110,440 research outputs found

    Segment representations with small resolution

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    A segment representation of a graph is an assignment of line segments in 2D to the vertices in such a way that two segments intersect if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent. Not all graphs have such segment representations, but they exist, for example, for all planar graphs. In this note, we study the resolution that can be achieved for segment representations, presuming the ends of segments must be on integer grid points. We show that any planar graph (and more generally, any graph that has a so-called LL-representation) has a segment representation in a grid of width and height 4n4^n

    Planning Hybrid Driving-Stepping Locomotion on Multiple Levels of Abstraction

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    Navigating in search and rescue environments is challenging, since a variety of terrains has to be considered. Hybrid driving-stepping locomotion, as provided by our robot Momaro, is a promising approach. Similar to other locomotion methods, it incorporates many degrees of freedom---offering high flexibility but making planning computationally expensive for larger environments. We propose a navigation planning method, which unifies different levels of representation in a single planner. In the vicinity of the robot, it provides plans with a fine resolution and a high robot state dimensionality. With increasing distance from the robot, plans become coarser and the robot state dimensionality decreases. We compensate this loss of information by enriching coarser representations with additional semantics. Experiments show that the proposed planner provides plans for large, challenging scenarios in feasible time.Comment: In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, May 201

    Learned versus Hand-Designed Feature Representations for 3d Agglomeration

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    For image recognition and labeling tasks, recent results suggest that machine learning methods that rely on manually specified feature representations may be outperformed by methods that automatically derive feature representations based on the data. Yet for problems that involve analysis of 3d objects, such as mesh segmentation, shape retrieval, or neuron fragment agglomeration, there remains a strong reliance on hand-designed feature descriptors. In this paper, we evaluate a large set of hand-designed 3d feature descriptors alongside features learned from the raw data using both end-to-end and unsupervised learning techniques, in the context of agglomeration of 3d neuron fragments. By combining unsupervised learning techniques with a novel dynamic pooling scheme, we show how pure learning-based methods are for the first time competitive with hand-designed 3d shape descriptors. We investigate data augmentation strategies for dramatically increasing the size of the training set, and show how combining both learned and hand-designed features leads to the highest accuracy

    A Note on Plus-Contacts, Rectangular Duals, and Box-Orthogonal Drawings

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    A plus-contact representation of a planar graph GG is called cc-balanced if for every plus shape +v+_v, the number of other plus shapes incident to each arm of +v+_v is at most cΔ+O(1) c \Delta +O(1), where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of GG. Although small values of cc have been achieved for a few subclasses of planar graphs (e.g., 22- and 33-trees), it is unknown whether cc-balanced representations with c<1c<1 exist for arbitrary planar graphs. In this paper we compute (1/2)(1/2)-balanced plus-contact representations for all planar graphs that admit a rectangular dual. Our result implies that any graph with a rectangular dual has a 1-bend box-orthogonal drawings such that for each vertex vv, the box representing vv is a square of side length deg(v)2+O(1)\frac{deg(v)}{2}+ O(1).Comment: A poster related to this research appeared at the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing & Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Images

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    A fundamental goal of research in molecular biology is to understand protein structure. Protein crystallography is currently the most successful method for determining the three-dimensional (3D) conformation of a protein, yet it remains labor intensive and relies on an expert's ability to derive and evaluate a protein scene model. In this paper, the problem of protein structure determination is formulated as an exercise in scene analysis. A computational methodology is presented in which a 3D image of a protein is segmented into a graph of critical points. Bayesian and certainty factor approaches are described and used to analyze critical point graphs and identify meaningful substructures, such as alpha-helices and beta-sheets. Results of applying the methodologies to protein images at low and medium resolution are reported. The research is related to approaches to representation, segmentation and classification in vision, as well as to top-down approaches to protein structure prediction.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file
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