9,610 research outputs found

    Similarity-Based Processing of Motion Capture Data

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    Motion capture technologies digitize human movements by tracking 3D positions of specific skeleton joints in time. Such spatio-temporal data have an enormous application potential in many fields, ranging from computer animation, through security and sports to medicine, but their computerized processing is a difficult problem. The recorded data can be imprecise, voluminous, and the same movement action can be performed by various subjects in a number of alternatives that can vary in speed, timing or a position in space. This requires employing completely different data-processing paradigms compared to the traditional domains such as attributes, text or images. The objective of this tutorial is to explain fundamental principles and technologies designed for similarity comparison, searching, subsequence matching, classification and action detection in the motion capture data. Specifically, we emphasize the importance of similarity needed to express the degree of accordance between pairs of motion sequences and also discuss the machine-learning approaches able to automatically acquire content-descriptive movement features. We explain how the concept of similarity together with the learned features can be employed for searching similar occurrences of interested actions within a long motion sequence. Assuming a user-provided categorization of example motions, we discuss techniques able to recognize types of specific movement actions and detect such kinds of actions within continuous motion sequences. Selected operations will be demonstrated by on-line web applications

    Visual Imitation Learning with Recurrent Siamese Networks

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    It would be desirable for a reinforcement learning (RL) based agent to learn behaviour by merely watching a demonstration. However, defining rewards that facilitate this goal within the RL paradigm remains a challenge. Here we address this problem with Siamese networks, trained to compute distances between observed behaviours and the agent's behaviours. Given a desired motion such Siamese networks can be used to provide a reward signal to an RL agent via the distance between the desired motion and the agent's motion. We experiment with an RNN-based comparator model that can compute distances in space and time between motion clips while training an RL policy to minimize this distance. Through experimentation, we have had also found that the inclusion of multi-task data and an additional image encoding loss helps enforce the temporal consistency. These two components appear to balance reward for matching a specific instance of behaviour versus that behaviour in general. Furthermore, we focus here on a particularly challenging form of this problem where only a single demonstration is provided for a given task -- the one-shot learning setting. We demonstrate our approach on humanoid agents in both 2D with 1010 degrees of freedom (DoF) and 3D with 3838 DoF.Comment: PrePrin

    DeepHuMS: Deep Human Motion Signature for 3D Skeletal Sequences

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    3D Human Motion Indexing and Retrieval is an interesting problem due to the rise of several data-driven applications aimed at analyzing and/or re-utilizing 3D human skeletal data, such as data-driven animation, analysis of sports bio-mechanics, human surveillance etc. Spatio-temporal articulations of humans, noisy/missing data, different speeds of the same motion etc. make it challenging and several of the existing state of the art methods use hand-craft features along with optimization based or histogram based comparison in order to perform retrieval. Further, they demonstrate it only for very small datasets and few classes. We make a case for using a learned representation that should recognize the motion as well as enforce a discriminative ranking. To that end, we propose, a 3D human motion descriptor learned using a deep network. Our learned embedding is generalizable and applicable to real-world data - addressing the aforementioned challenges and further enables sub-motion searching in its embedding space using another network. Our model exploits the inter-class similarity using trajectory cues, and performs far superior in a self-supervised setting. State of the art results on all these fronts is shown on two large scale 3D human motion datasets - NTU RGB+D and HDM05.Comment: Under Review, Conferenc

    Data-driven techniques for animating virtual characters

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    One of the key goals of current research in data-driven computer animation is the synthesis of new motion sequences from existing motion data. This thesis presents three novel techniques for synthesising the motion of a virtual character from existing motion data and develops a framework of solutions to key character animation problems. The first motion synthesis technique presented is based on the character’s locomotion composition process. This technique examines the ability of synthesising a variety of character’s locomotion behaviours while easily specified constraints (footprints) are placed in the three-dimensional space. This is achieved by analysing existing motion data, and by assigning the locomotion behaviour transition process to transition graphs that are responsible for providing information about this process. However, virtual characters should also be able to animate according to different style variations. Therefore, a second technique to synthesise real-time style variations of character’s motion. A novel technique is developed that uses correlation between two different motion styles, and by assigning the motion synthesis process to a parameterised maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework retrieves the desire style content of the input motion in real-time, enhancing the realism of the new synthesised motion sequence. The third technique presents the ability to synthesise the motion of the character’s fingers either o↵-line or in real-time during the performance capture process. The advantage of both techniques is their ability to assign the motion searching process to motion features. The presented technique is able to estimate and synthesise a valid motion of the character’s fingers, enhancing the realism of the input motion. To conclude, this thesis demonstrates that these three novel techniques combine in to a framework that enables the realistic synthesis of virtual character movements, eliminating the post processing, as well as enabling fast synthesis of the required motion

    Going Deeper into Action Recognition: A Survey

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    Understanding human actions in visual data is tied to advances in complementary research areas including object recognition, human dynamics, domain adaptation and semantic segmentation. Over the last decade, human action analysis evolved from earlier schemes that are often limited to controlled environments to nowadays advanced solutions that can learn from millions of videos and apply to almost all daily activities. Given the broad range of applications from video surveillance to human-computer interaction, scientific milestones in action recognition are achieved more rapidly, eventually leading to the demise of what used to be good in a short time. This motivated us to provide a comprehensive review of the notable steps taken towards recognizing human actions. To this end, we start our discussion with the pioneering methods that use handcrafted representations, and then, navigate into the realm of deep learning based approaches. We aim to remain objective throughout this survey, touching upon encouraging improvements as well as inevitable fallbacks, in the hope of raising fresh questions and motivating new research directions for the reader
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