21 research outputs found

    Tighter, faster, simpler side-channel security evaluations beyond computing power

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    A Eurocrypt 2013 paper Security evaluations beyond computing power: How to analyze side-channel attacks you cannot mount? by Veyrat-Charvillon, GĂ©rard, and Standaert proposed a Rank Estimation Algorithm (REA) to estimate the difficulty of finding a secret key given side-channel information from independent subkeys, such as the 16 key bytes in AES-128 or the 32 key bytes in AES-256. The lower and upper bounds produced by the algorithm are far apart for most key ranks. The algorithm can produce tighter bounds but then becomes exponentially slower; it also becomes exponentially slower as the number of subkeys increases. This paper introduces two better algorithms for the same problem. The first, the Extended Rank Estimation Algorithm (EREA), is an extension of REA using statistical sampling as a second step to increase the speed of tightening the bounds on the rank. The second, the Polynomial Rank Outlining Algorithm (PRO), is a new approach to computing the rank. PRO can handle a much larger number of subkeys efficiently, is easy to implement in a computer-algebra system such as Sage, and produces much tighter bounds than REA in less time

    Security Evaluations Beyond Computing Power: How to Analyze Side-Channel Attacks you Cannot Mount?

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    Present key sizes for symmetric cryptography are usually required to be at least 80-bit long for short-term protection, and 128-bit long for long-term protection. However, current tools for security evaluations against side-channel attacks do not provide a precise estimation of the remaining key strength after some leakage has been observed, e.g. in terms of number of candidates to test. This leads to an uncomfortable situation, where the security of an implementation can be anywhere between enumerable values (i.e. 2402^{40} -- 2502^{50} key candidates to test) and the full key size (i.e. 2802^{80} -- 21282^{128} key candidates to test). In this paper, we mitigate this important issue, and describe a key rank estimation algorithm that provides tight bounds for the security level of leaking cryptographic devices. As a result and for the first time, we are able to analyze the full complexity of “standard” (i.e. divide-and-conquer) side-channel attacks, in terms of their tradeoff between time, data and memory complexity

    GE vs GM: Efficient side-channel security evaluations on full cryptographic keys

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    Security evaluations for full cryptographic keys is a very important research topic since the past decade. An efficient rank estimation algorithm was proposed at FSE 2015 to approximate the empirical guessing entropy remaining after a side-channel attack on a full AES key, by combining information from attacks on each byte of he key independently. However, these could not easily scale to very large keys over 1024 bits. Hence, at CHES 2017, it was proposed a new approach for scalable security evaluations based on Massey’s guessing entropy, which was shown tight and scalable to very large keys, even beyond 8192 bits. Then, at CHES 2020, it was proposed a new method for estimating the empirical guessing entropy for the case of full-key evaluations, showing also important divergences between the empirical guessing entropy and Massey’s guessing entropy. However, there has been some confusion in recent publications of side-channel evaluation methods relying on these two variants of the guessing entropy. Furthermore, it remained an open problem to decide which of these methods should be used and in which context, particularly given the wide acceptance of the empirical guessing entropy in the side-channel community and the relatively little use of the other. In this paper, we tackle this open problem through several contributions. First of all, we provide an unitary presentation of both versions of the guessing entropy, allowing an easy comparison of the two metrics. Secondly, we compare the two metrics using a set of common and relevant indicators, as well as three different datasets for side-channel evaluations (simulated, AVR XMEGA 8-bit microcontroller and a 32-bit device). We used these indicators and datasets also to compare the three full-key evaluation methods from FSE 2015, CHES 2017 and CHES 2020, allowing us to provide a clear overview of the usefulness and limitations of each method. Furthermore, our analysis has enabled us to find a new method for verifying the soundness of a leakage model, by comparing both versions of the guessing entropy. This method can be easily extended to full-key evaluations, hence leading to a new useful method for side-channel evaluations

    A Note on Key Rank

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    In recent years key rank has become an important aspect of side-channel analysis, enabling an evaluation lab to analyse the security of a device after a side-channel attack. In particular, it enables the lab to do so when the enumeration effort would be beyond their computing power. Due to its importance there has been a host of work investigating key rank over the last few years. In this work we build upon the existing literature to make progress on understanding various properties of key rank. We begin by showing when two different scoring methods will provide the same rank. This has been implicitly used by various algorithms in the past but here it is shown for a large class of functions. We conclude by giving the computational complexity of key rank. This implies that it is unlikely for, considerably, better algorithms to exist

    Comparing Key Rank Estimation Methods

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    Recent works on key rank estimation methods claim that algorithmic key rank estimation is too slow, and suggest two new ideas: replacing repeat attacks with simulated attacks (PS-TH-GE rank estimation), and a shortcut rank estimation method that works directly on distinguishing vector distributions (GEEA). We take these ideas and provide a comprehensive comparison between them and a performant implementation of a classical, algorithmic ranking approach, as well as some earlier work on estimating distinguisher distributions. Our results show, in contrast to the recent work, that the algorithmic ranking approach outperforms GEEA, and that simulation based ranks are unreliable

    Key Enumeration from the Adversarial Viewpoint: When to Stop Measuring and Start Enumerating?

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    In this work, we formulate and investigate a pragmatic question related to practical side-channel attacks complemented with key enumeration. In a real attack scenario, after an attacker has extracted side-channel information, it is possible that despite the entropy of the key has been signicantly reduced, she cannot yet achieve a direct key recovery. If the correct key lies within a sufficiently small set of most probable keys, it can then be recovered with a plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext, by performing enumeration. Our proposal relates to the following question: how does an attacker know when to stop acquiring side-channel observations and when to start enumerating with a given computational effort? Since key enumeration is an expensive (i.e. time-consuming) task, this is an important question from an adversarial viewpoint. To answer this question, we present an efficient (heuristic) way to perform key-less rank estimation, based on simple entropy estimations using histograms

    A Bounded-Space Near-Optimal Key Enumeration Algorithm for Multi-Dimensional Side-Channel Attacks

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    Enumeration of cryptographic keys in order of likelihood based on side-channel leakages has a significant importance in cryptanalysis. Previous algorithms enumerate the keys in optimal order, however their space complexity is Ω(nd/2)\Omega(n^{d/2}) when there are d subkeys and n candidate values per subkey. We propose a new key enumeration algorithm that has a space complexity bounded by O(d2w+dn)O(d^2 w+dn), when w is a design parameter, which allows the enumeration of many more keys without exceeding the available space. The trade-off is that the enumeration order is only near-optimal, with a bounded ratio between optimal and near-optimal ranks. Before presenting our algorithm we provide bounds on the guessing entropy of the full key in terms of the easy-to-compute guessing entropies of the individual subkeys. We use these results to quantify the near-optimality of our algorithm\u27s ranking, and to bound its guessing entropy. We evaluated our algorithm through extensive simulations. We show that our algorithm continues its near-optimal-order enumeration far beyond the rank at which the optimal algorithm fails due to insufficient memory, on realistic SCA scenarios. Our simulations utilize a new model of the true rank distribution, based on long tail Pareto distributions, that is validated by empirical data and may be of independent interest

    Simple Key Enumeration (and Rank Estimation) using Histograms: an Integrated Approach

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    The main contribution of this paper, is a new key enumeration algorithm that combines the conceptual simplicity of the rank estimation algorithm of Glowacz et al. (from FSE 2015) and the parallelizability of the enumeration algorithm of Bogdanov et al. (SAC 2015) and Martin et al. (from ASIACRYPT 2015). Our new algorithm is based on histograms. It allows obtaining simple bounds on the (small) rounding errors that it introduces and leads to straightforward parallelization. We further show that it can minimize the bandwidth of distributed key testing by selecting parameters that maximize the factorization of the lists of key candidates produced by the enumeration, which can be highly beneficial, e.g. if these tests are performed by a hardware coprocessor. We also put forward that the conceptual simplicity of our algorithm translates into efficient implementations (that slightly improve the state-of-the-art). As an additional consolidating effort, we finally describe an open source implementation of this new enumeration algorithm, combined with the FSE 2015 rank estimation one, that we make available with the paper

    Back to Massey: Impressively fast, scalable and tight security evaluation tools

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    None of the existing rank estimation algorithms can scale to large cryptographic keys, such as 4096-bit (512 bytes) RSA keys. In this paper, we present the first solution to estimate the guessing entropy of arbitrarily large keys, based on mathematical bounds, resulting in the fastest and most scalable security evaluation tool to date. Our bounds can be computed within a fraction of a second, with no memory overhead, and provide a margin of only a few bits for a full 128-bit AES key

    Poly-Logarithmic Side Channel Rank Estimation via Exponential Sampling

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    Rank estimation is an important tool for a side-channel evaluations laboratories. It allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key given the leakages as probability distributions over dd subkeys (usually key bytes). These estimations are particularly useful where the key is not reachable with exhaustive search. We propose ESrank, the first rank estimation algorithm that enjoys provable poly-logarithmic time- and space-complexity, which also achieves excellent practical performance. Our main idea is to use exponential sampling to drastically reduce the algorithm\u27s complexity. Importantly, ESrank is simple to build from scratch, and requires no algorithmic tools beyond a sorting function. After rigorously bounding the accuracy, time and space complexities, we evaluated the performance of ESrank on a real SCA data corpus, and compared it to the currently-best histogram-based algorithm. We show that ESrank gives excellent rank estimation (with roughly a 1-bit margin between lower and upper bounds), with a performance that is on-par with the Histogram algorithm: a run-time of under 1 second on a standard laptop using 6.5 MB RAM