13 research outputs found

    MARVELO: Wireless Virtual Network Embedding for Overlay Graphs with Loops

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    When deploying resource-intensive signal processing applications in wireless sensor or mesh networks, distributing processing blocks over multiple nodes becomes promising. Such distributed applications need to solve the placement problem (which block to run on which node), the routing problem (which link between blocks to map on which path between nodes), and the scheduling problem (which transmission is active when). We investigate a variant where the application graph may contain feedback loops and we exploit wireless networks? inherent multicast advantage. Thus, we propose Multicast-Aware Routing for Virtual network Embedding with Loops in Overlays (MARVELO) to find efficient solutions for scheduling and routing under a detailed interference model. We cast this as a mixed integer quadratically constrained optimisation problem and provide an efficient heuristic. Simulations show that our approach handles complex scenarios quickly.Comment: 6 page

    Distributed Slice Selection-based Computation Offloading for Intelligent Vehicular Networks

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    Distributed artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an efficient approach to fulfill the high and diverse requirements for future vehicular networks. However, distributed intelligence tasks generated by vehicles often require diverse resources. A customized resource provision scheme is required to improve the utilization of multi-dimensional resources. In this work, a slice selection-based online offloading (SSOO) algorithm is proposed for distributed intelligence in future vehicular networks. First, the response time and energy consumption are reduced for processing tasks locally on the vehicles. Then, the offloading overheads, including latency and energy consumption, are calculated by considering the available resource amount, wireless channel states and vehicle conditions. The slice selection results is obtained by the deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based method. Based on the selection solution, resource allocation results are achieved by KKT conditions and bisection method. Finally, the experimental results depict that the proposed SSOO algorithm outperforms other comparing algorithms in terms of energy consumption and task completion rate

    Optimal and probabilistic resource and capability analysis for network slice as a service

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    Network Slice as a Service is one of the key concepts of the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G). 5G supports new use cases, like the Internet of Things (IoT), massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) and Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC) as well as significant improvements of the conventional Mobile Broadband (MBB) use case. In addition, safety and security critical use cases move into focus. These use cases involve diverging requirements, e.g. network reliability, latency and throughput. Network virtualization and end-to-end mobile network slicing are seen as key enablers to handle those differing requirements and providing mobile network services for the various 5G use cases and between different tenants. Network slices are isolated, virtualized, end-to-end networks optimized for specific use cases. But still they share a common physical network infrastructure. Through logical separation of the network slices on a common end-to-end mobile network infrastructure, an efficient usage of the underlying physical network infrastructure provided by multiple Mobile Service Providers (MSPs) in enabled. Due to the dynamic lifecycle of network slices there is a strong demand for efficient algorithms for the so-called Network Slice Embedding (NSE) problem. Efficient and reliable resource provisioning for Network Slicing as a Service, requires resource allocation based on a mapping of virtual network slice elements on the serving physical mobile network infrastructure. In this thesis, first of all, a formal Network Slice Instance Admission (NSIA) process is presented, based on the 3GPP standardization. This process allows to give fast feedback to a network operator or tenant on the feasibility of embedding incoming Network Slice Instance Requests (NSI-Rs). In addition, corresponding services for NSIA and feasibility checking services are defined in the context of the ETSI ZSM Reference Architecture Framework. In the main part of this work, a mathematical model for solving the NSE Problem formalized as a standardized Linear Program (LP) is presented. The presented solution provides a nearly optimal embedding. This includes the optimal subset of Network Slice Instances (NSIs) to be selected for embedding, in terms of network slice revenue and costs, and the optimal allocation of associated network slice applications, functions, services and communication links on the 5G end-to-end mobile network infrastructure. It can be used to solve the online as well as the offline NSIA problem automatically in different variants. In particular, low latency network slices require deployment of their services and applications, including Network Functions (NFs) close to the user, i.e., at the edge of the mobile network. Since the users of those services might be widely distributed and mobile, multiple instances of the same application are required to be available on numerous distributed edge clouds. A holistic approach for tackling the problem of NSE with edge computing is provided by our so-called Multiple Application Instantiation (MAI) variant of the NSE LP solution. It is capable of determining the optimal number of application instances and their optimal deployment locations on the edge clouds, even for multiple User Equipment (UE) connectivity scenarios. In addition to that multi-path, also referred to as path-splitting, scenarios with a latency sensitive objective function, which guarantees the optimal network utilization as well as minimum latency in the network slice communication, is included. Resource uncertainty, as well as reuse and overbooking of resources guaranteed by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are discussed in this work. There is a consensus that over-provisioning of mobile communication bands is economically infeasible and certain risk of network overload is accepted for the majority of the 5G use cases. A probabilistic variant of the NSE problem with an uncertainty-aware objective function and a resource availability confidence analysis are presented. The evaluation shows the advantages and the suitability of the different variants of the NSE formalization, as well as its scalability and computational limits in a practical implementation

    Contribution to the development of a hypervisor in a virtualized mobile communication network

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are two promising technologies that together provide a more efficient utilization of the network resources and a reduction of operational costs. SDN and NFV enable the Radio Access Network (RAN) slicing, in which the radio resources are shared, which can be controlled through a hypervisor. In this thesis, a virtualized RAN Slicing simulator (ViRANsim) programmed in Python and based on the 5G-EmPOWER, has been designed, implemented and tested to validate and foresee the performance of two novel algorithms before applying them in a real environment: the Air-Time Deficit Round Robin (ADRR) algorithm, which is a time variant scheduling mechanism and will be used by the hypervisor, and the weight compensation algorithm, which is placed in the network controller and pretends to maximize the Access Points (APs) resource usage in order to satisfy the traffic demand fluctuations in the short-term, while at the same moment assuring the Service Level Agreement (SLA) of the different tenants in the long ? term perspective. Through this thesis, the performance of these algorithms has been studied, providing different analysis based on simulation results