5 research outputs found

    Literature Study On Cloud Based Healthcare File Protection Algorithms

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    There is a huge development in Computers and Cloud computing technology, the trend in recent years is to outsource information storage on Cloud-based services. The cloud provides  large storage space. Cloud-based service providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive, are providing users with infinite and low-cost storage. In this project we aim at presenting a protection method through by encrypting and decrypting the files to provide enhanced level of protection. To encrypt the file that we upload in cloud, we make use of double encryption technique. The file is been encrypted twice one followed by the other using two algorithms. The order in which the algorithms are used is that, the file is first encrypted using AES algorithm, now this file will be in the encrypted format and this encrypted file is again encrypted using RSA algorithm. The corresponding keys are been generated during the execution of the algorithm. This is done in order to increase the security level. The various parameters that we have considered here are security level, speed, data confidentiality, data integrity and cipher text size. Our project is more efficient as it satisfies all the parameters whereas the conventional methods failed to do so. The Cloud we used is Dropbox to store the content of the file which is in the encrypted format using AES and RSA algorithms and corresponding key is generated which can be used to decrypt the file. While uploading the file the double encryption technique is been implemented

    Secure and low cost selective encryption for JPEG2000

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    Selective encryption is a new trend in content protection. It aims at reducing the amount of data to encrypt while achieving a sufficient and inexpensive security. This approach is particularly desirable in constrained communication (real time networking with delay constraints, mobile communication with limited computational power...). In this paper we introduce selective encryption from information theory point of view. We define a set of evaluation criteria for selective encryption algorithms and propose a novel selective encryption algorithm for JPEG2000 compressed images satisfying all these criteria. The main contribution of this proposal consists of reaching the minimum amount of data to encrypt regarding a given level of security and target application requirements. For this purpose, we exploit the R-D optimization performed by JPEG2000 EBCOT algorithm.Anglai

    Secure and Low Cost Selective Encryption for JPEG2000

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