426 research outputs found

    Optimal Dynamic Distributed MIS

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    Finding a maximal independent set (MIS) in a graph is a cornerstone task in distributed computing. The local nature of an MIS allows for fast solutions in a static distributed setting, which are logarithmic in the number of nodes or in their degrees. The result trivially applies for the dynamic distributed model, in which edges or nodes may be inserted or deleted. In this paper, we take a different approach which exploits locality to the extreme, and show how to update an MIS in a dynamic distributed setting, either \emph{synchronous} or \emph{asynchronous}, with only \emph{a single adjustment} and in a single round, in expectation. These strong guarantees hold for the \emph{complete fully dynamic} setting: Insertions and deletions, of edges as well as nodes, gracefully and abruptly. This strongly separates the static and dynamic distributed models, as super-constant lower bounds exist for computing an MIS in the former. Our results are obtained by a novel analysis of the surprisingly simple solution of carefully simulating the greedy \emph{sequential} MIS algorithm with a random ordering of the nodes. As such, our algorithm has a direct application as a 33-approximation algorithm for correlation clustering. This adds to the important toolbox of distributed graph decompositions, which are widely used as crucial building blocks in distributed computing. Finally, our algorithm enjoys a useful \emph{history-independence} property, meaning the output is independent of the history of topology changes that constructed that graph. This means the output cannot be chosen, or even biased, by the adversary in case its goal is to prevent us from optimizing some objective function.Comment: 19 pages including appendix and reference

    Parameterizable Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks

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    We consider the problem of reliably broadcasting information in a multihop asynchronous network, despite the presence of Byzantine failures: some nodes are malicious and behave arbitrarly. We focus on non-cryptographic solutions. Most existing approaches give conditions for perfect reliable broadcast (all correct nodes deliver the good information), but require a highly connected network. A probabilistic approach was recently proposed for loosely connected networks: the Byzantine failures are randomly distributed, and the correct nodes deliver the good information with high probability. A first solution require the nodes to initially know their position on the network, which may be difficult or impossible in self-organizing or dynamic networks. A second solution relaxed this hypothesis but has much weaker Byzantine tolerance guarantees. In this paper, we propose a parameterizable broadcast protocol that does not require nodes to have any knowledge about the network. We give a deterministic technique to compute a set of nodes that always deliver authentic information, for a given set of Byzantine failures. Then, we use this technique to experimentally evaluate our protocol, and show that it significantely outperforms previous solutions with the same hypotheses. Important disclaimer: these results have NOT yet been published in an international conference or journal. This is just a technical report presenting intermediary and incomplete results. A generalized version of these results may be under submission

    Automated Analysis and Optimization of Distributed Self-Stabilizing Algorithms

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    Self-stabilization [2] is a versatile technique for recovery from erroneous behavior due to transient faults or wrong initialization. A system is self-stabilizing if (1) starting from an arbitrary initial state it can automatically reach a set of legitimate states in a finite number of steps and (2) it remains in legitimate states in the absence of faults. Weak-stabilization [3] and probabilistic-stabilization [4] were later introduced in the literature to deal with resource consumption of self-stabilizing algorithms and impossibility results. Since the system perturbed by fault may deviate from correct behavior for a finite amount of time, it is paramount to minimize this time as much as possible, especially in the domain of robotics and networking. This type of fault tolerance is called non-masking because the faulty behavior is not completely masked from the user [1]. Designing correct stabilizing algorithms can be tedious. Designing such algorithms that satisfy certain average recovery time constraints (e.g., for performance guarantees) adds further complications to this process. Therefore, developing an automatic technique that takes as input the specification of the desired system, and synthesizes as output a stabilizing algorithm with minimum (or other upper bound) average recovery time is useful and challenging. In this thesis, our main focus is on designing automated techniques to optimize the average recovery time of stabilizing systems using model checking and synthesis techniques. First, we prove that synthesizing weak-stabilizing distributed programs from scratch and repairing stabilizing algorithms with average recovery time constraints are NP-complete in the state-space of the program. To cope with this complexity, we propose a polynomial-time heuristic that compared to existing stabilizing algorithms, provides lower average recovery time for many of our case studies. Second, we study the problem of fine tuning of probabilistic-stabilizing systems to improve their performance. We take advantage of the two properties of self-stabilizing algorithms to model them as absorbing discrete-time Markov chains. This will reduce the computation of average recovery time to finding the weighted sum of elements in the inverse of a matrix. Finally, we study the impact of scheduling policies on recovery time of stabilizing systems. We, in particular, propose a method to augment self-stabilizing programs with k-central and k-bounded schedulers to study dierent factors, such as geographical distance of processes and the achievable level of parallelism

    On the Limits and Practice of Automatically Designing Self-Stabilization

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    A protocol is said to be self-stabilizing when the distributed system executing it is guaranteed to recover from any fault that does not cause permanent damage. Designing such protocols is hard since they must recover from all possible states, therefore we investigate how feasible it is to synthesize them automatically. We show that synthesizing stabilization on a fixed topology is NP-complete in the number of system states. When a solution is found, we further show that verifying its correctness on a general topology (with any number of processes) is undecidable, even for very simple unidirectional rings. Despite these negative results, we develop an algorithm to synthesize a self-stabilizing protocol given its desired topology, legitimate states, and behavior. By analogy to shadow puppetry, where a puppeteer may design a complex puppet to cast a desired shadow, a protocol may need to be designed in a complex way that does not even resemble its specification. Our shadow/puppet synthesis algorithm addresses this concern and, using a complete backtracking search, has automatically designed 4 new self-stabilizing protocols with minimal process space requirements: 2-state maximal matching on bidirectional rings, 5-state token passing on unidirectional rings, 3-state token passing on bidirectional chains, and 4-state orientation on daisy chains
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