2 research outputs found

    Secure Event Types in Content-based, Multi-Domain Publish/Subscribe Systems

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    Publish/subscribe research has so far been mostly focused on efficient event routing, event filtering, and composite event detection. The little research that has been published regarding security in publish/subscribe systems has been tentative at best. This paper presents a model for secure type names, and definitions for type-checked, content-based publish/subscribe systems. Our model provides a cryptographically verifiable binding between type names and type definitions. It also produces self-certifiable type definitions that guarantee type definition authenticity and integrity. We also consider type management in a large-scale publish/subscribe system and present a way for delegating management duties to type managers by issuing SPKI authorisation certificates. We feel that secure names are a prerequisite for most other security related work with publish/subscribe systems. 1

    Privacy aware key establishment for publish/subscribe infrastructures in Ubiquitous environments

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    Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp, is a vision of embedding computing to every aspect of our day to day life. In ubiquitous computing, interaction among communicating entities exists in highly dynamic, large scale and failure prone environments. Publish/Subscribe interaction paradigm, Pub/Sub, can be used to decouple interacting entities in ubiquitous environments by delivering events based on users interests. In this scenario, securing events dissemination and protecting users' privacy are essential requirements for ubiquitous applications. In this thesis, we propose an encryption key establishment scheme for encrypting disseminated events in ubiquitous Pub/Sub infrastructures. The proposed key establishment scheme considers the dynamism, scalability and failure tolerance issues of ubiquitous environments. More importantly, the generated encryption keys reflect multi level access control polices, which is important to enforce users' privacy polices