1 research outputs found

    Fine-grained access control and data confidentiality in public cloud

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    We initially propose an adaptable structure where user can utilize his property estimations and a hunt search to locally determine pursuit ability, and a record can be recovered just when its keywords coordinate the query and the user's trait esteems can pass the approach check. Utilizing this structure, we propose a novel plan called Keyword Search with Access Control (KSAC), which empowers keyword seek with access power over encoded information. Keyword Search with Access Control (KSAC) uses ongoing cryptographic crude called various leveled predicate encryption to implement fine-grained access control and perform multi-field query search. In the interim, it likewise bolsters the hunt capacity deviation, and accomplishes productive access arrangement update just as catchphrase update without bargaining information security. To improve the protection, Keyword Search With Access Control (KSAC) likewise plants commotions in the search to conceal users' entrance benefits. Serious assessments on genuine world dataset are directed to approve the appropriateness of the proposed plan and exhibit its insurance for user's entrance benefit