83 research outputs found

    Gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

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    In this work we study the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU). For this study we use the data of new admissions at the UPV/EHU. They are from the time period of the years 2003-2013. We focus on the first and last year to check if the segregation has changed over these ten years. We build segregation curves within the Lorenz approach. Our results show that the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of the Basque Country has increased over the last ten years. We also show that the distribution between men and women has changed.

    Genomic mapping of social behavior traits in a F2 cross derived from mice selectively bred for high aggression

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid response to selection was previously observed in mice selected for high levels of inter-male aggression based on number of attacks displayed in a novel social interaction test after isolation housing. Attack levels in this high aggression line (NC900) increased significantly within just four generations of selective breeding, suggesting the presence of a locus with large effect. We conducted an experiment using a small (n ≈ 100) F(2 )cross between the ICR-derived, non-inbred NC900 strain and the low aggression inbred strain C57BL/6J, genotyped for 154 fully informative SNPs, to determine if a locus with large effect controls the high-aggression selection trait. A second goal was to use high density SNP genotyping (n = 549,000) in the parental strains to characterize residual patterns of heterozygosity within NC900, and evaluate regions that are identical by descent (IBD) between NC900 and C57BL/6J, to determine what impacts these may have on accuracy and resolution of quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in the F(2 )cross. RESULTS: No evidence for a locus with major effect on aggressive behavior in mice was identified. However, several QTL with genomewide significance were mapped for aggression on chromosomes 7 and 19 and other social behavior traits on chromosomes 4, 7, 14, and 19. High density genotyping revealed that 28% of the genome is still segregating among the six NC900 females used to originate the F(2 )cross, and that segregating regions are present on every chromosome but are of widely different sizes. Regions of IBD between NC900 and C57BL/6J are found on every chromosome but are most prominent on chromosomes 10, 16 and X. No significant differences were found for amounts of heterozygosity or prevalence of IBD in QTL regions relative to global analysis. CONCLUSIONS: While no major gene was identified to explain the rapid selection response in the NC900 line, transgressive variation (i.e. where the allele from the C57BL/6J increased attack levels) and a significant role for dominant gene action were hallmarks of the genetic architecture for aggressive behavior uncovered in this study. The high levels of heterozygosity and the distribution of minor allele frequency observed in the NC900 population suggest that maintenance of heterozygosity may have been under selection in this line

    Genomic mapping of social behavior traits in a F2 cross derived from mice selectively bred for high aggression

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    Abstract Background Rapid response to selection was previously observed in mice selected for high levels of inter-male aggression based on number of attacks displayed in a novel social interaction test after isolation housing. Attack levels in this high aggression line (NC900) increased significantly within just four generations of selective breeding, suggesting the presence of a locus with large effect. We conducted an experiment using a small (n ≈ 100) F2 cross between the ICR-derived, non-inbred NC900 strain and the low aggression inbred strain C57BL/6J, genotyped for 154 fully informative SNPs, to determine if a locus with large effect controls the high-aggression selection trait. A second goal was to use high density SNP genotyping (n = 549,000) in the parental strains to characterize residual patterns of heterozygosity within NC900, and evaluate regions that are identical by descent (IBD) between NC900 and C57BL/6J, to determine what impacts these may have on accuracy and resolution of quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in the F2 cross. Results No evidence for a locus with major effect on aggressive behavior in mice was identified. However, several QTL with genomewide significance were mapped for aggression on chromosomes 7 and 19 and other social behavior traits on chromosomes 4, 7, 14, and 19. High density genotyping revealed that 28% of the genome is still segregating among the six NC900 females used to originate the F2 cross, and that segregating regions are present on every chromosome but are of widely different sizes. Regions of IBD between NC900 and C57BL/6J are found on every chromosome but are most prominent on chromosomes 10, 16 and X. No significant differences were found for amounts of heterozygosity or prevalence of IBD in QTL regions relative to global analysis. Conclusions While no major gene was identified to explain the rapid selection response in the NC900 line, transgressive variation (i.e. where the allele from the C57BL/6J increased attack levels) and a significant role for dominant gene action were hallmarks of the genetic architecture for aggressive behavior uncovered in this study. The high levels of heterozygosity and the distribution of minor allele frequency observed in the NC900 population suggest that maintenance of heterozygosity may have been under selection in this line

    Nomination Committee, Gender Diverse Board and Organisational Outcomes: An Australian Perspective

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    The thesis is structured around a three-paper format. These papers examine three distinct but interrelated aspects of corporate gender diversity. It provides; (1) a comprehensive review of corporate gender diversity (theories, studies, and regulation); (2) examines impact of nomination committee existence and attributes on corporate board gender diversity; and (3) the impact of gender diverse board on earnings quality. All three papers of the thesis highlight diverse aspects and the significance of corporate female leadership

    Inimtekkeliste hĂŒdromorfoloogiliste muutuste mĂ”ju vooluvete seisundile suurselgrootute jĂ€rgi Eestis (Euroopa, Balti ökoregioon)

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Inimesed on muutnud vĂ€ga paljude vooluveekogude hĂŒdromorfoloogiat: voolukiirust, pĂ”hja iseloomu ja voolusĂ€ngi kuju. Sellised muutused on nende veekogude elustikku sageli oluliselt mĂ”jutanud. Enamik Eesti jĂ”gedest on vĂ€hemalt mingis osas Ă”gvendatud, paljud ka paisutatud. Õgvendamise kĂ€igus kaevatakse kogu vooluveekogu vĂ”i mĂ”ni selle osa sirgeks. Tulemuseks on voolukiiruse ja pĂ”hja iseloomu ĂŒhtlustumine. Paisutamise kĂ€igus muudetakse kiirevooluline jĂ”elĂ”ik seisuveeliseks jĂ€rveks, kuhu setib muda. Suurselgrootud on palja silmaga nĂ€htavad, veekogude pĂ”hjal, taimedel, setete sees vĂ”i veepinnal elavad loomad. Neid on veekogude seisundi indikaatoritena kogu maailmas palju kasutatud, sest nad reageerivad ennustatavalt mitmesugusele inimtegevusele, eriti orgaanilisele ja happelisele veereostusele. Pole selge, kas Eestis seni kasutatav vooluvete seisundi hindamissĂŒsteem suurselgrootute jĂ€rgi sobib ka hĂŒdromorfoloogiliste muutuste usaldusvÀÀrseks iseloomustamiseks. Praeguse doktoritöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli hinnata paisutamise ja Ă”gvendamise mĂ”ju vooluvete suurselgrootute seisundile. Selleks kasutati nii senist hindamissĂŒsteemi kui töötati vĂ€lja uus hindeks hĂŒdromorfoloogiliselt muudetud jĂ”eosade ĂŒle otsustamiseks. Paljud suurselgrootud osutusid vooluvete paisutamise ja/vĂ”i Ă”gvenduse suhtes oluliselt tundlikeks. Uus indeks MESH vĂ”imaldas usaldusvÀÀrselt hinnata paisjĂ€rvede mĂ”ju suurselgrootutele.Alteration of hydromorphology as a consequence of human activities (e.g. damming and channelization) poses a significant threat to habitat quality and in turn to riverine communities. Taxonomic composition of benthic macroinvertebrates has been widely used as an indicator of running water quality. It is not clear whether the metrics included in the Estonian multimetric index of biological quality reflect hydromorphological disturbances appropriately. The aims of this Theses were 1) to assess the effect of damming and channelization on stream biological quality using current national multimetric index, and 2) to develop new index specially for hydromorphologically degraded streams. Most macroinvertebrate-based indices of biological quality, belonging to the corresponding national multimetric index, were significantly and negatively influenced both by damming and channelization. The new index The MESH distinguished reliably the above-dam macroinvertebrate communities from those of the other area

    Essays on peer effects in social groups and information misperception

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    This thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 develops a model that studies the interaction of two forces in the formation of social groups: the preference for high quality peers and the desire for status among one’s peers. I present a characterization of fundamental properties of equilibrium group structures in a perfect information, simultaneous move game when group membership is priced uniformly and cannot directly depend on type. While equilibrium groups generally exhibit some form of assortative matching between individual type and peer quality, the presence of status concern reduces the potential degree of sorting and acts as a force for greater homogeneity across groups. Chapter 2 expands on this framework and analyses the effect of status concern for the provision of groups under different market structures. I particularly focus on the implications for segregation and social exclusion. I find that status concern reduces the potential for and benefit from segregation - both for a social planner and a monopolist - but the interaction of preference for rank and status can make the exclusion of some agents a second-best outcome. Social exclusion might occur even if the market is served by competitive firms. Chapter 3 studies how two fundamental mistakes in information processing affect the welfare ranking of information experiments. In the spirit of Blackwell (1951), the binary ranking of informative action profiles is analysed under different classes of perception distortions. By themselves, an agent’s tendency to misinterpret signals and the degree to which the prior deviates from the truth reduce expected utility in a model where payoff relevant actions also generate informative signals. However, experiments can be affected to different degrees. Necessary and sufficient conditions for when any binary ranking of action profiles can be reversed are provided. As a consequence, different types of mistakes can interact in non-obvious ways such that an agent might be better off suffering from both rather than just one. The chapter concludes with a characterization when such positive interaction is possible and illustrates the implications in an investment setting with costly information acquisition

    Genomic Prediction: Progress and Perspectives for Rice Improvement

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    Genomic prediction can be a powerful tool to achieve greater rates of genetic gain for quantitative traits if thoroughly integrated into a breeding strategy. In rice as in other crops, the interest in genomic prediction is very strong with a number of studies addressing multiple aspects of its use, ranging from the more conceptual to the more practical. In this chapter, we review the literature on rice (Oryza sativa) and summarize important considerations for the integration of genomic prediction in breeding programs. The irrigated breeding program at the International Rice Research Institute is used as a concrete example on which we provide data and R scripts to reproduce the analysis but also to highlight practical challenges regarding the use of predictions. The adage “To someone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail” describes a common psychological pitfall that sometimes plagues the integration and application of new technologies to a discipline. We have designed this chapter to help rice breeders avoid that pitfall and appreciate the benefits and limitations of applying genomic prediction, as it is not always the best approach nor the first step to increasing the rate of genetic gain in every context
