52 research outputs found

    Evaluation of color representation for texture analysis

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    Since more than 50 years texture in image material is a topic of research. Hereby, color was ignored mostly. This study compares 70 different configurations for texture analysis, using four features. For the configurations we used: (i) a gray value texture descriptor: the co-occurrence matrix and a color texture descriptor: the color correlogram, (ii) six color spaces, and (iii) several quantization schemes. A three classifier combination was used to classify the output of the configurations on the VisTex texture database. The results indicate that the use of a coarse HSV color space quantization can substantially improve texture recognition compared to various other gray and color quantization schemes

    Pretreatment prognostic value of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging vascular, texture, shape, and size parameters compared with traditional survival indicators obtained from locally advanced breast cancer patients

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine if associations exist between pretreatment dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based metrics (vascular kinetics, texture, shape, size) and survival intervals. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to compare the prognostic value of DCE-MRI parameters against traditional pretreatment survival indicators. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was undertaken. Approval had previously been granted for the retrospective use of such data, and the need for informed consent was waived. Prognostic value of pretreatment DCE-MRI parameters and clinical data was assessed via Cox proportional hazards models. The variables retained by the final overall survival Cox proportional hazards model were utilized to stratify risk of death within 5 years. Results: One hundred twelve subjects were entered into the analysis. Regarding disease-free survival-negative estrogen receptor status, T3 or higher clinical tumor stage, large ( > 9.8 cm 3 ) MR tumor volume, higher 95th percentile ( > 79%) percentage enhancement, and reduced ( > 0.22) circularity represented the retained model variables. Similar results were noted for the overall survival with negative estrogen receptor status, T3 or higher clinical tumor stage, and large ( > 9.8 cm 3 ) MR tumor volume, again all been retained by the model in addition to higher ( > 0.71) 25th percentile area under the enhancement curve. Accuracy of risk stratification based on either traditional (59%) or DCEMRI (65%) survival indicators performed to a similar level. However, combined traditional and MR risk stratification resulted in the highest accuracy (86%). Conclusions: Multivariate survival analysis has revealed thatmodel-retained DCEMRI variables provide independent prognostic information complementing traditional survival indicators and as such could help to appropriately stratify treatment

    Hybrid Image Mining Methods to Classify the Abnormality in Complete Field Image Mammograms Based on Normal Regions

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    Breast Cancer now becomes a common disease among woman in developing as well as developed countries. Many noninvasive methodologies have been used to detect breast cancer. Computer Aided diagnosis through, Mammography is a widely used as a screening tool and is the gold standard for the early detection of breast cancer. The classification of breast masses into the benign and malignant categories is an important problem in the area of computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer. We present a new method for complete total image of mammogram analysis. A mammogram is analyzed region by region and is classified as normal or abnormal. We present a hybrid technique for extracting features that can be used to distinguish normal and abnormal regions of a mammogram. We describe our classifier technique that uses a unique re-classification method to boost the classification performance. Our proposed hybrid technique comprises decision tree followed by association rule miner shows most proficient and promising performance with high classification rate compared to many other classifiers. We have tested this technique on a set of ground-truth complete total image of mammograms and the result was quite effective

    Automatic identification of weed seeds by color image processing

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    The analysis and classification of seeds are essential activities contributing to the final added value in the crop production. Besides varietal identification and cereal grain grading, it is also of interest in the agricultural industry the early identification of weeds from the analysis of strange seeds, with the purpose of chemically controlling their growth. The implementation of new methods for reliable and fast identification and classification of seeds is thus of major technical and economical importance. Like the manual identification work, the automatic classification of seeds should be based on knowledge of seed size, shape, color and texture. In this work we present a study of the discriminating power of morphological, color and textural characteristics of weed seeds, which can be measured from video images. This study was conducted on a large basis, considering images of weed seeds found in Argentina’s commercial seed production industry and listed by the Secretary of Agriculture as prohibited and primary- and secondary-tolerated weeds. We first describe the experimental setting and hardware used to capture the seed images. Then, we define the morphological, color and textural parameters measured from these images, and discuss the selection of the most relevant ones for identification purposes. Finally, we present results for the identification of test images obtained using a Naive Bayes classifier and a committee of Artificial Neural Networks.Área: Procesamiento de Imágenes - Tratamiento de Señales - Computación Gráfica - VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Integration of Spectral and Textural Features from Ikonos Image to Classify Vegetation Cover in Mountainous Area

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    Studi ini mengevaluasi penggunaan fitur spektral dan tekstur secara terintegrasi yang didapat dari citra IKONOS untuk mengindentifikasi tipe-tipe tutupan lahan pertanian di daerahpegunungan. Studi meliputi pra pengolahan citra, pengembangan metode kuantisasi citra, penghitungan nilai tekstur, pembuatan dataset dan penilaian akurasi. Pra pengolahan citra berfokus pada registrasi citra dan normalisasi topografis. Dalam studi ini dikembangkan dua metodekuantisasi citra yaitu segmentasi citra dan filter rata-rata. Segmentasi citra mengklasifikasi citra kedalam beberapa segmentasi berdasarkan determinasi jumlah total piksel setiap kelas, sedangkan filter rata-rata mengelompokkan citra berdasarkan rata-rata nilai angka dijital dalam ukuranwindow tertentu. Empat ukuran tekstur yaitu inverse difference moment, contrast, entropy dan energy dihitung dengan grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). Hasil studi menunjukkankombinasi aspek spektral dan tekstur meningkatkan akurasi klasifikasi secara signifikan dibandingkan klasifikasi hanya menggunakan fitur spektral saja. Segmentasi citra dan filter rata-rata dapat memberikan bentuk-bentuk spasial tipe tutupan lahan pertanian yang lebih efektif dibanding menggunakan citra dengan derajat keabuan 256. Ketelitian keseluruhan meningkat 11,33% ketika menggunakan integrasi spektral dan fitur tekstur inverse difference moment (5x5) danenergy (9x9)

    Mapping of Mature and Young Oil Palm Distributions in a Humid Tropical River Basin for Flood Vulnerability Assessment

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    International Conference on the Ocean and Earth Sciences 18-20 November 2020, Jakarta Selatan, IndonesiaOil palm is one of the key drivers of economic growth in some regions in the humid tropical countries such as Indonesia. Previous studies show that floods risk at particular river basins in Indonesia will increase in the future due to climate change. This will give negative impacts to the sustainable production of palm oil in the future and subsequently the regions' economy. Discussion on adaptation strategies on this matter is necessary however, the vulnerability of oil palm plantations against floods at river basin scale are still poorly understood. Field surveys for oil palms' vulnerability at such scale is costly in time, labour and resources, and making use of remote sensing is more feasible. The aim of this study is to use remote sensing in assessing oil palm vulnerability against floods at river basin scale. To achieve this objective two oil palm distribution maps which were developed using Sentinel imageries for years 2015 and 2018 allowing young oil palms to be matured under normal condition. To understand the impact of floods to oil palms, a composite of flood extents using radar scenes for years 2016 and 2017 was developed. Our results show that young oil palms are highly vulnerable to floods compared to matured ones. Only 6% of the earlier could survived floods and be matured in time, while most of the matured ones could survive