409,050 research outputs found

    Biological Principles in Self-Organization of Young Brain - Viewed from Kohonen Model

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    Variants of the Kohonen model are proposed to study biological principles of self-organization in a model of young brain. We suggest a function to measure aquired knowledge and use it to auto-adapt the topology of neuronal connectivity, yielding substantial organizational improvement relative to the standard model. In the early phase of organization with most intense learning, we observe that neural connectivity is of Small World type, which is very efficient to organize neurons in response to stimuli. In analogy to human brain where pruning of neural connectivity (and neuron cell death) occurs in early life, this feature is present also in our model, which is found to stabilize neuronal response to stimuli

    A receptor-based analysis of local ecosystems in the human brain.

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    BackgroundAs a complex system, the brain is a self-organizing entity that depends on local interactions among cells. Its regions (anatomically defined nuclei and areas) can be conceptualized as cellular ecosystems, but the similarity of their functional profiles is poorly understood. The study used the Allen Human Brain Atlas to classify 169 brain regions into hierarchically-organized environments based on their expression of 100 G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptors, with no a priori reference to the regions' positions in the brain's anatomy or function. The analysis was based on hierarchical clustering, and multiscale bootstrap resampling was used to estimate the reliability of detected clusters.ResultsThe study presents the first unbiased, hierarchical tree of functional environments in the human brain. The similarity of brain regions was strongly influenced by their anatomical proximity, even when they belonged to different functional systems. Generally, spatial vicinity trumped long-range projections or network connectivity. The main cluster of brain regions excluded the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The nuclei of the amygdala formed a cluster irrespective of their striatal or pallial origin. In its receptor profile, the hypothalamus was more closely associated with the midbrain than with the thalamus. The cerebellar cortical areas formed a tight and exclusive cluster. Most of the neocortical areas (with the exception of some occipital areas) clustered in a large, statistically well supported group that included no other brain regions.ConclusionsThis study adds a new dimension to the established classifications of brain divisions. In a single framework, they are reconsidered at multiple scales-from individual nuclei and areas to their groups to the entire brain. The analysis provides support for predictive models of brain self-organization and adaptation

    Network self-organization explains the statistics and dynamics of synaptic connection strengths in cortex

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    The information processing abilities of neural circuits arise from their synaptic connection patterns. Understanding the laws governing these connectivity patterns is essential for understanding brain function. The overall distribution of synaptic strengths of local excitatory connections in cortex and hippocampus is long-tailed, exhibiting a small number of synaptic connections of very large efficacy. At the same time, new synaptic connections are constantly being created and individual synaptic connection strengths show substantial fluctuations across time. It remains unclear through what mechanisms these properties of neural circuits arise and how they contribute to learning and memory. In this study we show that fundamental characteristics of excitatory synaptic connections in cortex and hippocampus can be explained as a consequence of self-organization in a recurrent network combining spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), structural plasticity and different forms of homeostatic plasticity. In the network, associative synaptic plasticity in the form of STDP induces a rich-get-richer dynamics among synapses, while homeostatic mechanisms induce competition. Under distinctly different initial conditions, the ensuing self-organization produces long-tailed synaptic strength distributions matching experimental findings. We show that this self-organization can take place with a purely additive STDP mechanism and that multiplicative weight dynamics emerge as a consequence of network interactions. The observed patterns of fluctuation of synaptic strengths, including elimination and generation of synaptic connections and long-term persistence of strong connections, are consistent with the dynamics of dendritic spines found in rat hippocampus. Beyond this, the model predicts an approximately power-law scaling of the lifetimes of newly established synaptic connection strengths during development. Our results suggest that the combined action of multiple forms of neuronal plasticity plays an essential role in the formation and maintenance of cortical circuits

    Quantum Information Self-Organization and Consciousness: a Holoinformational Model of Consciousness

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    Abstract. The author proposes a holoinformational view of consciousness based on the holonomic theory of brain function and quantum brain dynamics developed by Karl Pribram, Sir John Eccles, Hameroff, Jibu and Yasue, and on the quantum-holographic and holomovement theory of David Bohm. This conceptual framework is integrated into the non-local information property of the Quantum Field Theory of Umesawa, to the concept of negentropy, order, and organization developed by Shannon, Wiener, Szilard and Brillouin, and to the theories of self-organization and complexity of Prigogine, Atlan, Jantsch and Kauffman. Wheeler’s “it from bit” concept of a participatory universe, and the developments of the physics of information made by Zurek and others with the concepts of statistical entropy and algorithmic entropy, related to the number of bits being processed in the mind of the observer, are also considered. This new synthesis gives a self-organizing quantum non-local informational basis for a new model of consciousness in a participatory universe. In this synthesis, consciousness is conceived as a meaningful quantum non-local information interconnecting the brain and the cosmos, by a holoinformational field (a field at the same time non-local holistic (quantum) and local (Newtonian). We propose that we are this very non-local quantum-holographic cosmos that manifests itself through our consciousness, interconnecting in a participatory holistic and indivisible way the human brain to all levels of the self-organizing holographic multiverse

    Case Report: Generalized Mutual Information (GMI) Analysis of Sensory Motor Rhythm in a Subject Affected by Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy after Ken Ware Treatment

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    In this case report we study the dynamics of the SMR band in a subject affected from Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy and subjected to Ken Ware Neuro Physics treatment. We use the Generalized Mutual Information (GMI) to analyze in detail the SMR band at rest during the treatment. Brain dynamics responds to a chaotic-deterministic regime with a complex behaviour that constantly self-rearranges and self-organizes such dynamics in function of the outside requirements. We demonstrate that the SMR chaotic dynamics responds directly to such regime and that also decreasing in EEG during muscular activity really increases its ability of self-arrangement and self-organization in brain. The proposed novel method of the GMI is arranged by us so that it may be used in several cases of clinical interest. In the case of muscular dystrophy here examined, GMI enables us to quantify with accuracy the improvement that the subject realizes during such treatment

    Hippocampal BDNF regulates a shift from flexible, goal-directed to habit memory system function following cocaine abstinence.

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    The transition from recreational drug use to addiction involves pathological learning processes that support a persistent shift from flexible, goal-directed to habit behavioral control. Here, we examined the molecular mechanisms supporting altered function in hippocampal (HPC) and dorsolateral striatum (DLS) memory systems following abstinence from repeated cocaine. After 3 weeks of cocaine abstinence (experimenter- or self-administered), we tested new behavioral learning in male rats using a dual-solution maze task, which provides an unbiased approach to assess HPC- versus DLS-dependent learning strategies. Dorsal hippocampus (dHPC) and DLS brain tissues were collected after memory testing to identify transcriptional adaptations associated with cocaine-induced shifts in behavioral learning. Our results demonstrate that following prolonged cocaine abstinence rats show a bias toward the use of an inflexible, habit memory system (DLS) in lieu of a more flexible, easily updated memory system involving the HPC. This memory system bias was associated with upregulation and downregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression and transcriptionally permissive histone acetylation (acetylated histone H3, AcH3) in the DLS and dHPC, respectively. Using viral-mediated gene transfer, we overexpressed BDNF in the dHPC during cocaine abstinence and new maze learning. This manipulation restored HPC-dependent behavioral control. These findings provide a system-level understanding of altered plasticity and behavioral learning following cocaine abstinence and inform mechanisms mediating the organization of learning and memory more broadly

    Nervous system and computation.

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    none5Computational systems are useful in neuroscience in many ways. For instance, they may be used to construct maps of brain structure and activation, or to describe brain processes mathematically.Furthermore, they inspired a powerful theory of brain function, in which the brain is viewed as a system characterized by intrinsic computational activities or as a "computational information processor." Although many neuroscientists believe that neural systems really perform computations, some are more cautious about computationalism or reject it. Thus, does the brain really compute? Answering this question requires getting clear on a definition of computation that is able to draw a line between physical systems that compute and systems that do not, so that we can discern on which side of the line the brain (or parts of it) could fall. In order to shed some light on the role of computational processes in brain function, available neurobiological data will be summarized from the standpoint of a recently proposed taxonomy of notions of computation, with the aim of identifying which brain processes can be considered computational. The emerging picture shows the brain as a very peculiar system, in which genuine computational features act in concert with noncomputational dynamical processes, leading to continuous self-organization and remodeling under the action of external stimuli from the environment and from the rest of the organism.openD. Guidolin; G. Albertin; M. Guescini; K. Fuxe; L.F. Agnati LF.D., Guidolin; G., Albertin; Guescini, Michele; K., Fuxe; L. F. Agnati L., F

    Cognitive complaints in older adults at risk for Alzheimer's disease are associated with altered resting-state networks

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    INTRODUCTION: Pathophysiological changes that accompany early clinical symptoms in prodromal Alzheimer's disease (AD) may have a disruptive influence on brain networks. We investigated resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI), combined with brain connectomics, to assess changes in whole-brain functional connectivity (FC) in relation to neurocognitive variables. METHODS: Participants included 58 older adults who underwent rsfMRI. Individual FC matrices were computed based on a 278-region parcellation. FastICA decomposition was performed on a matrix combining all subjects' FC. Each FC pattern was then used as a response in a multilinear regression model including neurocognitive variables associated with AD (cognitive complaint index [CCI] scores from self and informant, an episodic memory score, and an executive function score). RESULTS: Three connectivity independent component analysis (connICA) components (RSN, VIS, and FP-DMN FC patterns) associated with neurocognitive variables were identified based on prespecified criteria. RSN-pattern, characterized by increased FC within all resting-state networks, was negatively associated with self CCI. VIS-pattern, characterized by an increase in visual resting-state network, was negatively associated with CCI self or informant scores. FP-DMN-pattern, characterized by an increased interaction of frontoparietal and default mode networks (DMN), was positively associated with verbal episodic memory. DISCUSSION: Specific patterns of FC were differently associated with neurocognitive variables thought to change early in the course of AD. An integrative connectomics approach relating cognition to changes in FC may help identify preclinical and early prodromal stages of AD and help elucidate the complex relationship between subjective and objective indices of cognitive decline and differences in brain functional organization

    Seven properties of self-organization in the human brain

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    The principle of self-organization has acquired a fundamental significance in the newly emerging field of computational philosophy. Self-organizing systems have been described in various domains in science and philosophy including physics, neuroscience, biology and medicine, ecology, and sociology. While system architecture and their general purpose may depend on domain-specific concepts and definitions, there are (at least) seven key properties of self-organization clearly identified in brain systems: 1) modular connectivity, 2) unsupervised learning, 3) adaptive ability, 4) functional resiliency, 5) functional plasticity, 6) from-local-to-global functional organization, and 7) dynamic system growth. These are defined here in the light of insight from neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), and physics to show that self-organization achieves stability and functional plasticity while minimizing structural system complexity. A specific example informed by empirical research is discussed to illustrate how modularity, adaptive learning, and dynamic network growth enable stable yet plastic somatosensory representation for human grip force control. Implications for the design of “strong” artificial intelligence in robotics are brought forward

    Functional and spatial rewiring jointly generate convergent-divergent units in self-organizing networks

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    Self-organization through adaptive rewiring of random neural networks generates brain-like topologies comprising modular small-world structures with rich club effects, merely as the product of optimizing the network topology. In the nervous system, spatial organization is optimized no less by rewiring, through minimizing wiring distance and maximizing spatially aligned wiring layouts. We show that such spatial organization principles interact constructively with adaptive rewiring, contributing to establish the networks' connectedness and modular structures. We use an evolving neural network model with weighted and directed connections, in which neural traffic flow is based on consensus and advection dynamics, to show that wiring cost minimization supports adaptive rewiring in creating convergent-divergent unit structures. Convergent-divergent units consist of a convergent input-hub, connected to a divergent output-hub via subnetworks of intermediate nodes, which may function as the computational core of the unit. The prominence of minimizing wiring distance in the dynamic evolution of the network determines the extent to which the core is encapsulated from the rest of the network, i.e., the context-sensitivity of its computations. This corresponds to the central role convergent-divergent units play in establishing context-sensitivity in neuronal information processing
