2,881 research outputs found

    Algebraic Watchdog: Mitigating Misbehavior in Wireless Network Coding

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    We propose a secure scheme for wireless network coding, called the algebraic watchdog. By enabling nodes to detect malicious behaviors probabilistically and use overheard messages to police their downstream neighbors locally, the algebraic watchdog delivers a secure global self-checking network. Unlike traditional Byzantine detection protocols which are receiver-based, this protocol gives the senders an active role in checking the node downstream. The key idea is inspired by Marti et al.'s watchdog-pathrater, which attempts to detect and mitigate the effects of routing misbehavior. As an initial building block of a such system, we first focus on a two-hop network. We present a graphical model to understand the inference process nodes execute to police their downstream neighbors; as well as to compute, analyze, and approximate the probabilities of misdetection and false detection. In addition, we present an algebraic analysis of the performance using an hypothesis testing framework that provides exact formulae for probabilities of false detection and misdetection. We then extend the algebraic watchdog to a more general network setting, and propose a protocol in which we can establish trust in coded systems in a distributed manner. We develop a graphical model to detect the presence of an adversarial node downstream within a general multi-hop network. The structure of the graphical model (a trellis) lends itself to well-known algorithms, such as the Viterbi algorithm, which can compute the probabilities of misdetection and false detection. We show analytically that as long as the min-cut is not dominated by the Byzantine adversaries, upstream nodes can monitor downstream neighbors and allow reliable communication with certain probability. Finally, we present simulation results that support our analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) "Advances in Military Networking and Communications

    Detecting Byzantine Attacks Without Clean Reference

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    We consider an amplify-and-forward relay network composed of a source, two relays, and a destination. In this network, the two relays are untrusted in the sense that they may perform Byzantine attacks by forwarding altered symbols to the destination. Note that every symbol received by the destination may be altered, and hence no clean reference observation is available to the destination. For this network, we identify a large family of Byzantine attacks that can be detected in the physical layer. We further investigate how the channel conditions impact the detection against this family of attacks. In particular, we prove that all Byzantine attacks in this family can be detected with asymptotically small miss detection and false alarm probabilities by using a sufficiently large number of channel observations \emph{if and only if} the network satisfies a non-manipulability condition. No pre-shared secret or secret transmission is needed for the detection of these attacks, demonstrating the value of this physical-layer security technique for counteracting Byzantine attacks.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted to appear on IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, July 201

    Byzantine Attack and Defense in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey

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    The Byzantine attack in cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS), also known as the spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attack in the literature, is one of the key adversaries to the success of cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In the past couple of years, the research on the Byzantine attack and defense strategies has gained worldwide increasing attention. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey and tutorial on the recent advances in the Byzantine attack and defense for CSS in CRNs. Specifically, we first briefly present the preliminaries of CSS for general readers, including signal detection techniques, hypothesis testing, and data fusion. Second, we analyze the spear and shield relation between Byzantine attack and defense from three aspects: the vulnerability of CSS to attack, the obstacles in CSS to defense, and the games between attack and defense. Then, we propose a taxonomy of the existing Byzantine attack behaviors and elaborate on the corresponding attack parameters, which determine where, who, how, and when to launch attacks. Next, from the perspectives of homogeneous or heterogeneous scenarios, we classify the existing defense algorithms, and provide an in-depth tutorial on the state-of-the-art Byzantine defense schemes, commonly known as robust or secure CSS in the literature. Furthermore, we highlight the unsolved research challenges and depict the future research directions.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutoiral

    FairLedger: A Fair Blockchain Protocol for Financial Institutions

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    Financial institutions are currently looking into technologies for permissioned blockchains. A major effort in this direction is Hyperledger, an open source project hosted by the Linux Foundation and backed by a consortium of over a hundred companies. A key component in permissioned blockchain protocols is a byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) consensus engine that orders transactions. However, currently available BFT solutions in Hyperledger (as well as in the literature at large) are inadequate for financial settings; they are not designed to ensure fairness or to tolerate selfish behavior that arises when financial institutions strive to maximize their own profit. We present FairLedger, a permissioned blockchain BFT protocol, which is fair, designed to deal with rational behavior, and, no less important, easy to understand and implement. The secret sauce of our protocol is a new communication abstraction, called detectable all-to-all (DA2A), which allows us to detect participants (byzantine or rational) that deviate from the protocol, and punish them. We implement FairLedger in the Hyperledger open source project, using Iroha framework, one of the biggest projects therein. To evaluate FairLegder's performance, we also implement it in the PBFT framework and compare the two protocols. Our results show that in failure-free scenarios FairLedger achieves better throughput than both Iroha's implementation and PBFT in wide-area settings

    How to Specify and How to Prove Correctness of Secure Routing Protocols for MANET

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    Secure routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks have been developed recently, yet, it has been unclear what are the properties they achieve, as a formal analysis of these protocols is mostly lacking. In this paper, we are concerned with this problem, how to specify and how to prove the correctness of a secure routing protocol. We provide a definition of what a protocol is expected to achieve independently of its functionality, as well as communication and adversary models. This way, we enable formal reasoning on the correctness of secure routing protocols. We demonstrate this by analyzing two protocols from the literature
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