161,157 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing of Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming to the Cloud

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    The increasing massive data generated by various sources has given birth to big data analytics. Solving large-scale nonlinear programming problems (NLPs) is one important big data analytics task that has applications in many domains such as transport and logistics. However, NLPs are usually too computationally expensive for resource-constrained users. Fortunately, cloud computing provides an alternative and economical service for resource-constrained users to outsource their computation tasks to the cloud. However, one major concern with outsourcing NLPs is the leakage of user's private information contained in NLP formulations and results. Although much work has been done on privacy-preserving outsourcing of computation tasks, little attention has been paid to NLPs. In this paper, we for the first time investigate secure outsourcing of general large-scale NLPs with nonlinear constraints. A secure and efficient transformation scheme at the user side is proposed to protect user's private information; at the cloud side, generalized reduced gradient method is applied to effectively solve the transformed large-scale NLPs. The proposed protocol is implemented on a cloud computing testbed. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that significant time can be saved for users and the proposed mechanism has the potential for practical use.Comment: Ang Li and Wei Du equally contributed to this work. This work was done when Wei Du was at the University of Arkansas. 2018 EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm

    Constructive tt-secure Homomorphic Secret Sharing for Low Degree Polynomials

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    This paper proposes tt-secure homomorphic secret sharing schemes for low degree polynomials. Homomorphic secret sharing is a cryptographic technique to outsource the computation to a set of servers while restricting some subsets of servers from learning the secret inputs. Prior to our work, at Asiacrypt 2018, Lai, Malavolta, and Schröder proposed a 11-secure scheme for computing polynomial functions. They also alluded to tt-secure schemes without giving explicit constructions; constructing such schemes would require solving set cover problems, which are generally NP-hard. Moreover, the resulting implicit schemes would require a large number of servers. In this paper, we provide a constructive solution for threshold-tt structures by combining homomorphic encryption with the classic secret sharing scheme for general access structure by Ito, Saito, and Nishizeki. Our scheme also quantitatively improves the number of required servers from O(t2)O(t^2) to O(t)O(t), compared to the implicit scheme of Lai et al. We also suggest several ideas for future research directions

    Still Wrong Use of Pairings in Cryptography

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    Several pairing-based cryptographic protocols are recently proposed with a wide variety of new novel applications including the ones in emerging technologies like cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), e-health systems and wearable technologies. There have been however a wide range of incorrect use of these primitives. The paper of Galbraith, Paterson, and Smart (2006) pointed out most of the issues related to the incorrect use of pairing-based cryptography. However, we noticed that some recently proposed applications still do not use these primitives correctly. This leads to unrealizable, insecure or too inefficient designs of pairing-based protocols. We observed that one reason is not being aware of the recent advancements on solving the discrete logarithm problems in some groups. The main purpose of this article is to give an understandable, informative, and the most up-to-date criteria for the correct use of pairing-based cryptography. We thereby deliberately avoid most of the technical details and rather give special emphasis on the importance of the correct use of bilinear maps by realizing secure cryptographic protocols. We list a collection of some recent papers having wrong security assumptions or realizability/efficiency issues. Finally, we give a compact and an up-to-date recipe of the correct use of pairings.Comment: 25 page

    Chosen-ciphertext security from subset sum

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    We construct a public-key encryption (PKE) scheme whose security is polynomial-time equivalent to the hardness of the Subset Sum problem. Our scheme achieves the standard notion of indistinguishability against chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA) and can be used to encrypt messages of arbitrary polynomial length, improving upon a previous construction by Lyubashevsky, Palacio, and Segev (TCC 2010) which achieved only the weaker notion of semantic security (IND-CPA) and whose concrete security decreases with the length of the message being encrypted. At the core of our construction is a trapdoor technique which originates in the work of Micciancio and Peikert (Eurocrypt 2012
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