9,184 research outputs found

    Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Soil Water Content (WC) Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing under Controlled Glass House Conditions for Spring Barley and Sugar Beet

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    Leaf area index (LAI) and water content (WC) in the root zone are two major hydro-meteorological parameters that exhibit a dominant control on water, energy and carbon fluxes, and are therefore important for any regional eco-hydrological or climatological study. To investigate the potential for retrieving these parameter from hyperspectral remote sensing, we have investigated plant spectral reflectance (400-2,500 nm, ASD FieldSpec3) for two major agricultural crops (sugar beet and spring barley) in the mid-latitudes, treated under different water and nitrogen (N) conditions in a greenhouse experiment over the growing period of 2008. Along with the spectral response, we have measured soil water content and LAI for 15 intensive measurement campaigns spread over the growing season and could demonstrate a significant response of plant reflectance characteristics to variations in water content and nutrient conditions. Linear and non-linear dimensionality analysis suggests that the full band reflectance information is well represented by the set of 28 vegetation spectral indices (SI) and most of the variance is explained by three to a maximum of eight variables. Investigation of linear dependencies between LAI and soil WC and pre-selected SI's indicate that: (1) linear regression using single SI is not sufficient to describe plant/soil variables over the range of experimental conditions, however, some improvement can be seen knowing crop species beforehand; (2) the improvement is superior when applying multiple linear regression using three explanatory SI's approach. In addition to linear investigations, we applied the non-linear CART (Classification and Regression Trees) technique, which finally did not show the potential for any improvement in the retrieval process

    Dynamic Interference Mitigation for Generalized Partially Connected Quasi-static MIMO Interference Channel

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    Recent works on MIMO interference channels have shown that interference alignment can significantly increase the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) of the network. However, most of these works have assumed a fully connected interference graph. In this paper, we investigate how the partial connectivity can be exploited to enhance system performance in MIMO interference networks. We propose a novel interference mitigation scheme which introduces constraints for the signal subspaces of the precoders and decorrelators to mitigate "many" interference nulling constraints at a cost of "little" freedoms in precoder and decorrelator design so as to extend the feasibility region of the interference alignment scheme. Our analysis shows that the proposed algorithm can significantly increase system DoF in symmetric partially connected MIMO interference networks. We also compare the performance of the proposed scheme with various baselines and show via simulations that the proposed algorithms could achieve significant gain in the system performance of randomly connected interference networks.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, accepted by IEEE Transaction on Signal Processin

    Two new Probability inequalities and Concentration Results

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    Concentration results and probabilistic analysis for combinatorial problems like the TSP, MWST, graph coloring have received much attention, but generally, for i.i.d. samples (i.i.d. points in the unit square for the TSP, for example). Here, we prove two probability inequalities which generalize and strengthen Martingale inequalities. The inequalities provide the tools to deal with more general heavy-tailed and inhomogeneous distributions for combinatorial problems. We prove a wide range of applications - in addition to the TSP, MWST, graph coloring, we also prove more general results than known previously for concentration in bin-packing, sub-graph counts, Johnson-Lindenstrauss random projection theorem. It is hoped that the strength of the inequalities will serve many more purposes.Comment: 3

    Changing Bases: Multistage Optimization for Matroids and Matchings

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    This paper is motivated by the fact that many systems need to be maintained continually while the underlying costs change over time. The challenge is to continually maintain near-optimal solutions to the underlying optimization problems, without creating too much churn in the solution itself. We model this as a multistage combinatorial optimization problem where the input is a sequence of cost functions (one for each time step); while we can change the solution from step to step, we incur an additional cost for every such change. We study the multistage matroid maintenance problem, where we need to maintain a base of a matroid in each time step under the changing cost functions and acquisition costs for adding new elements. The online version of this problem generalizes online paging. E.g., given a graph, we need to maintain a spanning tree TtT_t at each step: we pay ct(Tt)c_t(T_t) for the cost of the tree at time tt, and also TtTt1| T_t\setminus T_{t-1} | for the number of edges changed at this step. Our main result is an O(logmlogr)O(\log m \log r)-approximation, where mm is the number of elements/edges and rr is the rank of the matroid. We also give an O(logm)O(\log m) approximation for the offline version of the problem. These bounds hold when the acquisition costs are non-uniform, in which caseboth these results are the best possible unless P=NP. We also study the perfect matching version of the problem, where we must maintain a perfect matching at each step under changing cost functions and costs for adding new elements. Surprisingly, the hardness drastically increases: for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there is no O(n1ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon})-approximation to the multistage matching maintenance problem, even in the offline case