1 research outputs found

    Secure positioning in a UAV Swarm using on-board stereo cameras

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    The widespread use of quadcopters as unmanned aerial ve-\ud hicles (UAVs) provides a number of application possibilities,\ud mostly using a collaborative swarm of small UAVs to op-\ud timise critical missions. The common application domains\ud for small UAV swarms are surveillance, path planning, air-\ud bone and as relay networks. Cooperative applications make\ud use of the UAVs' locations to make decisions. However, se-\ud curity vulnerabilities must be considered when the system\ud infers rights based on the UAV's location. An attacker can\ud cheat the system by declaring a false or inaccurate location\ud to gain access to resources that are restricted or to undertake\ud malicious activities without detection. In this paper, we pro-\ud pose the use of a UAV payload stereo camera to measure the\ud distance between a UAV, called a prover node, and the set\ud of closest veri er nodes. Using a multilateration algorithm\ud to estimate the prover's position, we performed simulations\ud for two cameras with di erent capabilities. The simulations\ud showed that the proposed technique provides 98% validation\ud accuracy for distances up to 50 m for 1280x720-resolution\ud cameras and more than 99% validation accuracy for distances\ud up to 100 m for 1920x1080-resolution cameras. For distances\ud greater than 100 m between the prover and the veri ers, the\ud accuracy depends exclusively on the stereo camera with the\ud highest capacity.CNPq-INCT-SEC (Processo no. 573963/2008-8)CAPESFAPESP (processos nos. 2008/57870-9 e 2009/17720-0