3,204 research outputs found

    A Selectivity based approach to Continuous Pattern Detection in Streaming Graphs

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    Cyber security is one of the most significant technical challenges in current times. Detecting adversarial activities, prevention of theft of intellectual properties and customer data is a high priority for corporations and government agencies around the world. Cyber defenders need to analyze massive-scale, high-resolution network flows to identify, categorize, and mitigate attacks involving networks spanning institutional and national boundaries. Many of the cyber attacks can be described as subgraph patterns, with prominent examples being insider infiltrations (path queries), denial of service (parallel paths) and malicious spreads (tree queries). This motivates us to explore subgraph matching on streaming graphs in a continuous setting. The novelty of our work lies in using the subgraph distributional statistics collected from the streaming graph to determine the query processing strategy. We introduce a "Lazy Search" algorithm where the search strategy is decided on a vertex-to-vertex basis depending on the likelihood of a match in the vertex neighborhood. We also propose a metric named "Relative Selectivity" that is used to select between different query processing strategies. Our experiments performed on real online news, network traffic stream and a synthetic social network benchmark demonstrate 10-100x speedups over selectivity agnostic approaches.Comment: in 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) (2015

    Quality-Driven Disorder Handling for M-way Sliding Window Stream Joins

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    Sliding window join is one of the most important operators for stream applications. To produce high quality join results, a stream processing system must deal with the ubiquitous disorder within input streams which is caused by network delay, asynchronous source clocks, etc. Disorder handling involves an inevitable tradeoff between the latency and the quality of produced join results. To meet different requirements of stream applications, it is desirable to provide a user-configurable result-latency vs. result-quality tradeoff. Existing disorder handling approaches either do not provide such configurability, or support only user-specified latency constraints. In this work, we advocate the idea of quality-driven disorder handling, and propose a buffer-based disorder handling approach for sliding window joins, which minimizes sizes of input-sorting buffers, thus the result latency, while respecting user-specified result-quality requirements. The core of our approach is an analytical model which directly captures the relationship between sizes of input buffers and the produced result quality. Our approach is generic. It supports m-way sliding window joins with arbitrary join conditions. Experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets show that, compared to the state of the art, our approach can reduce the result latency incurred by disorder handling by up to 95% while providing the same level of result quality.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, IEEE ICDE 201

    Fast Search for Dynamic Multi-Relational Graphs

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    Acting on time-critical events by processing ever growing social media or news streams is a major technical challenge. Many of these data sources can be modeled as multi-relational graphs. Continuous queries or techniques to search for rare events that typically arise in monitoring applications have been studied extensively for relational databases. This work is dedicated to answer the question that emerges naturally: how can we efficiently execute a continuous query on a dynamic graph? This paper presents an exact subgraph search algorithm that exploits the temporal characteristics of representative queries for online news or social media monitoring. The algorithm is based on a novel data structure called the Subgraph Join Tree (SJ-Tree) that leverages the structural and semantic characteristics of the underlying multi-relational graph. The paper concludes with extensive experimentation on several real-world datasets that demonstrates the validity of this approach.Comment: SIGMOD Workshop on Dynamic Networks Management and Mining (DyNetMM), 201

    KV-match: A Subsequence Matching Approach Supporting Normalization and Time Warping [Extended Version]

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    The volume of time series data has exploded due to the popularity of new applications, such as data center management and IoT. Subsequence matching is a fundamental task in mining time series data. All index-based approaches only consider raw subsequence matching (RSM) and do not support subsequence normalization. UCR Suite can deal with normalized subsequence match problem (NSM), but it needs to scan full time series. In this paper, we propose a novel problem, named constrained normalized subsequence matching problem (cNSM), which adds some constraints to NSM problem. The cNSM problem provides a knob to flexibly control the degree of offset shifting and amplitude scaling, which enables users to build the index to process the query. We propose a new index structure, KV-index, and the matching algorithm, KV-match. With a single index, our approach can support both RSM and cNSM problems under either ED or DTW distance. KV-index is a key-value structure, which can be easily implemented on local files or HBase tables. To support the query of arbitrary lengths, we extend KV-match to KV-matchDP_{DP}, which utilizes multiple varied-length indexes to process the query. We conduct extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets. The results verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach.Comment: 13 page

    Saber: window-based hybrid stream processing for heterogeneous architectures

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    Modern servers have become heterogeneous, often combining multicore CPUs with many-core GPGPUs. Such heterogeneous architectures have the potential to improve the performance of data-intensive stream processing applications, but they are not supported by current relational stream processing engines. For an engine to exploit a heterogeneous architecture, it must execute streaming SQL queries with sufficient data-parallelism to fully utilise all available heterogeneous processors, and decide how to use each in the most effective way. It must do this while respecting the semantics of streaming SQL queries, in particular with regard to window handling. We describe SABER, a hybrid high-performance relational stream processing engine for CPUs and GPGPUs. SABER executes windowbased streaming SQL queries in a data-parallel fashion using all available CPU and GPGPU cores. Instead of statically assigning query operators to heterogeneous processors, SABER employs a new adaptive heterogeneous lookahead scheduling strategy, which increases the share of queries executing on the processor that yields the highest performance. To hide data movement costs, SABER pipelines the transfer of stream data between different memory types and the CPU/GPGPU. Our experimental comparison against state-ofthe-art engines shows that SABER increases processing throughput while maintaining low latency for a wide range of streaming SQL queries with small and large windows sizes

    Selectivity estimation on streaming spatio-textual data using local correlations

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    In this paper, we investigate the selectivity estimation prob- lem for streaming spatio-textual data, which arises in many social network and geo-location applications. Specifically, given a set of continuously and rapidly arriving spatio- textual objects, each of which is described by a geo-location and a short text, we aim to accurately estimate the cardinal- ity of a spatial keyword query on objects seen so far, where a spatial keyword query consists of a search region and a set of query keywords. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to ad- dress this important problem. We first extend two existing techniques to solve this problem, and show their limitations. Inspired by two key observations on the "locality" of the correlations among query keywords, we propose a local cor- relation based method by utilizing an augmented adaptive space partition tree (A2SP-tree for short) to approximately learn a local Bayesian network on-the-fly for a given query and estimate its selectivity. A novel local boosting approach is presented to further enhance the learning accuracy of lo- cal Bayesian networks. Our comprehensive experiments on real-life datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the local correlation based algorithm in terms of estimation accuracy compared to other competitors. © 2014 VLDB Endowment 21508097/ 14/10
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