5 research outputs found

    Controlling 4.0 in times of new technologies application

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    Industrija 4.0 utjecala je na porast velike količine podataka, a sukladno tome javljaju se zahtjevi u okolini vezano za obradu tih informacija u profesijama poput računovodstva, financija i kontrolinga. Digitalna disrupcija predstavlja utjecaj digitalnih tehnologija na dosadašnji ustaljeni način poslovanja koji se posljedično mora mijenjati sukladno razvoju novih tehnologija. Pojava novih tehnologija dovela je do revolucionarnih pomaka u obradi podataka i donošenju odluka, te utječe značajno na promjenu uloge kontrolera u organizaciji. Svrha rada je istražiti koncept kontrolinga 4.0 u kontekstu primjene novih tehnologija. Cilj rada je kroz primjenu metoda analize i sinteze, te pretežito teorijskim pristupom, napraviti pregled suvremene međunarodne i domaće literature te pružiti rezultate dosadašnjih istraživanja u području kontrolinga. Nadalje, prikazati ulogu novih tehnologija u kontrolingu 4.0 kao suvremenih metoda i alata koje doprinose transformaciji uloge kontrolinga tj. bržem, kvalitetnijem planiranju i odlučivanju u VUCA okruženju. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata istraživanja, istaknut je teorijski doprinos primjene novih tehnologija u kontrolingu 4.0, te praktične implikacije za menadžere i kontrolere usmjerene prvenstveno na primjenu novih tehnologija u odlučivanju.Industry 4.0 has influenced the increase of a large amount of data available, and accordingly, environmental demands exist regarding the information analysis in professions such as accounting, finance and controlling. Digital disruption represents the influence of digital technologies on the established way of doing business so far, which has to be changed in accordance with the development of new technologies. The emergence of new technologies has led to revolutionary changes in data processing and decision making. This has a significant impact on the changing role of controllers in the organisations. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of controlling 4.0 in the context of the application of new technologies. The aim of this paper is to, through the application of methods of analysis and synthesis, and mainly by theoretical approach, conduct an overview of contemporary international and domestic literature and provide the results of previous research in the field of controlling. Furthermore, to present the role of new technologies in controlling 4.0 as modern methods and tools that contribute to the transformation of the controlling role, i.e. faster, better planning and decision-making in the VUCA environment. Based on the obtained results of the research, the theoretical contribution of the application of new technologies in controlling 4.0 was emphasized, as well as practical implications for managers and controllers aimed primarily at the application of new technologies in decision-making

    Self-Service BI does it Change the Rule of the Game for BI Systems Designers

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    Users of Business Intelligence (BI) systems have started to demand more flexible systems in which they could be empowered to serve themselves – self-service BI. In this paper we aim at explaining how such development influences designers of BI solutions and how it impacts the design situation. To say something about this we adapted the PACT (People, Activity, Context, Technology) framework on the BI design situation by conducting semi-structured interviews with vendors and suppliers of BI systems. From the research we found that self-service BI should be seen as a complement rather than a substitute to traditional BI. The concluding remark on the design situation is that designers of BI systems have to consider a more complex design situation where designers need to have increased knowledge about users mental models, decision focus and usage of BI systems in the analysis and design phases for being able to design useful self-service BI systems. The main conclusion from this is that designing for self-service BI is a more demanding design situation for designers of BI solutions

    How to Make chatbots productive – A user-oriented implementation framework

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    Many organizations are pursuing the implementation of chatbots to enable automation of service processes. However, previous research has highlighted the existence of practical setbacks in the implementation of chatbots in corporate environments. To gain practical insights on the issues related to the implementation processes from several perspectives and stages of deployment, we conducted semi-structured interviews with developers and experts of chatbot development. Using qualitative content analysis and based on a review of literature on human computer interaction (HCI), information systems (IS), and chatbots, we present an implementation framework that supports the successful deployment of chatbots and discuss the implementation of chatbots through a user-oriented lens. The proposed framework contains 101 guiding questions to support chatbot implementation in an eight-step process. The questions are structured according to the people, activity, context, and technology (PACT) framework. The adapted PACT framework is evaluated through expert interviews and a focus group discussion (FGD) and is further applied in a case study. The framework can be seen as a bridge between science and practice that serves as a notional structure for practitioners to introduce a chatbot in a structured and user-oriented manner

    Contributions to chatbots and digital analytics in industry

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    Diese kumulative Dissertation umfasst zehn wissenschaftliche Artikel, die zur Forschung digitaler Analytik, Messung von Technologieakzeptanz und Chatbots beitragen. Ziel der Artikel ist es, die Entwicklung, Implementierung und Verwaltung von Technologien zu vereinfachen und zu unterstützen. Modelle werden entwickelt, welche die wichtigsten Schritte beschreiben und unter anderem relevante damit zusammenhängende Fragen auflisten, die zu beteiligenden Interessengruppen benennen und geeignete Tools vorstellen, welche berücksichtigt werden sollten. Es werden Chatbot Taxonomien entwickelt und vorgestellt, welche die Bandbreite der derzeit bestehenden Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen, während identifizierte Archetypen zu beobachtende Kombinationen aufzeigen. Die Identifizierung der häufigsten Gründe für Misserfolge und die Entwicklung kritischer Erfolgsfaktoren tragen ebenfalls zu dem Ziel bei, den Entwicklungs- und Managementprozess zu erleichtern. Da die Endnutzer über die Akzeptanz und Nutzung und damit über den Erfolg einer Technologie entscheiden, werden Ansätze genutzt, wie die Nutzerakzeptanz von Technologien gemessen werden kann und wie Nutzer frühzeitig in den Entwicklungsprozess eingebunden werden können