1,769 research outputs found

    Decentralised Workload Scheduler for Resource Allocation in Computational Clusters

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    This paper presents a detailed design of a decentralised agent-based scheduler, which can be used to manage workloads within the computing cells of a Cloud system. Our proposed solution is based on the concept of service allocation negotiation, whereby all system nodes communicate between themselves, and scheduling logic is decentralised. The presented architecture has been implemented, with multiple simulations run using real-world workload traces from the Google Cluster Data project. The results were then compared to the scheduling patterns of Google’s Borg system

    Towards decentralised job shop scheduling as a web service

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    This paper aims to investigate the fundamental requirements for a cloud-based scheduling service for manufacturing, notably manufacturer priority to scheduling service, resolution of schedule conflict, and error-proof data entry. A flow chart of an inference-based system for manufacturing scheduling is proposed and a prototype was designed using semantic web technologies. An adapted version of the Muth and Thompson 10 × 10 scheduling problem (MT10) was used as a case study and two manufacturing companies represented our use cases. Using Microsoft Project, levelled manufacturer operation plans were generated. Semantic rules were proposed for constraints calculation, scheduling and verification. Pellet semantic reasoner was used to apply those rules onto the case study. The results include two main findings. First, our system effectively detected conflicts when subjected to four types of disturbances. Secondly, suggestions of conflict resolutions were effective when implemented albeit they were not efficient. Consequently, our two hypotheses were accepted which gave merit for future works intended to develop scheduling as a web service. Future works will include three phases: (1) migration of our system to a graph database server, (2) a multi-agent system to automate conflict resolution and data entry, and (3) an optimisation mechanism for manufacturer prioritisation to scheduling services

    Airport under Control:Multi-agent scheduling for airport ground handling

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    On the construction of decentralised service-oriented orchestration systems

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    Modern science relies on workflow technology to capture, process, and analyse data obtained from scientific instruments. Scientific workflows are precise descriptions of experiments in which multiple computational tasks are coordinated based on the dataflows between them. Orchestrating scientific workflows presents a significant research challenge: they are typically executed in a manner such that all data pass through a centralised computer server known as the engine, which causes unnecessary network traffic that leads to a performance bottleneck. These workflows are commonly composed of services that perform computation over geographically distributed resources, and involve the management of dataflows between them. Centralised orchestration is clearly not a scalable approach for coordinating services dispersed across distant geographical locations. This thesis presents a scalable decentralised service-oriented orchestration system that relies on a high-level data coordination language for the specification and execution of workflows. This system’s architecture consists of distributed engines, each of which is responsible for executing part of the overall workflow. It exploits parallelism in the workflow by decomposing it into smaller sub-workflows, and determines the most appropriate engines to execute them using computation placement analysis. This permits the workflow logic to be distributed closer to the services providing the data for execution, which reduces the overall data transfer in the workflow and improves its execution time. This thesis provides an evaluation of the presented system which concludes that decentralised orchestration provides scalability benefits over centralised orchestration, and improves the overall performance of executing a service-oriented workflow

    Robust and cheating-resilient power auctioning on Resource Constrained Smart Micro-Grids

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    The principle of Continuous Double Auctioning (CDA) is known to provide an efficient way of matching supply and demand among distributed selfish participants with limited information. However, the literature indicates that the classic CDA algorithms developed for grid-like applications are centralised and insensitive to the processing resources capacity, which poses a hindrance for their application on resource constrained, smart micro-grids (RCSMG). A RCSMG loosely describes a micro-grid with distributed generators and demand controlled by selfish participants with limited information, power storage capacity and low literacy, communicate over an unreliable infrastructure burdened by limited bandwidth and low computational power of devices. In this thesis, we design and evaluate a CDA algorithm for power allocation in a RCSMG. Specifically, we offer the following contributions towards power auctioning on RCSMGs. First, we extend the original CDA scheme to enable decentralised auctioning. We do this by integrating a token-based, mutual-exclusion (MUTEX) distributive primitive, that ensures the CDA operates at a reasonably efficient time and message complexity of O(N) and O(logN) respectively, per critical section invocation (auction market execution). Our CDA algorithm scales better and avoids the single point of failure problem associated with centralised CDAs (which could be used to adversarially provoke a break-down of the grid marketing mechanism). In addition, the decentralised approach in our algorithm can help eliminate privacy and security concerns associated with centralised CDAs. Second, to handle CDA performance issues due to malfunctioning devices on an unreliable network (such as a lossy network), we extend our proposed CDA scheme to ensure robustness to failure. Using node redundancy, we modify the MUTEX protocol supporting our CDA algorithm to handle fail-stop and some Byzantine type faults of sites. This yields a time complexity of O(N), where N is number of cluster-head nodes; and message complexity of O((logN)+W) time, where W is the number of check-pointing messages. These results indicate that it is possible to add fault tolerance to a decentralised CDA, which guarantees continued participation in the auction while retaining reasonable performance overheads. In addition, we propose a decentralised consumption scheduling scheme that complements the auctioning scheme in guaranteeing successful power allocation within the RCSMG. Third, since grid participants are self-interested we must consider the issue of power theft that is provoked when participants cheat. We propose threat models centred on cheating attacks aimed at foiling the extended CDA scheme. More specifically, we focus on the Victim Strategy Downgrade; Collusion by Dynamic Strategy Change, Profiling with Market Prediction; and Strategy Manipulation cheating attacks, which are carried out by internal adversaries (auction participants). Internal adversaries are participants who want to get more benefits but have no interest in provoking a breakdown of the grid. However, their behaviour is dangerous because it could result in a breakdown of the grid. Fourth, to mitigate these cheating attacks, we propose an exception handling (EH) scheme, where sentinel agents use allocative efficiency and message overheads to detect and mitigate cheating forms. Sentinel agents are tasked to monitor trading agents to detect cheating and reprimand the misbehaving participant. Overall, message complexity expected in light demand is O(nLogN). The detection and resolution algorithm is expected to run in linear time complexity O(M). Overall, the main aim of our study is achieved by designing a resilient and cheating-free CDA algorithm that is scalable and performs well on resource constrained micro-grids. With the growing popularity of the CDA and its resource allocation applications, specifically to low resourced micro-grids, this thesis highlights further avenues for future research. First, we intend to extend the decentralised CDA algorithm to allow for participants’ mobile phones to connect (reconnect) at different shared smart meters. Such mobility should guarantee the desired CDA properties, the reliability and adequate security. Secondly, we seek to develop a simulation of the decentralised CDA based on the formal proofs presented in this thesis. Such a simulation platform can be used for future studies that involve decentralised CDAs. Third, we seek to find an optimal and efficient way in which the decentralised CDA and the scheduling algorithm can be integrated and deployed in a low resourced, smart micro-grid. Such an integration is important for system developers interested in exploiting the benefits of the two schemes while maintaining system efficiency. Forth, we aim to improve on the cheating detection and mitigation mechanism by developing an intrusion tolerance protocol. Such a scheme will allow continued auctioning in the presence of cheating attacks while incurring low performance overheads for applicability in a RCSMG

    Epoch, Epistemology and the Virtual Organization

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    This paper engages with contemporary discussions of ?the virtual organization?. Starting with some influential accounts that were published in the 1990s, the paper highlights the continued significance of control ration alities in the increasingly dispersed and disaggregated organizations of the advanced industrial societies. The paper also takes issue with the ?epochalist? tendency to equate virtuality with the ?end of organization?, and it puts the case for a more historically situated view of technology in ?post bureaucratic? or ?virtualised? organizational settings

    On the emergent Semantic Web and overlooked issues

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    The emergent Semantic Web, despite being in its infancy, has already received a lotof attention from academia and industry. This resulted in an abundance of prototype systems and discussion most of which are centred around the underlying infrastructure. However, when we critically review the work done to date we realise that there is little discussion with respect to the vision of the Semantic Web. In particular, there is an observed dearth of discussion on how to deliver knowledge sharing in an environment such as the Semantic Web in effective and efficient manners. There are a lot of overlooked issues, associated with agents and trust to hidden assumptions made with respect to knowledge representation and robust reasoning in a distributed environment. These issues could potentially hinder further development if not considered at the early stages of designing Semantic Web systems. In this perspectives paper, we aim to help engineers and practitioners of the Semantic Web by raising awareness of these issues

    Intelligent Load Balancing in Cloud Computer Systems

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    Cloud computing is an established technology allowing users to share resources on a large scale, never before seen in IT history. A cloud system connects multiple individual servers in order to process related tasks in several environments at the same time. Clouds are typically more cost-effective than single computers of comparable computing performance. The sheer physical size of the system itself means that thousands of machines may be involved. The focus of this research was to design a strategy to dynamically allocate tasks without overloading Cloud nodes which would result in system stability being maintained at minimum cost. This research has added the following new contributions to the state of knowledge: (i) a novel taxonomy and categorisation of three classes of schedulers, namely OS-level, Cluster and Big Data, which highlight their unique evolution and underline their different objectives; (ii) an abstract model of cloud resources utilisation is specified, including multiple types of resources and consideration of task migration costs; (iii) a virtual machine live migration was experimented with in order to create a formula which estimates the network traffic generated by this process; (iv) a high-fidelity Cloud workload simulator, based on a month-long workload traces from Google's computing cells, was created; (v) two possible approaches to resource management were proposed and examined in the practical part of the manuscript: the centralised metaheuristic load balancer and the decentralised agent-based system. The project involved extensive experiments run on the University of Westminster HPC cluster, and the promising results are presented together with detailed discussions and a conclusion

    Adaptive scheduling based on self-organized holonic swarm of schedulers

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    Scheduling plays an important role in the companies’ competiveness, dealing with complex combinatorial problems subject to uncertainty and emergence. In particular, in the ramp-up phase of small lot-sizes of complex products, scheduling is more demanding, e.g. due to late requests and immature technology products and processes. This paper presents the principles of a distributed scheduling architecture based on holonic and swarm principles and implemented using multi-agent system technology. In particular, it is described the coordination among the network of the swarm of schedulers and analysed the impact of embedded self-organization mechanisms.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7 ARUM project, under grant agreement n° 314056.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio