3 research outputs found

    Self-supervised Modal and View Invariant Feature Learning

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    Most of the existing self-supervised feature learning methods for 3D data either learn 3D features from point cloud data or from multi-view images. By exploring the inherent multi-modality attributes of 3D objects, in this paper, we propose to jointly learn modal-invariant and view-invariant features from different modalities including image, point cloud, and mesh with heterogeneous networks for 3D data. In order to learn modal- and view-invariant features, we propose two types of constraints: cross-modal invariance constraint and cross-view invariant constraint. Cross-modal invariance constraint forces the network to maximum the agreement of features from different modalities for same objects, while the cross-view invariance constraint forces the network to maximum agreement of features from different views of images for same objects. The quality of learned features has been tested on different downstream tasks with three modalities of data including point cloud, multi-view images, and mesh. Furthermore, the invariance cross different modalities and views are evaluated with the cross-modal retrieval task. Extensive evaluation results demonstrate that the learned features are robust and have strong generalizability across different tasks

    P4Contrast: Contrastive Learning with Pairs of Point-Pixel Pairs for RGB-D Scene Understanding

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    Self-supervised representation learning is a critical problem in computer vision, as it provides a way to pretrain feature extractors on large unlabeled datasets that can be used as an initialization for more efficient and effective training on downstream tasks. A promising approach is to use contrastive learning to learn a latent space where features are close for similar data samples and far apart for dissimilar ones. This approach has demonstrated tremendous success for pretraining both image and point cloud feature extractors, but it has been barely investigated for multi-modal RGB-D scans, especially with the goal of facilitating high-level scene understanding. To solve this problem, we propose contrasting "pairs of point-pixel pairs", where positives include pairs of RGB-D points in correspondence, and negatives include pairs where one of the two modalities has been disturbed and/or the two RGB-D points are not in correspondence. This provides extra flexibility in making hard negatives and helps networks to learn features from both modalities, not just the more discriminating one of the two. Experiments show that this proposed approach yields better performance on three large-scale RGB-D scene understanding benchmarks (ScanNet, SUN RGB-D, and 3RScan) than previous pretraining approaches

    Self-Supervised Pretraining of 3D Features on any Point-Cloud

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    Pretraining on large labeled datasets is a prerequisite to achieve good performance in many computer vision tasks like 2D object recognition, video classification etc. However, pretraining is not widely used for 3D recognition tasks where state-of-the-art methods train models from scratch. A primary reason is the lack of large annotated datasets because 3D data is both difficult to acquire and time consuming to label. We present a simple self-supervised pertaining method that can work with any 3D data - single or multiview, indoor or outdoor, acquired by varied sensors, without 3D registration. We pretrain standard point cloud and voxel based model architectures, and show that joint pretraining further improves performance. We evaluate our models on 9 benchmarks for object detection, semantic segmentation, and object classification, where they achieve state-of-the-art results and can outperform supervised pretraining. We set a new state-of-the-art for object detection on ScanNet (69.0% mAP) and SUNRGBD (63.5% mAP). Our pretrained models are label efficient and improve performance for classes with few examples