4 research outputs found

    Scaling Multiple-Source Entity Resolution using Statistically Efficient Transfer Learning

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    We consider a serious, previously-unexplored challenge facing almost all approaches to scaling up entity resolution (ER) to multiple data sources: the prohibitive cost of labeling training data for supervised learning of similarity scores for each pair of sources. While there exists a rich literature describing almost all aspects of pairwise ER, this new challenge is arising now due to the unprecedented ability to acquire and store data from online sources, features driven by ER such as enriched search verticals, and the uniqueness of noisy and missing data characteristics for each source. We show on real-world and synthetic data that for state-of-the-art techniques, the reality of heterogeneous sources means that the number of labeled training data must scale quadratically in the number of sources, just to maintain constant precision/recall. We address this challenge with a brand new transfer learning algorithm which requires far less training data (or equivalently, achieves superior accuracy with the same data) and is trained using fast convex optimization. The intuition behind our approach is to adaptively share structure learned about one scoring problem with all other scoring problems sharing a data source in common. We demonstrate that our theoretically motivated approach incurs no runtime cost while it can maintain constant precision/recall with the cost of labeling increasing only linearly with the number of sources.Comment: Short version to appear in CIKM'2012; 10 pages, 7 figure

    In Search of an Entity Resolution OASIS: Optimal Asymptotic Sequential Importance Sampling

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    Entity resolution (ER) presents unique challenges for evaluation methodology. While crowdsourcing platforms acquire ground truth, sound approaches to sampling must drive labelling efforts. In ER, extreme class imbalance between matching and non-matching records can lead to enormous labelling requirements when seeking statistically consistent estimates for rigorous evaluation. This paper addresses this important challenge with the OASIS algorithm: a sampler and F-measure estimator for ER evaluation. OASIS draws samples from a (biased) instrumental distribution, chosen to ensure estimators with optimal asymptotic variance. As new labels are collected OASIS updates this instrumental distribution via a Bayesian latent variable model of the annotator oracle, to quickly focus on unlabelled items providing more information. We prove that resulting estimates of F-measure, precision, recall converge to the true population values. Thorough comparisons of sampling methods on a variety of ER datasets demonstrate significant labelling reductions of up to 83% without loss to estimate accuracy.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Principled Graph Matching Algorithms for Integrating Multiple Data Sources

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    This paper explores combinatorial optimization for problems of max-weight graph matching on multi-partite graphs, which arise in integrating multiple data sources. Entity resolution-the data integration problem of performing noisy joins on structured data-typically proceeds by first hashing each record into zero or more blocks, scoring pairs of records that are co-blocked for similarity, and then matching pairs of sufficient similarity. In the most common case of matching two sources, it is often desirable for the final matching to be one-to-one (a record may be matched with at most one other); members of the database and statistical record linkage communities accomplish such matchings in the final stage by weighted bipartite graph matching on similarity scores. Such matchings are intuitively appealing: they leverage a natural global property of many real-world entity stores-that of being nearly deduped-and are known to provide significant improvements to precision and recall. Unfortunately unlike the bipartite case, exact max-weight matching on multi-partite graphs is known to be NP-hard. Our two-fold algorithmic contributions approximate multi-partite max-weight matching: our first algorithm borrows optimization techniques common to Bayesian probabilistic inference; our second is a greedy approximation algorithm. In addition to a theoretical guarantee on the latter, we present comparisons on a real-world ER problem from Bing significantly larger than typically found in the literature, publication data, and on a series of synthetic problems. Our results quantify significant improvements due to exploiting multiple sources, which are made possible by global one-to-one constraints linking otherwise independent matching sub-problems. We also discover that our algorithms are complementary: one being much more robust under noise, and the other being simple to implement and very fast to run.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Reuse and Adaptation for Entity Resolution through Transfer Learning

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    Entity resolution (ER) is one of the fundamental problems in data integration, where machine learning (ML) based classifiers often provide the state-of-the-art results. Considerable human effort goes into feature engineering and training data creation. In this paper, we investigate a new problem: Given a dataset D_T for ER with limited or no training data, is it possible to train a good ML classifier on D_T by reusing and adapting the training data of dataset D_S from same or related domain? Our major contributions include (1) a distributed representation based approach to encode each tuple from diverse datasets into a standard feature space; (2) identification of common scenarios where the reuse of training data can be beneficial; and (3) five algorithms for handling each of the aforementioned scenarios. We have performed comprehensive experiments on 12 datasets from 5 different domains (publications, movies, songs, restaurants, and books). Our experiments show that our algorithms provide significant benefits such as providing superior performance for a fixed training data size