19 research outputs found

    Binary Classification with Positive Labeling Sources

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    To create a large amount of training labels for machine learning models effectively and efficiently, researchers have turned to Weak Supervision (WS), which uses programmatic labeling sources rather than manual annotation. Existing works of WS for binary classification typically assume the presence of labeling sources that are able to assign both positive and negative labels to data in roughly balanced proportions. However, for many tasks of interest where there is a minority positive class, negative examples could be too diverse for developers to generate indicative labeling sources. Thus, in this work, we study the application of WS on binary classification tasks with positive labeling sources only. We propose WEAPO, a simple yet competitive WS method for producing training labels without negative labeling sources. On 10 benchmark datasets, we show WEAPO achieves the highest averaged performance in terms of both the quality of synthesized labels and the performance of the final classifier supervised with these labels. We incorporated the implementation of \method into WRENCH, an existing benchmarking platform.Comment: CIKM 2022 (short

    Search for Concepts: Discovering Visual Concepts Using Direct Optimization

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    Finding an unsupervised decomposition of an image into individual objects is a key step to leverage compositionality and to perform symbolic reasoning. Traditionally, the this problem is solved using amortized inference, which does not generalize beyond the scope of the training data, may sometimes miss correct decompositions, and requires large amounts of training data. We propose finding a decomposition using direct, un-amortized optimization, using a combination of a gradient-based optimization for differentiable object properties and global search for non-differentiable properties. We show that using direct optimization is more generalizable, misses fewer correct decompositions, and typically requires less data than methods based on amortized inference. This highlights a weakness of the current prevalent practice of using amortized inference that can potentially be improved by integrating more direct optimization elements

    Tackling the Unannotated: Scene Graph Generation with Bias-Reduced Models

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    Predicting a scene graph that captures visual entities and their interactions in an image has been considered a crucial step towards full scene comprehension. Recent scene graph generation (SGG) models have shown their capability of capturing the most frequent relations among visual entities. However, the state-of-the-art results are still far from satisfactory, e.g. models can obtain 31% in overall recall R@100, whereas the likewise important mean class-wise recall mR@100 is only around 8% on Visual Genome (VG). The discrepancy between R and mR results urges to shift the focus from pursuing a high R to a high mR with a still competitive R. We suspect that the observed discrepancy stems from both the annotation bias and sparse annotations in VG, in which many visual entity pairs are either not annotated at all or only with a single relation when multiple ones could be valid. To address this particular issue, we propose a novel SGG training scheme that capitalizes on self-learned knowledge. It involves two relation classifiers, one offering a less biased setting for the other to base on. The proposed scheme can be applied to most of the existing SGG models and is straightforward to implement. We observe significant relative improvements in mR (between +6.6% and +20.4%) and competitive or better R (between -2.4% and 0.3%) across all standard SGG tasks.Comment: accepted to BMVC202

    Rethinking the Evaluation of Unbiased Scene Graph Generation

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    Since the severe imbalanced predicate distributions in common subject-object relations, current Scene Graph Generation (SGG) methods tend to predict frequent predicate categories and fail to recognize rare ones. To improve the robustness of SGG models on different predicate categories, recent research has focused on unbiased SGG and adopted mean Recall@K (mR@K) as the main evaluation metric. However, we discovered two overlooked issues about this de facto standard metric mR@K, which makes current unbiased SGG evaluation vulnerable and unfair: 1) mR@K neglects the correlations among predicates and unintentionally breaks category independence when ranking all the triplet predictions together regardless of the predicate categories, leading to the performance of some predicates being underestimated. 2) mR@K neglects the compositional diversity of different predicates and assigns excessively high weights to some oversimple category samples with limited composable relation triplet types. It totally conflicts with the goal of SGG task which encourages models to detect more types of visual relationship triplets. In addition, we investigate the under-explored correlation between objects and predicates, which can serve as a simple but strong baseline for unbiased SGG. In this paper, we refine mR@K and propose two complementary evaluation metrics for unbiased SGG: Independent Mean Recall (IMR) and weighted IMR (wIMR). These two metrics are designed by considering the category independence and diversity of composable relation triplets, respectively. We compare the proposed metrics with the de facto standard metrics through extensive experiments and discuss the solutions to evaluate unbiased SGG in a more trustworthy way

    CREPE: Learnable Prompting With CLIP Improves Visual Relationship Prediction

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    In this paper, we explore the potential of Vision-Language Models (VLMs), specifically CLIP, in predicting visual object relationships, which involves interpreting visual features from images into language-based relations. Current state-of-the-art methods use complex graphical models that utilize language cues and visual features to address this challenge. We hypothesize that the strong language priors in CLIP embeddings can simplify these graphical models paving for a simpler approach. We adopt the UVTransE relation prediction framework, which learns the relation as a translational embedding with subject, object, and union box embeddings from a scene. We systematically explore the design of CLIP-based subject, object, and union-box representations within the UVTransE framework and propose CREPE (CLIP Representation Enhanced Predicate Estimation). CREPE utilizes text-based representations for all three bounding boxes and introduces a novel contrastive training strategy to automatically infer the text prompt for union-box. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in predicate estimation, mR@5 27.79, and mR@20 31.95 on the Visual Genome benchmark, achieving a 15.3\% gain in performance over recent state-of-the-art at mR@20. This work demonstrates CLIP's effectiveness in object relation prediction and encourages further research on VLMs in this challenging domain