36 research outputs found

    Cooperative and Distributed Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks in Multipath Environments

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    We consider the problem of sensor localization in a wireless network in a multipath environment, where time and angle of arrival information are available at each sensor. We propose a distributed algorithm based on belief propagation, which allows sensors to cooperatively self-localize with respect to one single anchor in a multihop network. The algorithm has low overhead and is scalable. Simulations show that although the network is loopy, the proposed algorithm converges, and achieves good localization accuracy

    Distributed Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks without NLOS Identification

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    In this paper, a 2-stage robust distributed algorithm is proposed for cooperative sensor network localization using time of arrival (TOA) data without identification of non-line of sight (NLOS) links. In the first stage, to overcome the effect of outliers, a convex relaxation of the Huber loss function is applied so that by using iterative optimization techniques, good estimates of the true sensor locations can be obtained. In the second stage, the original (non-relaxed) Huber cost function is further optimized to obtain refined location estimates based on those obtained in the first stage. In both stages, a simple gradient descent technique is used to carry out the optimization. Through simulations and real data analysis, it is shown that the proposed convex relaxation generally achieves a lower root mean squared error (RMSE) compared to other convex relaxation techniques in the literature. Also by doing the second stage, the position estimates are improved and we can achieve an RMSE close to that of the other distributed algorithms which know \textit{a priori} which links are in NLOS.Comment: Accepted in WPNC 201

    Large-Scale Sensor Network Localization via Rigid Subnetwork Registration

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    In this paper, we describe an algorithm for sensor network localization (SNL) that proceeds by dividing the whole network into smaller subnetworks, then localizes them in parallel using some fast and accurate algorithm, and finally registers the localized subnetworks in a global coordinate system. We demonstrate that this divide-and-conquer algorithm can be used to leverage existing high-precision SNL algorithms to large-scale networks, which could otherwise only be applied to small-to-medium sized networks. The main contribution of this paper concerns the final registration phase. In particular, we consider a least-squares formulation of the registration problem (both with and without anchor constraints) and demonstrate how this otherwise non-convex problem can be relaxed into a tractable convex program. We provide some preliminary simulation results for large-scale SNL demonstrating that the proposed registration algorithm (together with an accurate localization scheme) offers a good tradeoff between run time and accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. To appear in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 19-24, 201

    On Sensor Network Localization Using SDP Relaxation

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    A Semidefinite Programming (SDP) relaxation is an effective computational method to solve a Sensor Network Localization problem, which attempts to determine the locations of a group of sensors given the distances between some of them [11]. In this paper, we analyze and determine new sufficient conditions and formulations that guarantee that the SDP relaxation is exact, i.e., gives the correct solution. These conditions can be useful for designing sensor networks and managing connectivities in practice. Our main contribution is twofold: We present the first non-asymptotic bound on the connectivity or radio range requirement of the sensors in order to ensure the network is uniquely localizable. Determining this range is a key component in the design of sensor networks, and we provide a result that leads to a correct localization of each sensor, for any number of sensors. Second, we introduce a new class of graphs that can always be correctly localized by an SDP relaxation. Specifically, we show that adding a simple objective function to the SDP relaxation model will ensure that the solution is correct when applied to a triangulation graph. Since triangulation graphs are very sparse, this is informationally efficient, requiring an almost minimal amount of distance information. We also analyze a number objective functions for the SDP relaxation to solve the localization problem for a general graph.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the Fields Institute Communications Series on Discrete Geometry and Optimizatio