888 research outputs found


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    The financial administration control offers the managing staff the possibility to decide on the entrusted methods and means and to direct its action in order to reach the objectives that were set out according to the main interests of each company. The objectives are set down by taking into consideration both managing and operative functions. However, the desired results are obtained only after a certain period of time, during which there may occur changes of the initial context within which the objectives and action plans were drawn up. In this case the readjustment of the financial administration control within the managerial control structure becomes an essential condition for successfully reaching the established targets. A condition as such comes from the description of the desired outcome, of the indicators that will be used to assess it and the necessary means to obtain it. The objectives also have to express the agreement reached between hierarchic levels on dialogue grounds, thus ensuring the harmonization of the collective interests with those that determine the functioning of the enterprise. A very important part in this dialogue is played by the instrumental panel and also by the other devices of the financial administration control, which will have to be readjusted in a proper manner according to the changes occurred within the economic and business environment.financial administration control, managing and operative functions, performance, instrumental panel.


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    The paper analysis geomorphological conditions in the drainage basin of Valea Neagră river, upstream Dulcești locality, and also the influence of the landforms over the development of  main degradation processes: soil erosion, linear erosion and landslides. The area lies on the western edge of the Moldavian Plateau, where the unit confines the Moldavian Subcarpathians. The characteristic landform is the hilly relief, with altitudes ranging between 219 m and 505 m. Geologically, the monoclinic structure of the deposits determined the evolution of cuesta landform that emphasizes the double asymmetrical structure. The relief inversions occured in the territory are the result of a long paleogeomorphologic evolution. In the studied section, the Valea Neagră river valley has a subsequent direction, except from the river section, upstream Hârtop village, where the valley is consequent. Results indicate that unappreciable soil erosion characterizes 73% of the entire area, while the landslides occupy 22% of the territory, being often accompanied by linear erosion forms

    The Impact of Environmental Effects of Sustainable Development on Direct Investments

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    On the background of the exponential decrease of natural resources and the continuous and accentuated degradation of the quality of the environment, ensuring the sustainability of economic and social processes has become a reality of everyday life. However, the primary focus is on the degradation of the quality of the environment, which has the main effect of global warming. The idea of sustainable development is based on 3 fundamental pillars, namely the economic, the social and last but not least the environmental. In contemporary society, direct investment is often seen as a vital source for development and even sustainable development. Thus, the desire for development must go hand in hand with sustainable development, implicitly with the quality of the surrounding environment. At the level of the European Union, it is important that all member countries implement common measures on sustainable development. This is the generous context in which the paper aims to analyse the impact of environmental effects in the volume of direct investments. We will analyse the countries of European country in the period 2004-2020, and we will use the Stata program. Thus, following the running of the multiple regression equation, we found that in attracting direct investments in European country in the period 2004-2020, the environmental effects have a positive influence

    Effects of Economic Freedom on Subjective Well-Being

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    Are people more likely to be satisfied with their lives if they had freedom from regulations, if they had the ability to trade freely internationally? In light of the demographic aging phenomenon we are facing, the present study analyzes the relationship between economic freedom and life satisfaction among European older adults. In order to do so, we are using data from the European Health, Ageing, and Retirement Survey and Economic Freedom of the World. By using the ordered logit regression method, we estimated different models to identify how sub-indicators of economic freedom affect the subjective well-being. According to the findings, the quality of the institutions that define the legal system and establish rules for the protection of private property and sound monetary policy have a positive effect on subjective well-being. On the other hand, openness to international trade has a negative effect and government and regulation doesn’t show any significance.

    The Impact of the Protectionist Politics over the Increase of Foreign Commerce

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    This article presents the evolution of foreign commerce between 1865 up to First World War. After 1863 until the first World War, the foreign trade of Romania increases its volume permanently (between 1863-1913 - 6,5 times, from a 72,1 million gold lei import and 120,9 million export, to an import of 590 million and an export of 670,7 million gold lei). Romania reduced already the gap between prices, but its predominant agrarian economy, its poor industrial development exposed it still to the effects of uneven exchange with stronger partners better economically developed.foreign trade, agrarian economy, customs duties

    A perfect educator and a special person departed from our midst – PhD Professor Vlad Artenie (1936 -2020)

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    Elements of religious rivalry in the structural architecture of Vrancea county

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    Studied by means of the statistical data provided by the censuses carried on in 1930, 1992 and 2002, the religious structure of the population of Vrancea County obviously outlines this territory as a genuine nucleus of Orthodoxism resistance with a visible tendency of strengthening its denomination homogeneity in the last two census years, primarily as a consequence of the vanishing of a component with a significant specific weight in the past local religious landscape (the Mosaic one). However, the recent aggressive dynamics of the Neo-Protestant branches can be regarded as a vector which is favourable to the propagation of some novelty religious trends and ideas, able to alter the hierarchy of the religious minorities


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    The territory that we have been studying is situated in the Sanatoriu Forest of the basin of the Govora river basin, Valcea County. Referring to the geo-morphological aspect, this area is part of the Subcarpathian area of Oltenia (Getics Subcarpathians of Valcea). This area  represent a real scientific interest,  being an area not studied until now.  Following research in  the forest habitats of the Govora river basin, we have identified five species of the Coleoptera  (Cerambycidae and Lucanidae), belonging to 6 genera and 4 subfamilies. The Cerambycidae family it is represented by two subfamilies – Cerambycinae, Lepturinae and Prioninae. From the Cerambycinae subfamily was identified for species: Cerambyx cerdo (Linnaeus 1758), Morimus funereus Mulsant 1862, from Lepturinae subfamily, one species Rhagium (Megarhagium) sycophanta (Schrank, 1781) and from the Prioninae subfamily, one species Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758). From  the  Lucanidae family, Lucaninae  subfamily was identified two species: Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Dorcus parallelipipedus (Linnaeus, 1758). Installing species of the Coleoptera in this area on certain tree species is determined by their trophic preferences. The distribution of the species was observed in habitats edified by the following species: Quercus petraea, Q. dalechampii, Q. cerris, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica. During the observations in the entire this area of the Sanatoriu Forest, 139 individuals were identified, both males and females, dead and alive and numerous fragmentes and exoskeleton. In the research area of this forest the most common species are: Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Cerambyx cerdo (Linnaeus 1758)


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    The territory under research is located in the Govora river basin (Valcea County) part of the Subcarpathian area of Oltenia and Capatanii Mountains.  The forests from this area is represented by:  Quercus patreae, Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus, Tilia sp. and Picea abies. This species edified the next forest habitats: 91E0* - Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae), 9110 - Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests, 9170 - Galio-Carpinetum oak hornbeam forests, 9410 -Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio Piceetea). Following research in this forest habitats, we identified the species Saperda octopunctata (Scopoli, 1772), saproxylic Coleoptera showing a particular interest. This species is distributed throughout much of Europe, in central Europe, from Pyrenees to the Black Sea (Bense 1995) including some of the Nordic and Scandinavian countries and it is common in the Carpathian forests. In Romania we found tis species in the low mountainous areas, where there exist large deciduous forests. This species prefers lime wood Tilia sp. It is a nocturnal species and in the basin of Govora river we found on the very fresh cut trunks of Tilia sp. in the Jgheaburi Forest. In the forest stands of this area the population of this species is relatively small, just 10 individuals have been identified. Saperda octopunctata (Scopoli, 1772) is also in the list of “The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species” and it fits in the LC category

    Introduction to the Special Issue “20 Years of the Euro: Achievements and Challenges”

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    IntroductionJEL Codes