25 research outputs found

    Seeded Graph Matching via Large Neighborhood Statistics

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    We study a well known noisy model of the graph isomorphism problem. In this model, the goal is to perfectly recover the vertex correspondence between two edge-correlated Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graphs, with an initial seed set of correctly matched vertex pairs revealed as side information. For seeded problems, our result provides a significant improvement over previously known results. We show that it is possible to achieve the information-theoretic limit of graph sparsity in time polynomial in the number of vertices nn. Moreover, we show the number of seeds needed for exact recovery in polynomial-time can be as low as n3ϵn^{3\epsilon} in the sparse graph regime (with the average degree smaller than nϵn^{\epsilon}) and Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) in the dense graph regime. Our results also shed light on the unseeded problem. In particular, we give sub-exponential time algorithms for sparse models and an nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} algorithm for dense models for some parameters, including some that are not covered by recent results of Barak et al

    The Umeyama algorithm for matching correlated Gaussian geometric models in the low-dimensional regime

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    Motivated by the problem of matching two correlated random geometric graphs, we study the problem of matching two Gaussian geometric models correlated through a latent node permutation. Specifically, given an unknown permutation π\pi^* on {1,,n}\{1,\ldots,n\} and given nn i.i.d. pairs of correlated Gaussian vectors {Xπ(i),Yi}\{X_{\pi^*(i)},Y_i\} in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with noise parameter σ\sigma, we consider two types of (correlated) weighted complete graphs with edge weights given by Ai,j=Xi,XjA_{i,j}=\langle X_i,X_j \rangle, Bi,j=Yi,YjB_{i,j}=\langle Y_i,Y_j \rangle. The goal is to recover the hidden vertex correspondence π\pi^* based on the observed matrices AA and BB. For the low-dimensional regime where d=O(logn)d=O(\log n), Wang, Wu, Xu, and Yolou [WWXY22+] established the information thresholds for exact and almost exact recovery in matching correlated Gaussian geometric models. They also conducted numerical experiments for the classical Umeyama algorithm. In our work, we prove that this algorithm achieves exact recovery of π\pi^* when the noise parameter σ=o(d3n2/d)\sigma=o(d^{-3}n^{-2/d}), and almost exact recovery when σ=o(d3n1/d)\sigma=o(d^{-3}n^{-1/d}). Our results approach the information thresholds up to a poly(d)\operatorname{poly}(d) factor in the low-dimensional regime.Comment: 31 page

    Partial Recovery in the Graph Alignment Problem

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    In this paper, we consider the graph alignment problem, which is the problem of recovering, given two graphs, a one-to-one mapping between nodes that maximizes edge overlap. This problem can be viewed as a noisy version of the well-known graph isomorphism problem and appears in many applications, including social network deanonymization and cellular biology. Our focus here is on partial recovery, i.e., we look for a one-to-one mapping which is correct on a fraction of the nodes of the graph rather than on all of them, and we assume that the two input graphs to the problem are correlated Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs of parameters (n,q,s)(n,q,s). Our main contribution is then to give necessary and sufficient conditions on (n,q,s)(n,q,s) under which partial recovery is possible with high probability as the number of nodes nn goes to infinity. In particular, we show that it is possible to achieve partial recovery in the nqs=Θ(1)nqs=\Theta(1) regime under certain additional assumptions. An interesting byproduct of the analysis techniques we develop to obtain the sufficiency result in the partial recovery setting is a tighter analysis of the maximum likelihood estimator for the graph alignment problem, which leads to improved sufficient conditions for exact recovery

    Seeded graph matching for the correlated Wigner model via the projected power method

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    In the graph matching problem we observe two graphs G,HG,H and the goal is to find an assignment (or matching) between their vertices such that some measure of edge agreement is maximized. We assume in this work that the observed pair G,HG,H has been drawn from the correlated Wigner model -- a popular model for correlated weighted graphs -- where the entries of the adjacency matrices of GG and HH are independent Gaussians and each edge of GG is correlated with one edge of HH (determined by the unknown matching) with the edge correlation described by a parameter σ[0,1)\sigma\in [0,1). In this paper, we analyse the performance of the projected power method (PPM) as a seeded graph matching algorithm where we are given an initial partially correct matching (called the seed) as side information. We prove that if the seed is close enough to the ground-truth matching, then with high probability, PPM iteratively improves the seed and recovers the ground-truth matching (either partially or exactly) in O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n) iterations. Our results prove that PPM works even in regimes of constant σ\sigma, thus extending the analysis in (Mao et al.,2021) for the sparse Erd\"os-Renyi model to the (dense) Wigner model. As a byproduct of our analysis, we see that the PPM framework generalizes some of the state-of-art algorithms for seeded graph matching. We support and complement our theoretical findings with numerical experiments on synthetic data