1 research outputs found

    Security, Caching, and Self-Management in Distributed Information Systems Diplom-Informatiker Univ.

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    Die Dissertation wurde am 17.06.2004 bei der Technischen Universität München eingereicht und durch die Fakultät für Informatik am 11.11.2004 angenommen. Acknowledgments First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Alfons Kemper, for the opportunity to participate in ambitious and visionary projects. His advices, many helpful discussions, and comments provided invaluable guidance for my work. Natalija Krivocapić was the advisor for my master thesis and introduced me to the topic of security in a distributed system of autonomous objects. She did a great job and I learned a lot from her insight and experience in doing research and project work. My doctoral thesis was done in the context of the projects ObjectGlobe, ServiceGlobe, and AutonomicGlobe. Since so many people contributed to these projects, it is impossible to list all of them here. In particular I like to thank Reinhard Braumandl, Markus Keidl, Bernhard Stegmaier, and Christian Wiesner, who contributed various important parts to these projects. A big “Thank you! ” to all other project members! I wish to thank Stephan Börzsönyi, Tobias Brandl, Roland Holzhauser, and Christo