49,213 research outputs found

    Second-Order Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Optimality Conditions for Vector Problems with Continuously Differentiable Data and Second-Order Constraint Qualifications

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    Some necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for inequality constrained problems with continuously differentiable data were obtained in the papers [I. Ginchev and V.I. Ivanov, Second-order optimality conditions for problems with C\sp{1} data, J. Math. Anal. Appl., v. 340, 2008, pp. 646--657], [V.I. Ivanov, Optimality conditions for an isolated minimum of order two in C\sp{1} constrained optimization, J. Math. Anal. Appl., v. 356, 2009, pp. 30--41] and [V. I. Ivanov, Second- and first-order optimality conditions in vector optimization, Internat. J. Inform. Technol. Decis. Making, 2014, DOI: 10.1142/S0219622014500540]. In the present paper, we continue these investigations. We obtain some necessary optimality conditions of Karush--Kuhn--Tucker type for scalar and vector problems. A new second-order constraint qualification of Zangwill type is introduced. It is applied in the optimality conditions.Comment: 1

    Pareto optimality conditions and duality for vector quadratic fractional optimization problems

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    One of the most important optimality conditions to aid in solving a vector optimization problem is the first-order necessary optimality condition that generalizes the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition. However, to obtain the sufficient optimality conditions, it is necessary to impose additional assumptions on the objective functions and on the constraint set. The present work is concerned with the constrained vector quadratic fractional optimization problem. It shows that sufficient Pareto optimality conditions and the main duality theorems can be established without the assumption of generalized convexity in the objective functions, by considering some assumptions on a linear combination of Hessian matrices instead. The main aspect of this contribution is the development of Pareto optimality conditions based on a similar second-order sufficient condition for problems with convex constraints, without convexity assumptions on the objective functions. These conditions might be useful to determine termination criteria in the development of algorithms.Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superior (Brasil)Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brasil)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paul

    Primal-Dual Stability in Local Optimality

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    Much is known about when a locally optimal solution depends in a single-valued Lipschitz continuous way on the problem's parameters, including tilt perturbations. Much less is known, however, about when that solution and a uniquely determined multiplier vector associated with it exhibit that dependence as a primal-dual pair. In classical nonlinear programming, such advantageous behavior is tied to the combination of the standard strong second-order sufficient condition (SSOC) for local optimality and the linear independent gradient condition (LIGC) on the active constraint gradients. But although second-order sufficient conditions have successfully been extended far beyond nonlinear programming, insights into what should replace constraint gradient independence as the extended dual counterpart have been lacking. The exact answer is provided here for a wide range of optimization problems in finite dimensions. Behind it are advances in how coderivatives and strict graphical derivatives can be deployed. New results about strong metric regularity in solving variational inequalities and generalized equations are obtained from that as well

    Optimality conditions applied to free-time multi-burn optimal orbital transfers

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    While the Pontryagin Maximum Principle can be used to calculate candidate extremals for optimal orbital transfer problems, these candidates cannot be guaranteed to be at least locally optimal unless sufficient optimality conditions are satisfied. In this paper, through constructing a parameterized family of extremals around a reference extremal, some second-order necessary and sufficient conditions for the strong-local optimality of the free-time multi-burn fuel-optimal transfer are established under certain regularity assumptions. Moreover, the numerical procedure for computing these optimality conditions is presented. Finally, two medium-thrust fuel-optimal trajectories with different number of burn arcs for a typical orbital transfer problem are computed and the local optimality of the two computed trajectories are tested thanks to the second-order optimality conditions established in this paper

    On the Minimization of Convex Functionals of Probability Distributions Under Band Constraints

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    The problem of minimizing convex functionals of probability distributions is solved under the assumption that the density of every distribution is bounded from above and below. A system of sufficient and necessary first-order optimality conditions as well as a bound on the optimality gap of feasible candidate solutions are derived. Based on these results, two numerical algorithms are proposed that iteratively solve the system of optimality conditions on a grid of discrete points. Both algorithms use a block coordinate descent strategy and terminate once the optimality gap falls below the desired tolerance. While the first algorithm is conceptually simpler and more efficient, it is not guaranteed to converge for objective functions that are not strictly convex. This shortcoming is overcome in the second algorithm, which uses an additional outer proximal iteration, and, which is proven to converge under mild assumptions. Two examples are given to demonstrate the theoretical usefulness of the optimality conditions as well as the high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed numerical algorithms.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. In previous versions, the example in Section VI.B contained some mistakes and inaccuracies, which have been fixed in this versio
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