1 research outputs found

    Securing the Future β€” an Information Flow Analysis of a Distributed OO Language ⋆

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    Abstract. We present an information-flow type system for a distributed object-oriented language with active objects, asynchronous method calls and futures. The variables of the program are classified as high and low. We allow while cycles with high guards to be used but only if they are not followed (directly or through synchronization) by an assignment to a low variable. To ensure the security of synchronization, we use a high and a low lock for each concurrent object group (cog). In some cases, we must allow a high lock held by one task to be overtaken by another, if the former is about to make a low side effect but the latter cannot make any low side effects. This is necessary to prevent synchronization depending on high variables from influencing the order of low side effects in different cogs. We prove a non-interference result for our type system.