1 research outputs found

    Secure Transmission in Amplify and Forward Networks for Multiple Degraded Eavesdroppers

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    We have evaluated the optimal secrecy rate for Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relay networks with multiple eavesdroppers. Assuming i.i.d. Gaussian noise at the destination and the eavesdroppers, we have devised technique to calculate optimal scaling factor for relay nodes to obtain optimal secrecy rate under both sum power constraint and individual power constraint. Initially, we have considered special channel conditions for both destination and eavesdroppers, which led us to analytical solution of the problem. Contrarily, the general scenario being a non-convex optimization problem, not only lacks an analytical solution, but also is hard to solve. Therefore, we have proposed an efficiently solvable quadratic program (QP) which provides a sub-optimal solution to the original problem. Then, we have devised an iterative scheme for calculating optimal scaling factor efficiently for both the sum power and individual power constraint scenario. Necessary figures are provided in result section to affirm the validity of our proposed solution