16 research outputs found

    Explicit Solution of Worst-Case Secrecy Rate for MISO Wiretap Channels with Spherical Uncertainty

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    A multiple-input single-output (MISO) wiretap channel model is considered, that includes a multi-antenna transmitter, a single-antenna legitimate receiver and a single-antenna eavesdropper. For the scenario in which spherical uncertainty for both the legitimate and the eavesdropper channels is included, the problem of finding the optimal input covariance that maximizes the worst-case secrecy rate subject to a power constraint, is considered, and an explicit expression for the maximum worst-case secrecy rate is provided.Comment: 1 figure

    Spatially Selective Artificial-Noise Aided Transmit Optimization for MISO Multi-Eves Secrecy Rate Maximization

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    Consider an MISO channel overheard by multiple eavesdroppers. Our goal is to design an artificial noise (AN)-aided transmit strategy, such that the achievable secrecy rate is maximized subject to the sum power constraint. AN-aided secure transmission has recently been found to be a promising approach for blocking eavesdropping attempts. In many existing studies, the confidential information transmit covariance and the AN covariance are not simultaneously optimized. In particular, for design convenience, it is common to prefix the AN covariance as a specific kind of spatially isotropic covariance. This paper considers joint optimization of the transmit and AN covariances for secrecy rate maximization (SRM), with a design flexibility that the AN can take any spatial pattern. Hence, the proposed design has potential in jamming the eavesdroppers more effectively, based upon the channel state information (CSI). We derive an optimization approach to the SRM problem through both analysis and convex conic optimization machinery. We show that the SRM problem can be recast as a single-variable optimization problem, and that resultant problem can be efficiently handled by solving a sequence of semidefinite programs. Our framework deals with a general setup of multiple multi-antenna eavesdroppers, and can cater for additional constraints arising from specific application scenarios, such as interference temperature constraints in interference networks. We also generalize the framework to an imperfect CSI case where a worst-case robust SRM formulation is considered. A suboptimal but safe solution to the outage-constrained robust SRM design is also investigated. Simulation results show that the proposed AN-aided SRM design yields significant secrecy rate gains over an optimal no-AN design and the isotropic AN design, especially when there are more eavesdroppers.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 201

    Secrecy Outage and Diversity Analysis of Cognitive Radio Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate the physical-layer security of a multi-user multi-eavesdropper cognitive radio system, which is composed of multiple cognitive users (CUs) transmitting to a common cognitive base station (CBS), while multiple eavesdroppers may collaborate with each other or perform independently in intercepting the CUs-CBS transmissions, which are called the coordinated and uncoordinated eavesdroppers, respectively. Considering multiple CUs available, we propose the round-robin scheduling as well as the optimal and suboptimal user scheduling schemes for improving the security of CUs-CBS transmissions against eavesdropping attacks. Specifically, the optimal user scheduling is designed by assuming that the channel state information (CSI) of all links from CUs to CBS, to primary user (PU) and to eavesdroppers are available. By contrast, the suboptimal user scheduling only requires the CSI of CUs-CBS links without the PU's and eavesdroppers' CSI. We derive closed-form expressions of the secrecy outage probability of these three scheduling schemes in the presence of the coordinated and uncoordinated eavesdroppers. We also carry out the secrecy diversity analysis and show that the round-robin scheduling achieves the diversity order of only one, whereas the optimal and suboptimal scheduling schemes obtain the full secrecy diversity, no matter whether the eavesdroppers collaborate or not. In addition, numerical secrecy outage results demonstrate that for both the coordinated and uncoordinated eavesdroppers, the optimal user scheduling achieves the best security performance and the round-robin scheduling performs the worst. Finally, upon increasing the number of CUs, the secrecy outage probabilities of the optimal and suboptimal user scheduling schemes both improve significantly.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted to appear, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 201