615 research outputs found

    Secret color images sharing schemes based on XOR operation

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    This paper presents two new constructions for the secret color images sharing schemes .One is a (n, n) threshold scheme, which can be constructed based on XOR operation. The other is a (2, n) threshold scheme, which can be constructed by using AND and XOR operations. The two schemes have no pixel expansion, and the time complexity for constructing shared images is O(k1n), excluding the time needed for generating n distinct random matrices (here k1 is the size of the shared image). The reconstructed images can be obtained in the two schemes by using the XOR operation alone. The relative differences of the two schemes are 1 and 1/2, respectively. The time complexity of the recovered images is O(k1n) and O(2k1), respectively. The two schemes also provide perfect secrecy

    Secure (n, n + 1)-Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Additive Modulo

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    AbstractMulti Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) scheme is a protected method to transmit more than one secret images over a communication channel. Conventionally, only single secret image is shared over a channel at a time. But as technology grew up, there arises a need for sharing more than one secret image. An (n, n)-MSIS scheme is used to encrypt n secret images into n meaningless noisy images that are stored over different servers. To recover n secret images all n noise images are required. At earlier time, the main problem with secret sharing schemes was that one can partially figure out secret images by getting access of n – 1 or fewer noisy images. Due to this, there arises a need of secure MSIS scheme so that by using less than n noisy images no information can be retrieved. In this paper, we propose secure (n, n + 1)-MSIS scheme using additive modulo operation for grayscale and colored images. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme is highly secured and altering of noisy images will not reveal any partial information about secret images. The proposed (n, n + 1)-MSIS scheme outperforms the existing MSIS schemes in terms of security

    (N,N) Share Generation using Key Share approach for RGB image in VCS

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    Visual Cryptography is a secure and unique image encryption technique which protects image based secret. In visual cryptography image is encrypted into shares and in decryption process all or some of shares are super imposed with each other to decrypt the original secret image. In this technique no complex computation is needed for decryption of secret image which is the best advantage of Visual Cryptography Scheme. In this report various types of visual cryptographic techniques are discussed from previous research area. In this proposed system (N, N) VCS is used for encryption. It takes color image as an input and extracts in R, G and B components. After that it generates Key-Mask using Key-Mask generation algorithm which XOR-ed with R, G and B components and gives the key shares. Further XOR operation of these key shares with key mask generates the color shares. In decryption process image is recovered by XOR operation between key mask and color shares. It has a better security features compared to previous one

    A Novel Quantum Visual Secret Sharing Scheme

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    Inspired by Naor et al.'s visual secret sharing (VSS) scheme, a novel n out of n quantum visual secret sharing (QVSS) scheme is proposed, which consists of two phases: sharing process and recovering process. In the first process, the color information of each pixel from the original secret image is encoded into an n-qubit superposition state by using the strategy of quantum expansion instead of classical pixel expansion, and then these n qubits are distributed as shares to n participants, respectively. During the recovering process, all participants cooperate to collect these n shares of each pixel together, then perform the corresponding measurement on them, and execute the n-qubit XOR operation to recover each pixel of the secret image. The proposed scheme has the advantage of single-pixel parallel processing that is not available in the existing analogous quantum schemes and perfectly solves the problem that in the classic VSS schemes the recovered image has the loss in resolution. Moreover, its experiment implementation with the IBM Q is conducted to demonstrate the practical feasibility.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    On Real-valued Visual Cryptographic Basis Matrices

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    Visual cryptography (VC) encodes an image into noise-like shares, which can be stacked to reveal a reduced quality version of the original. The problem with encrypting colour images is that they must undergo heavy pre-processing to reduce them to binary, entailing significant quality loss. This paper proposes VC that works directly on intermediate grayscale values per colour channel and demonstrates real-valued basis matrices for this purpose. The resulting stacked shares produce a clearer reconstruction than in binary VC, and to the best of the authors’ knowledge, is the first method posing no restrictions on colour values while maintaining the ability to decrypt with human vision. Grayscale and colour images of differing entropies are encrypted using fuzzy OR and XOR, and their PSNR and structural similarities are compared with binary VC to demonstrate improved quality. It is compared with previous research and its advantages highlighted, notably in high quality reconstructions with minimal processing
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