2 research outputs found

    Safe Open-Nested Transactions Through Ownership

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    Researchers in transactional memory (TM) have proposed open nesting asa methodology for increasing the concurrency of a program. The ideais to ignore certain "low-level" memory operations of anopen-nested transaction when detecting conflicts for its parenttransaction, and instead perform abstract concurrency control for the"high-level" operation that nested transaction represents. Tosupport this methodology, TM systems use an open-nested commitmechanism that commits all changes performed by an open-nestedtransaction directly to memory, thereby avoiding low-levelconflicts. Unfortunately, because the TM runtime is unaware of thedifferent levels of memory, an unconstrained use of open-nestedcommits can lead to anomalous program behavior.In this paper, we describe a framework of ownership-awaretransactional memory which incorporates the notion of modules into theTM system and requires that transactions and data be associated withspecific transactional modules or Xmodules. We propose a newownership-aware commit mechanism, a hybrid between anopen-nested and closed-nested commit which commits a piece of datadifferently depending on whether the current Xmodule owns the data ornot. Moreover, we give a set of precise constraints on interactionsand sharing of data among the Xmodules based on familiar notions ofabstraction. We prove that ownership-aware TM has has cleanmemory-level semantics and can guarantee serializability bymodules, which is an adaptation of multilevel serializability fromdatabases to TM. In addition, we describe how a programmer canspecify Xmodules and ownership in a Java-like language. Our typesystem can enforce most of the constraints required by ownership-awareTM statically, and can enforce the remaining constraints dynamically.Finally, we prove that if transactions in the process of aborting obeyrestrictions on their memory footprint, the OAT model is free fromsemantic deadlock

    Safe open-nested transactions through ownership

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