9 research outputs found

    Disentangling Extraction and Reasoning in Multi-hop Spatial Reasoning

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    Spatial reasoning over text is challenging as the models not only need to extract the direct spatial information from the text but also reason over those and infer implicit spatial relations. Recent studies highlight the struggles even large language models encounter when it comes to performing spatial reasoning over text. In this paper, we explore the potential benefits of disentangling the processes of information extraction and reasoning in models to address this challenge. To explore this, we design various models that disentangle extraction and reasoning(either symbolic or neural) and compare them with state-of-the-art(SOTA) baselines with no explicit design for these parts. Our experimental results consistently demonstrate the efficacy of disentangling, showcasing its ability to enhance models' generalizability within realistic data domains.Comment: Accepted in EMNLP-Finding 202

    Graph Neural Networks Extract High-Resolution Cultivated Land Maps from Sentinel-2 Image Series

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    Maintaining farm sustainability through optimizing the agricultural management practices helps build more planet-friendly environment. The emerging satellite missions can acquire multi- and hyperspectral imagery which captures more detailed spectral information concerning the scanned area, hence allows us to benefit from subtle spectral features during the analysis process in agricultural applications. We introduce an approach for extracting 2.5 m cultivated land maps from 10 m Sentinel-2 multispectral image series which benefits from a compact graph convolutional neural network. The experiments indicate that our models not only outperform classical and deep machine learning techniques through delivering higher-quality segmentation maps, but also dramatically reduce the memory footprint when compared to U-Nets (almost 8k trainable parameters of our models, with up to 31M parameters of U-Nets). Such memory frugality is pivotal in the missions which allow us to uplink a model to the AI-powered satellite once it is in orbit, as sending large nets is impossible due to the time constraints.Comment: 7 pages (including supplementary material), published in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter

    Bird-Eye Transformers for Text Generation Models

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    Transformers have become an indispensable module for text generation models since their great success in machine translation. Previous works attribute the~success of transformers to the query-key-value dot-product attention, which provides a robust inductive bias by the fully connected token graphs. However, we found that self-attention has a severe limitation. When predicting the (i+1)-th token, self-attention only takes the i-th token as an information collector, and it tends to give a high attention weight to those tokens similar to itself. Therefore, most of the historical information that occurred before the i-th token is not taken into consideration. Based on this observation, in this paper, we propose a new architecture, called bird-eye transformer(BET), which goes one step further to improve the performance of transformers by reweighting self-attention to encourage it to focus more on important historical information. We have conducted experiments on multiple text generation tasks, including machine translation (2 datasets) and language models (3 datasets). These experimental~results show that our proposed model achieves a better performance than the baseline transformer architectures on~all~datasets. The code is released at: \url{https://sites.google.com/view/bet-transformer/home}

    DepWiGNN: A Depth-wise Graph Neural Network for Multi-hop Spatial Reasoning in Text

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    Spatial reasoning in text plays a crucial role in various real-world applications. Existing approaches for spatial reasoning typically infer spatial relations from pure text, which overlook the gap between natural language and symbolic structures. Graph neural networks (GNNs) have showcased exceptional proficiency in inducing and aggregating symbolic structures. However, classical GNNs face challenges in handling multi-hop spatial reasoning due to the over-smoothing issue, \textit{i.e.}, the performance decreases substantially as the number of graph layers increases. To cope with these challenges, we propose a novel \textbf{Dep}th-\textbf{Wi}se \textbf{G}raph \textbf{N}eural \textbf{N}etwork (\textbf{DepWiGNN}). Specifically, we design a novel node memory scheme and aggregate the information over the depth dimension instead of the breadth dimension of the graph, which empowers the ability to collect long dependencies without stacking multiple layers. Experimental results on two challenging multi-hop spatial reasoning datasets show that DepWiGNN outperforms existing spatial reasoning methods. The comparisons with the other three GNNs further demonstrate its superiority in capturing long dependency in the graph.Comment: EMNLP 2023 Finding

    Memory-Constrained Policy Optimization

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    We introduce a new constrained optimization method for policy gradient reinforcement learning, which uses two trust regions to regulate each policy update. In addition to using the proximity of one single old policy as the first trust region as done by prior works, we propose to form a second trust region through the construction of another virtual policy that represents a wide range of past policies. We then enforce the new policy to stay closer to the virtual policy, which is beneficial in case the old policy performs badly. More importantly, we propose a mechanism to automatically build the virtual policy from a memory buffer of past policies, providing a new capability for dynamically selecting appropriate trust regions during the optimization process. Our proposed method, dubbed as Memory-Constrained Policy Optimization (MCPO), is examined on a diverse suite of environments including robotic locomotion control, navigation with sparse rewards and Atari games, consistently demonstrating competitive performance against recent on-policy constrained policy gradient methods.Comment: Preprint, 24 page