4 research outputs found

    Customer information systems for deregulated ASEAN countries

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    In similar fashion to western countries, ASEAN countries are also gearing up towards deregulation. Despite potentially different motivating drivers, the ultimate objectives are free market competition leading to efficient pricing signals as well as providing customers with the freedom to choose their electricity provider and benefit from competitive prices. This paper provides an ASEAN electricity market analysis and describes the development of electricity deregulation in ASEAN countries. By way of background it also highlights the objectives of deregulation, the potential challenges and also the impact areas focusing on existing Customer Information Systems (CIS) that have been developed by other utilities. In addition, this paper proposes a new framework for improving CIS for ASEAN utilities facing deregulation. The framework outlines a CIS, which has intelligent features enabling the utility to estimate and predict customer behaviour with respect to consumption patterns. It describes how these features can assist the utility companies to retain their existing customers as well as attract more customers

    Models of Customer Behavior: From Populations to Individuals

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    There have been various claims made in the marketing community about the benefits of 1-to-1 marketing versus traditional customer segmentation approaches and how much they can improve understanding of customer behavior. However, few rigorous studies exist that systematically compare these approaches. In this paper, we conducted such a systematic study and compared the performance of aggregate, segmentation, and 1-to-1 marketing approaches across a broad range of experimental settings such as multiple segmentation levels, multiple real world marketing datasets, multiple dependent variables, different types of classifiers, different segmentation techniques, and different predictive measures. Our results show that, overall, 1-to-1 modeling significantly outperforms the aggregate approach among high-volume customers and is never worse than aggregate approach among low-volume customers in our experimental settings. Moreover, the best segmentation techniques tend to outperform 1-to-1 modeling among low-volume customers.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Models of Customer Behavior: From Populations to Individuals

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    There have been various claims made in the marketing community about the benefits of 1-to-1 marketing versus traditional customer segmentation approaches and how much they can improve understanding of customer behavior. However, few rigorous studies exist that systematically compare these approaches. In this paper, we conducted such a systematic study and compared the performance of aggregate, segmentation, and 1-to-1 marketing approaches across a broad range of experimental settings such as multiple segmentation levels, multiple real world marketing datasets, multiple dependent variables, different types of classifiers, different segmentation techniques, and different predictive measures. Our results show that, overall, 1-to-1 modeling significantly outperforms the aggregate approach among high-volume customers and is never worse than aggregate approach among low-volume customers in our experimental settings. Moreover, the best segmentation techniques tend to outperform 1-to-1 modeling among low-volume customers.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Clicking into Mortgage Arrears: A Study into Arrears Prediction with Clickstream Data

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    This research project investigates the predictive capability of clickstream data when used for the purpose of mortgage arrears prediction. With an ever growing number of people switching to digital channels to handle their daily banking requirements, there is a wealth of ever increasing online usage data, otherwise known as clickstream data. If leveraged correctly, this clickstream data can be a powerful data source for organisations as it provides detailed information about how their customers are interacting with their digital channels. Much of the current literature associated with clickstream data relates to organisations employing it within their customer relationship management mechanisms to build better relationships with their customers. There has been little investigation into the use of clickstream data in credit scoring or arrears prediction. Since the financial meltdown of 2008, financial institutions have being obliged to have mechanisms in place to deal with mortgage accounts which are in arrears or have a risk of entering arrears. A potentially crucial step in this process is the ability of an institution to accurately predict which of their mortgage accounts may enter arrears. In addition to traditional demographical and transactional data, this research determines the impact clickstream data can have on an arrears prediction model. A multitude of binary classifiers were reviewed in this arrears prediction problem. Of these classifiers, ensembles models proved to be the highest performing models achieving reasonably high recall accuracies without the inclusion of clickstream data. Once clickstream data was added to the models, it led to marginal increases in accuracy, which was a positive result