5 research outputs found

    Self-Attentive Document Interaction Networks for Permutation Equivariant Ranking

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    How to leverage cross-document interactions to improve ranking performance is an important topic in information retrieval (IR) research. However, this topic has not been well-studied in the learning-to-rank setting and most of the existing work still treats each document independently while scoring. The recent development of deep learning shows strength in modeling complex relationships across sequences and sets. It thus motivates us to study how to leverage cross-document interactions for learning-to-rank in the deep learning framework. In this paper, we formally define the permutation-equivariance requirement for a scoring function that captures cross-document interactions. We then propose a self-attention based document interaction network and show that it satisfies the permutation-equivariant requirement, and can generate scores for document sets of varying sizes. Our proposed methods can automatically learn to capture document interactions without any auxiliary information, and can scale across large document sets. We conduct experiments on three ranking datasets: the benchmark Web30k, a Gmail search, and a Google Drive Quick Access dataset. Experimental results show that our proposed methods are both more effective and efficient than baselines.Comment: 8 page

    SERank: Optimize Sequencewise Learning to Rank Using Squeeze-and-Excitation Network

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    Learning-to-rank (LTR) is a set of supervised machine learning algorithms that aim at generating optimal ranking order over a list of items. A lot of ranking models have been studied during the past decades. And most of them treat each query document pair independently during training and inference. Recently, there are a few methods have been proposed which focused on mining information across ranking candidates list for further improvements, such as learning multivariant scoring function or learning contextual embedding. However, these methods usually greatly increase computational cost during online inference, especially when with large candidates size in real-world web search systems. What's more, there are few studies that focus on novel design of model structure for leveraging information across ranking candidates. In this work, we propose an effective and efficient method named as SERank which is a Sequencewise Ranking model by using Squeeze-and-Excitation network to take advantage of cross-document information. Moreover, we examine our proposed methods on several public benchmark datasets, as well as click logs collected from a commercial Question Answering search engine, Zhihu. In addition, we also conduct online A/B testing at Zhihu search engine to further verify the proposed approach. Results on both offline datasets and online A/B testing demonstrate that our method contributes to a significant improvement.Comment: 8 page

    Red Dragon AI at TextGraphs 2020 Shared Task: LIT : LSTM-Interleaved Transformer for Multi-Hop Explanation Ranking

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    Explainable question answering for science questions is a challenging task that requires multi-hop inference over a large set of fact sentences. To counter the limitations of methods that view each query-document pair in isolation, we propose the LSTM-Interleaved Transformer which incorporates cross-document interactions for improved multi-hop ranking. The LIT architecture can leverage prior ranking positions in the re-ranking setting. Our model is competitive on the current leaderboard for the TextGraphs 2020 shared task, achieving a test-set MAP of 0.5607, and would have gained third place had we submitted before the competition deadline. Our code implementation is made available at https://github.com/mdda/worldtree_corpus/tree/textgraphs_2020Comment: Accepted paper for TextGraphs-14 workshop at COLING 2020. (6 pages including references

    An Alternative Cross Entropy Loss for Learning-to-Rank

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    Listwise learning-to-rank methods form a powerful class of ranking algorithms that are widely adopted in applications such as information retrieval. These algorithms learn to rank a set of items by optimizing a loss that is a function of the entire set -- as a surrogate to a typically non-differentiable ranking metric. Despite their empirical success, existing listwise methods are based on heuristics and remain theoretically ill-understood. In particular, none of the empirically successful loss functions are related to ranking metrics. In this work, we propose a cross entropy-based learning-to-rank loss function that is theoretically sound, is a convex bound on NDCG -- a popular ranking metric -- and is consistent with NDCG under learning scenarios common in information retrieval. Furthermore, empirical evaluation of an implementation of the proposed method with gradient boosting machines on benchmark learning-to-rank datasets demonstrates the superiority of our proposed formulation over existing algorithms in quality and robustness

    Learning Representations for Axis-Aligned Decision Forests through Input Perturbation

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    Axis-aligned decision forests have long been the leading class of machine learning algorithms for modeling tabular data. In many applications of machine learning such as learning-to-rank, decision forests deliver remarkable performance. They also possess other coveted characteristics such as interpretability. Despite their widespread use and rich history, decision forests to date fail to consume raw structured data such as text, or learn effective representations for them, a factor behind the success of deep neural networks in recent years. While there exist methods that construct smoothed decision forests to achieve representation learning, the resulting models are decision forests in name only: They are no longer axis-aligned, use stochastic decisions, or are not interpretable. Furthermore, none of the existing methods are appropriate for problems that require a Transfer Learning treatment. In this work, we present a novel but intuitive proposal to achieve representation learning for decision forests without imposing new restrictions or necessitating structural changes. Our model is simply a decision forest, possibly trained using any forest learning algorithm, atop a deep neural network. By approximating the gradients of the decision forest through input perturbation, a purely analytical procedure, the decision forest directs the neural network to learn or fine-tune representations. Our framework has the advantage that it is applicable to any arbitrary decision forest and that it allows the use of arbitrary deep neural networks for representation learning. We demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposal through experiments on synthetic and benchmark classification datasets