121 research outputs found

    Detection and Classification of Glioblastoma Brain Tumor

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    Glioblastoma brain tumors are highly malignant and often require early detection and accurate segmentation for effective treatment. We are proposing two deep learning models in this paper, namely UNet and Deeplabv3, for the detection and segmentation of glioblastoma brain tumors using preprocessed brain MRI images. The performance evaluation is done for these models in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. Our experimental results demonstrate that both UNet and Deeplabv3 models achieve accurate detection and segmentation of glioblastoma brain tumors. However, Deeplabv3 outperforms UNet in terms of accuracy, albeit at the cost of requiring more computational resources. Our proposed models offer a promising approach for the early detection and segmentation of glioblastoma brain tumors, which can aid in effective treatment strategies. Further research can focus on optimizing the computational efficiency of the Deeplabv3 model while maintaining its high accuracy for real-world clinical applications. Overall, our approach works and contributes to the field of medical image analysis and deep learning-based approaches for brain tumor detection and segmentation. Our suggested models can have a major influence on the prognosis and treatment of people with glioblastoma, a fatal form of brain cancer. It is necessary to conduct more research to examine the practical use of these models in real-life healthcare settings.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Morphology-Enhanced CAM-Guided SAM for weakly supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation

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    Breast cancer diagnosis challenges both patients and clinicians, with early detection being crucial for effective treatment. Ultrasound imaging plays a key role in this, but its utility is hampered by the need for precise lesion segmentation-a task that is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. To address these challenges, we propose a new framework: a morphology-enhanced, Class Activation Map (CAM)-guided model, which is optimized using a computer vision foundation model known as SAM. This innovative framework is specifically designed for weakly supervised lesion segmentation in early-stage breast ultrasound images. Our approach uniquely leverages image-level annotations, which removes the requirement for detailed pixel-level annotation. Initially, we perform a preliminary segmentation using breast lesion morphology knowledge. Following this, we accurately localize lesions by extracting semantic information through a CAM-based heatmap. These two elements are then fused together, serving as a prompt to guide the SAM in performing refined segmentation. Subsequently, post-processing techniques are employed to rectify topological errors made by the SAM. Our method not only simplifies the segmentation process but also attains accuracy comparable to supervised learning methods that rely on pixel-level annotation. Our framework achieves a Dice score of 74.39% on the test set, demonstrating compareable performance with supervised learning methods. Additionally, it outperforms a supervised learning model, in terms of the Hausdorff distance, scoring 24.27 compared to Deeplabv3+'s 32.22. These experimental results showcase its feasibility and superior performance in integrating weakly supervised learning with SAM. The code is made available at: https://github.com/YueXin18/MorSeg-CAM-SAM

    Enhancing Semantic Segmentation: Design and Analysis of Improved U-Net Based Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this research, we provide a state-of-the-art method for semantic segmentation that makes use of a modified version of the U-Net architecture, which is itself based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This research delves into the ins and outs of this cutting-edge approach to semantic segmentation in an effort to boost its precision and productivity. To perform semantic segmentation, a crucial operation in computer vision, each pixel in an image must be assigned to one of many predefined item classes. The proposed Improved U-Net architecture makes use of deep CNNs to efficiently capture complex spatial characteristics while preserving associated context. The study illustrates the efficacy of the Improved U-Net in a variety of real-world circumstances through thorough experimentation and assessment. Intricate feature extraction, down-sampling, and up-sampling are all part of the network's design in order to produce high-quality segmentation results. The study demonstrates comparative evaluations against classic U-Net and other state-of-the-art models and emphasizes the significance of hyperparameter fine-tuning. The suggested architecture shows excellent performance in terms of accuracy and generalization, demonstrating its promise for a variety of applications. Finally, the problem of semantic segmentation is addressed in a novel way. The experimental findings validate the relevance of the architecture's design decisions and demonstrate its potential to boost computer vision by enhancing segmentation precision and efficiency

    Comparing Adversarial and Supervised Learning for Organs at Risk Segmentation in CT images

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    Organ at Risk (OAR) segmentation from CT scans is a key component of the radiotherapy treatment workflow. In recent years, deep learning techniques have shown remarkable potential in automating this process. In this paper, we investigate the performance of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) compared to supervised learning approaches for segmenting OARs from CT images. We propose three GAN-based models with identical generator architectures but different discriminator networks. These models are compared with well-established CNN models, such as SE-ResUnet and DeepLabV3, using the StructSeg dataset, which consists of 50 annotated CT scans containing contours of six OARs. Our work aims to provide insight into the advantages and disadvantages of adversarial training in the context of OAR segmentation. The results are very promising and show that the proposed GAN-based approaches are similar or superior to their CNN-based counterparts, particularly when segmenting more challenging target organs

    PeMNet for Pectoral Muscle Segmentation

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    X.Y. holds a CSC scholarship with the University of Leicester. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. This paper is partially supported by Royal Society International Exchanges Cost Share Award, UK (RP202G0230); Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Award, UK (MC_PC_17171); Hope Foundation for Cancer Research, UK (RM60G0680); Sino-UK Industrial Fund, UK (RP202G0289); Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UK (P202PF11); British Heart Foundation Accelerator Award, UK (AA/18/3/34220); Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software (kx201901); MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa under the RTI2018-098913-B100 project, by the Consejeria de Economia, Innovacion, Ciencia y Empleo (Junta de Andalucia) and FEDER under CV20-45250, A-TIC-080-UGR18, B-TIC-586-UGR20 and P20-00525 projects.As an important imaging modality, mammography is considered to be the global gold standard for early detection of breast cancer. Computer-Aided (CAD) systems have played a crucial role in facilitating quicker diagnostic procedures, which otherwise could take weeks if only radiologists were involved. In some of these CAD systems, breast pectoral segmentation is required for breast region partition from breast pectoral muscle for specific analysis tasks. Therefore, accurate and efficient breast pectoral muscle segmentation frameworks are in high demand. Here, we proposed a novel deep learning framework, which we code-named PeMNet, for breast pectoral muscle segmentation in mammography images. In the proposed PeMNet, we integrated a novel attention module called the Global Channel Attention Module (GCAM), which can effectively improve the segmentation performance of Deeplabv3+ using minimal parameter overheads. In GCAM, channel attention maps (CAMs) are first extracted by concatenating feature maps after paralleled global average pooling and global maximum pooling operation. CAMs are then refined and scaled up by multi-layer perceptron (MLP) for elementwise multiplication with CAMs in next feature level. By iteratively repeating this procedure, the global CAMs (GCAMs) are then formed and multiplied elementwise with final feature maps to lead to final segmentation. By doing so, CAMs in early stages of a deep convolution network can be effectively passed on to later stages of the network and therefore leads to better information usage. The experiments on a merged dataset derived from two datasets, INbreast and OPTIMAM, showed that PeMNet greatly outperformed state-of-the-art methods by achieving an IoU of 97.46%, global pixel accuracy of 99.48%, Dice similarity coefficient of 96.30%, and Jaccard of 93.33%, respectively.CSCRoyal Society International Exchanges Cost Share Award, UK RP202G0230Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Award, UK MC_PC_17171Hope Foundation for Cancer Research, UK RM60G0680Sino-UK Industrial Fund, UK RP202G0289Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UK P202PF11British Heart Foundation Accelerator Award, UK AA/18/3/34220Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software kx201901FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa RTI2018-098913-B100Junta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission CV20-45250 A-TIC-080-UGR18 B-TIC-586-UGR20 P20-00525MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Deep Learning Models to Characterize Smooth Muscle Fibers in Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Histopathological Images of the Urinary Bladder

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    Muscularis propria (MP) and muscularis mucosa (MM), two types of smooth muscle fibers in the urinary bladder, are major benchmarks in staging bladder cancer to distinguish between muscle-invasive (MP invasion) and non-muscle-invasive (MM invasion) diseases. While patients with non-muscle-invasive tumor can be treated conservatively involving transurethral resection (TUR) only, more aggressive treatment options, such as removal of the entire bladder, known as radical cystectomy (RC) which may severely degrade the quality of patient’s life, are often required in those with muscle-invasive tumor. Hence, given two types of image datasets, hematoxylin & eosin-stained histopathological images from RC and TUR specimens, we propose the first deep learning-based method for efficient characterization of MP. The proposed method is intended to aid the pathologists as a decision support system by facilitating accurate staging of bladder cancer. In this work, we aim to semantically segment the TUR images into MP and non-MP regions using two different approaches, patch-to-label and pixel-to-label. We evaluate four different state-of-the-art CNN-based models (VGG16, ResNet18, SqueezeNet, and MobileNetV2) and semantic segmentation-based models (U-Net, MA-Net, DeepLabv3+, and FPN) and compare their performance metrics at the pixel-level. The SqueezeNet model (mean Jaccard Index: 95.44%, mean dice coefficient: 97.66%) in patch-to-label approach and the MA-Net model (mean Jaccard Index: 96.64%, mean dice coefficient: 98.29%) in pixel-to-label approach are the best among tested models. Although pixel-to-label approach is marginally better than the patch-to-label approach based on evaluation metrics, the latter is computationally efficient using least trainable parameters

    Deep Semantic Segmentation of Natural and Medical Images: A Review

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    The semantic image segmentation task consists of classifying each pixel of an image into an instance, where each instance corresponds to a class. This task is a part of the concept of scene understanding or better explaining the global context of an image. In the medical image analysis domain, image segmentation can be used for image-guided interventions, radiotherapy, or improved radiological diagnostics. In this review, we categorize the leading deep learning-based medical and non-medical image segmentation solutions into six main groups of deep architectural, data synthesis-based, loss function-based, sequenced models, weakly supervised, and multi-task methods and provide a comprehensive review of the contributions in each of these groups. Further, for each group, we analyze each variant of these groups and discuss the limitations of the current approaches and present potential future research directions for semantic image segmentation.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Springer Artificial Intelligence Revie

    Task Decomposition and Synchronization for Semantic Biomedical Image Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation is essentially important to biomedical image analysis. Many recent works mainly focus on integrating the Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) architecture with sophisticated convolution implementation and deep supervision. In this paper, we propose to decompose the single segmentation task into three subsequent sub-tasks, including (1) pixel-wise image segmentation, (2) prediction of the class labels of the objects within the image, and (3) classification of the scene the image belonging to. While these three sub-tasks are trained to optimize their individual loss functions of different perceptual levels, we propose to let them interact by the task-task context ensemble. Moreover, we propose a novel sync-regularization to penalize the deviation between the outputs of the pixel-wise segmentation and the class prediction tasks. These effective regularizations help FCN utilize context information comprehensively and attain accurate semantic segmentation, even though the number of the images for training may be limited in many biomedical applications. We have successfully applied our framework to three diverse 2D/3D medical image datasets, including Robotic Scene Segmentation Challenge 18 (ROBOT18), Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge 18 (BRATS18), and Retinal Fundus Glaucoma Challenge (REFUGE18). We have achieved top-tier performance in all three challenges.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin
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