24 research outputs found

    Reputation methods for routing security for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobileadhocnetworkshaveinherentlyverydi#erentpropertiestoconventionalnetworks. Thesenewcharacteristics presentmajorsecurityvulnerabilities;inparticular,oneside e#ectoftheuniquewayinwhichroutingprotocolsoperate inadhocnetworksisthatmanynewthreatsarise.Selfishnodesarethosewhichdonotperformcertainopera - tionsthattheprotocolspecifiesthattheyshould,througha wishtoconservepower.Maliciousnodesmaydeliberately disruptthenetworkusingavarietyofattacks.Thispaper discussesreputationmechanismswhichhavebeensuggested asameanstomitigatethedetrimentale#ectofselfishand maliciousnodes.Thispaperrevealsreasonswhycomplex reputationsystemsmaybetooine#cienttouseinamobileadhocnetwork, whereresourcesarelimited.However, suggestionsarealsomadetoshowhowasimplereputation systemmightbeusedtoenhancetherobustnessofadhoc networks

    A Novel Encryption Scheme for Providing Security and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a decentralized kind of remote system. It doesn't have any altered foundation and the hubs can impart straightforwardly between one another. Because of its open nature issues like security and vitality utilization emerges. This paper presents an in number encryption calculation keeping in mind the end goal to expand dependability and security for MANETs. At the point when huge volume of information is to be sent, information pressure method is a straightforward procedure, with the advantage of diminishing the transmission rate that devours less transfer speed and low power. Lempel �Ziv � Welch (LZW) pressure calculation when connected on coded message assists in furnishing security with low battery utilization. Such a plan composed practically speaking will help in building secure MANET based application

    Implementation of Majority Based voting protocol in group based system with re-ranking

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a decentralized kind of remote system. It doesn't have any altered foundation and the hubs can impart straightforwardly between one another. Because of its open nature issues like security and vitality utilization emerges. This paper presents an in number encryption calculation keeping in mind the end goal to expand dependability and security for MANETs. At the point when huge volume of information is to be sent, information pressure method is a straightforward procedure, with the advantage of diminishing the transmission rate that devours less transfer speed and low power. Lempel �Ziv � Welch (LZW) pressure calculation when connected on coded message assists in furnishing security with low battery utilization. Such a plan composed practically speaking will help in building secure MANET based application

    A systematic literature review of blockchain cyber security

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    Since the publication of Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper on Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain has (slowly) become one of the most frequently discussed methods for securing data storage and transfer through decentralized, trustless, peer-to-peer systems. This research identifies peer-reviewed literature that seeks to utilize blockchain for cyber security purposes and presents a systematic analysis of the most frequently adopted blockchain security applications. Our findings show that the Internet of Things (IoT) lends itself well to novel blockchain applications, as do networks and machine visualization, public key cryptography, web applications, certification schemes and the secure storage of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This timely systematic review also sheds light on future directions of research, education and practices in the blockchain and cyber security space, such as security of blockchain in IoT, security of blockchain for AI data, and sidechain security,etc

    Trust Based Packet Forwarding Scheme for Data Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Abstract: In Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) Threats is a major concern and most routing protocol

    Securing Fisheye State Routing Algorithm Against Data Packet Dropping by Malicious Nodes in MANET.

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an emerging area of research in the communication network world. As the MANET is infrastructure less, it is having dynamic nature of arbitrary network topology. So, it needs set of new networking strategies to be implemented in order to provide efficient end to end communication. These (MANET) networks have immense application in various fields like disaster management, sensor networks, battle field etc. Many routing protocols have been proposed in MANET among which Fisheye State Routing (FSR) protocol scales well in large network. Security in MANET is a very difficult problem to incorporate without degrading the performance of the protocol. A performance comparison of different routing protocols has been given here and this research narrows down to security related issues associated with FSR. The attacks on the MANET can be broadly divided into 2 types as active attacks and passive attacks. The proposed scheme deals with minimizing passive attacks which causes dropping of data packets by the selfish nodes or malicious nodes. The idea is based on modifying the traditional Dijkstra’s Algorithm which computes shortest route to all destinations from a source. The actual FSR algorithm considers the link cost between two nodes as 1 if one node comes in the radio range of another. In our proposed scheme the weight has been assigned depending upon the number of times the next node has behaved maliciously or selfishly. Here we have proposed one scheme which uses a two hop time stamp method to detect a malicious node and the Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm has been modified to re compute the optimal paths to destination and hence, to minimize the data packet dropping by malicious nodes in the network

    Visual secret sharing and related Works -A Review

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    The accelerated development of network technology and internet applications has increased the significance of protecting digital data and images from unauthorized access and manipulation. The secret image-sharing network (SIS) is a crucial technique used to protect private digital photos from illegal editing and copying. SIS can be classified into two types: single-secret sharing (SSS) and multi-secret sharing (MSS). In SSS, a single secret image is divided into multiple shares, while in MSS, multiple secret images are divided into multiple shares. Both SSS and MSS ensure that the original secret images cannot be reconstructed without the correct combination of shares. Therefore, several secret image-sharing methods have been developed depending on these two methods for example visual cryptography, steganography, discrete wavelet transform, watermarking, and threshold. All of these techniques are capable of randomly dividing the secret image into a large number of shares, each of which cannot provide any information to the intrusion team.  This study examined various visual secret-sharing schemes as unique examples of participant secret-sharing methods. Several structures that generalize and enhance VSS were also discussed in this study on covert image-sharing protocols and also this research also gives a comparative analysis of several methods based on various attributes in order to better concentrate on the future directions of the secret image. Generally speaking, the image quality generated employing developed methodologies is preferable to the image quality achieved through using the traditional visual secret-sharing methodology

    Malicious attacks on ad hoc network routing protocols

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    The main purpose of an ad hoc network routing protocol is to enable the transport of data packets from one point to another. This paper examines the potential attacks on this transport service which arise from the realisation of threats from internal malicious nodes. The prerequisite of a routing service is a distributed mechanism for the discovery and maintenance of routes; network integrity and availability are required to ensure the correct operation of an ad hoc network. This paper also provides a qualitative analysis of how proactive and reactive protocols cope with malicious internal attacks, and whether one type of protocol offers inherently better resistance to the various attacks than the other