2 research outputs found

    Securing Cloud Data using RSA Algorithm

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    security is one of the most important concern on cloud computing therefore institutions are hesitating to host their data over cloud. Not all data can be afforded to move on the cloud (example accounts data). The main purpose of moving data over cloud is to reduce cost (infrastructure and maintenance), faster performance, easy upgrade, storage capacity but at the same time security is major concern because cloud is not private but maintained by third party over the internet, security issues like privacy, confidentiality, authorization (what you are allowed to do), authentication (who you are) and accounting (what you actually do) will be encountered. Variety of encryption algorithms required for higher level of security. In this paper we try to provide solution for better security by proposing a combined method of key exchange algorithm with encryption technique. Data stored in cloud can be protected from hackers using proposed solution because even if transmitted key is hacked of no use without user’s private key

    Securing Cloud Data using RSA Algorithm

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