2 research outputs found

    Robust Scene Text Recognition Using Sparse Coding based Features

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    In this paper, we propose an effective scene text recognition method using sparse coding based features, called Histograms of Sparse Codes (HSC) features. For character detection, we use the HSC features instead of using the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features. The HSC features are extracted by computing sparse codes with dictionaries that are learned from data using K-SVD, and aggregating per-pixel sparse codes to form local histograms. For word recognition, we integrate multiple cues including character detection scores and geometric contexts in an objective function. The final recognition results are obtained by searching for the words which correspond to the maximum value of the objective function. The parameters in the objective function are learned using the Minimum Classification Error (MCE) training method. Experiments on several challenging datasets demonstrate that the proposed HSC-based scene text recognition method outperforms HOG-based methods significantly and outperforms most state-of-the-art methods

    Multilingual Scene Character Recognition System using Sparse Auto-Encoder for Efficient Local Features Representation in Bag of Features

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    The recognition of texts existing in camera-captured images has become an important issue for a great deal of research during the past few decades. This give birth to Scene Character Recognition (SCR) which is an important step in scene text recognition pipeline. In this paper, we extended the Bag of Features (BoF)-based model using deep learning for representing features for accurate SCR of different languages. In the features coding step, a deep Sparse Auto-encoder (SAE)-based strategy was applied to enhance the representative and discriminative abilities of image features. This deep learning architecture provides more efficient features representation and therefore a better recognition accuracy. Our system was evaluated extensively on all the scene character datasets of five different languages. The experimental results proved the efficiency of our system for a multilingual SCR.Comment: This paper is under consideration at Pattern Recognition Letter