleasant to listen to. More importantly, the MIDI representations are fully interpretable and transparent, thus enabling us to perform music editing flexibly. We encourage the readers to watch the demo video with audio turned on to experience the results.Comment: ECCV 2020. Project page: http://foley-music.csail.mit.ed