1,363 research outputs found
Abstrak Dongeng pada umumnya memberikan nilai-nilai moral baik dan buruk. Hal itu dicerminkan oleh perilaku tokoh. Dalam dongeng ada perilaku tokoh yang positif dan juga yang negatif. Salah satunya adalah perilaku kejam atau sadisme yang dilakukan antar tokoh. Dongeng Schneewittchen dan Aschenputtel karya Brüder Grimm adalah contohnya. Di sini terdapat tokoh yang memiliki perilaku positif juga perilaku negatif berupa perilaku sadisme. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah (1) Perilaku sadisme berjenis apakah yang dilakukan tokoh dalam dongeng Schneewittchen dan Aschenputtel? (2) Apakah penyebab adanya perilaku sadisme tokoh dalam dongeng Schneewittchen dan Aschenputtel karya Brüder Grimm?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan perilaku sadisme tokoh dalam dongeng Schneewittchen dan Aschenputtel. (2) mendeskripsikan penyebab terjadinya perilaku sadisme yang dilakukan tokoh dalam dongeng Schneewittchen dan Aschenputtel karya Brüder Grimm. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian adalah dongeng Schneewittchen dan Aschenputtel dalam kumpulan dongeng Kinder -und Hausmärchen karya Brüder Grimm. Data penelitian ini adalah kalimat yang menunjukkan perilaku sadisme dalam dongeng Schneewittchen dan Aschenputtel karya Brüder Grimm. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sadisme Erich Fromm untuk menemukan rumusan masalah satu serta untuk menemukan rumusan masalah dua menggunakan teori agresi Sears. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) perilaku sadisme dalam dongeng Schneewittchen merupakan jenis sadisme non-seksual (fisik) dengan bentuk perilaku membunuh. Dan perilaku sadisme dalam dongeng Aschenputtel merupakan jenis sadisme non-seksual (fisik) dan sadisme mental dengan bentuk perilaku menyiksa dan menghina. Serta dalam kedua dongeng tersebut tidak ditemukan jenis sadisme seksual. (2) penyebab tokoh dalam dongeng Schneewittchen melakukan perilaku sadisme adalah adanya rasa kompetisi dan adanya serangan dari orang lain sedangkan dalam dongeng Aschenputtel adalah karena rasa permusuhan dan ingin mencapai tujuan lain. Kata kunci: Perilaku, sadisme, dongen
Underlying Morality in Schneewittchen: A Fairy Tale for Adults
Abstract: Schneewittchen (Snow White) is a well-known 19th century fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers. What is not known to everyone is that Schneewittchen and many of other Grimms’ fairy tales that were first published in 1812 were not intended for children. This fairy tale is about a young girl named Schneewittchen whose vain stepmother tries to kill her because she is more beautiful than her. On three different occasions an attempt on Schneewittchen’s life is made until she finally succumbs to a poisoned apple. Only upon arrival of a prince, the girl is resurrected back to life. To readers of the fairy tale and to those familiar with Disney’s cartoon version, Schneewittchen is an enchanted, charming story in which good overcomes the evil, and in which Schneewittchen lives happily ever after with the prince, while the wrongdoing evil stepmother receives a punishment for her actions. However, to say that the fairy tale is simply about the themes of good and evil, and good prevailing, is not enough. In fact, a lot of questions come to mind: Why is the stepmother jealous of a child? Why does the tale emphasize characteristics of the protagonist such as innocence and beauty? What actually makes the stepmother so evil? This research analyzes the fairy tale’s underlying message about female behavior and ideals, and what it tells us about the culture and society at the time it was published
Algunas citas de neófitos en la costa peninsular española
Aportamos nuevos datos acerca de la presencia de diversas especies y formas hortícolas como alóctonas en la Península Ibérica, y se indica por primera vez la presencia de Lavandula 'Anzac Pride' y Lantana camara 'Sonja', 'Schneewittchen' y 'Simon Rot'. -- We provide new data on the presence of various species and horticultural forms such as alien plants in the Iberian Peninsula, and is indicated for the first time the presence of Lavandula 'Anzac Pride' and Lantana camara 'Sonja', 'Schneewittchen' and 'Simon Rot'
Shrek meets Schneewittchen : was Film- und Fernsehproduktionen aus Märchen machen
Auch in Film und Fernsehen erleben Märchen eine Renaissance. Filme knüpfen an das an, was Kindern und Erwachsenen aus mündlicher Überlieferung und Lektüre vertraut ist, und beleben den Stoff auf ihre Art neu. Häufig entsteht daraus ein Genre-Mix aus klassischen Märchen, Mythen und Populärkultur verknüpft mit Fantasy-Elementen
Children’s books as a sourse of bringing up positive traits of character
On the basis of English and German versions of the fairytale plot of “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs” main traits of character of positive personages are described (diligence, trustfulness, helplessness, readiness to help).На примере английского и немецкого вариантов сказочного сюжета «Белоснежка и семь гномов» анализируются основные черты положительных сказочных героев (трудолюбие, доверчивость, беззащитность, готовность придти на помощь)
Innovation, persistence and self-correction: the case of snow white
Branca de Neve é um dos contos mais conhecidos, graças aos irmãos Grimm e depois
a Walt Disney. Além disso, o tipo Branca de Neve é representado por um abrangente
corpus internacional de contos tradicionais com traços independentes.
Desde a primeira versão manuscrita (1808) até à segunda edição dos seus
Contos (1819), os irmãos Grimm fizeram modificações significativas no seu conto,
especialmente no que respeita à figura do antagonista, o episódio da expulsão e a
ressurreição. Se a heroína que apresentaram ao público, a menina “branca como a
neve, vermelha como o sangue e negra como o ébano” não é uma criação inteiramente
nova, foi sob o impacto da colecção dos Grimm que este tipo de beleza se tornou
numa figura recorrente no imaginário dos contos de fadas.
Por outro lado, tendo em conta o sucesso esmagador da Branca de Neve dos Grimm,
é notável como tantas versões populares permaneceram fora do alcance da tradição
criada pelos Grimm. Um exemplo surpreendente é o episódio do luto do príncipe
pela bela donzela, que se manteve um traço típico das versões populares, embora
os Grimm, que o haviam adoptado na sua primeira edição (1812), o omitissem na
segunda, introduzindo em vez dele a solução rápida do acidente.
A Branca de Neve também oferece uma oportunidade de reconsiderar o efeito
de auto-correcção de Walter Andersen, formulada na década de 1920, sob uma
perspectiva de longo prazo: segundo ela, concepções inerentes vão sendo corrigidas
sempre que são alteradas, como acontece com o episódio da casa na floresta das
versões populares e nas mais recentes derivações da tradição do conto escrito (e/ou
Disney), em anedotas, filmes, paródias. Traços que parecem ser inovadores são de
facto tradicionais
Wenn Rotkäppchen den Wolf heiratet : Grimms Märchen als Manga
Der Froschkönig, der eigentlich eine Prinzessin ist, das Schneewittchen, das sich beinahe in einen niedlichen Feenzwerg verliebt, der narzisstische Hänsel, der Klein-Gretel wegen der betörenden Hexe Hildegard im Wald stehen lässt, der Bishônen-Jüngling Rapunzel, der die sportliche Jungfer Eva schwängert – diese Geschichten und einige andere mehr entstammen dem Universum der japanischen Comics des 21. Jahrhunderts. Die Manga haben mittlerweile begeisterte Leser und Nachahmer selbst im Heimatland der Märchenbrüder gefunden
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