106 research outputs found

    Bandwidth Reduction using Importance Weighted Pruning on Ring AllReduce

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    It is inevitable to train large deep learning models on a large-scale cluster equipped with accelerators system. Deep gradient compression would highly increase the bandwidth utilization and speed up the training process but hard to implement on ring structure. In this paper, we find that redundant gradient and gradient staleness has negative effect on training. We have observed that in different epoch and different steps, the neural networks focus on updating different layers and different parameters. In order to save more communication bandwidth and preserve the accuracy on ring structure, which break the restrict as the node increase, we propose a new algorithm to measure the importance of gradients on large-scale cluster implementing ring all-reduce based on the size of the ratio of parameter calculation gradient to parameter value. Our importance weighted pruning approach achieved 64X and 58.8X of gradient compression ratio on AlexNet and ResNet50 on ImageNet. Meanwhile, in order to maintain the sparseness of the gradient propagation, we randomly broadcast the index of important gradients on each node. While the remaining nodes are ready for the index gradient and perform all-reduce update. This would speed up the convergence of the model and preserve the training accuracy

    Proportionate gradient updates with PercentDelta

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    Deep Neural Networks are generally trained using iterative gradient updates. Magnitudes of gradients are affected by many factors, including choice of activation functions and initialization. More importantly, gradient magnitudes can greatly differ across layers, with some layers receiving much smaller gradients than others. causing some layers to train slower than others and therefore slowing down the overall convergence. We analytically explain this disproportionality. Then we propose to explicitly train all layers at the same speed, by scaling the gradient w.r.t. every trainable tensor to be proportional to its current value. In particular, at every batch, we want to update all trainable tensors, such that the relative change of the L1-norm of the tensors is the same, across all layers of the network, throughout training time. Experiments on MNIST show that our method appropriately scales gradients, such that the relative change in trainable tensors is approximately equal across layers. In addition, measuring the test accuracy with training time, shows that our method trains faster than other methods, giving higher test accuracy given same budget of training steps

    Image Classification at Supercomputer Scale

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    Deep learning is extremely computationally intensive, and hardware vendors have responded by building faster accelerators in large clusters. Training deep learning models at petaFLOPS scale requires overcoming both algorithmic and systems software challenges. In this paper, we discuss three systems-related optimizations: (1) distributed batch normalization to control per-replica batch sizes, (2) input pipeline optimizations to sustain model throughput, and (3) 2-D torus all-reduce to speed up gradient summation. We combine these optimizations to train ResNet-50 on ImageNet to 76.3% accuracy in 2.2 minutes on a 1024-chip TPU v3 Pod with a training throughput of over 1.05 million images/second and no accuracy drop.Comment: Presented as part of Systems for ML Workshop @ NIPS 201

    Distributed Deep Learning Strategies For Automatic Speech Recognition

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    In this paper, we propose and investigate a variety of distributed deep learning strategies for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and evaluate them with a state-of-the-art Long short-term memory (LSTM) acoustic model on the 2000-hour Switchboard (SWB2000), which is one of the most widely used datasets for ASR performance benchmark. We first investigate what are the proper hyper-parameters (e.g., learning rate) to enable the training with sufficiently large batch size without impairing the model accuracy. We then implement various distributed strategies, including Synchronous (SYNC), Asynchronous Decentralized Parallel SGD (ADPSGD) and the hybrid of the two HYBRID, to study their runtime/accuracy trade-off. We show that we can train the LSTM model using ADPSGD in 14 hours with 16 NVIDIA P100 GPUs to reach a 7.6% WER on the Hub5- 2000 Switchboard (SWB) test set and a 13.1% WER on the CallHome (CH) test set. Furthermore, we can train the model using HYBRID in 11.5 hours with 32 NVIDIA V100 GPUs without loss in accuracy.Comment: Published in ICASSP'1

    Scaling Distributed Training of Flood-Filling Networks on HPC Infrastructure for Brain Mapping

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    Mapping all the neurons in the brain requires automatic reconstruction of entire cells from volume electron microscopy data. The flood-filling network (FFN) architecture has demonstrated leading performance for segmenting structures from this data. However, the training of the network is computationally expensive. In order to reduce the training time, we implemented synchronous and data-parallel distributed training using the Horovod library, which is different from the asynchronous training scheme used in the published FFN code. We demonstrated that our distributed training scaled well up to 2048 Intel Knights Landing (KNL) nodes on the Theta supercomputer. Our trained models achieved similar level of inference performance, but took less training time compared to previous methods. Our study on the effects of different batch sizes on FFN training suggests ways to further improve training efficiency. Our findings on optimal learning rate and batch sizes agree with previous works.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    High Throughput Synchronous Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent

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    We introduce a new, high-throughput, synchronous, distributed, data-parallel, stochastic-gradient-descent learning algorithm. This algorithm uses amortized inference in a compute-cluster-specific, deep, generative, dynamical model to perform joint posterior predictive inference of the mini-batch gradient computation times of all worker-nodes in a parallel computing cluster. We show that a synchronous parameter server can, by utilizing such a model, choose an optimal cutoff time beyond which mini-batch gradient messages from slow workers are ignored that maximizes overall mini-batch gradient computations per second. In keeping with earlier findings we observe that, under realistic conditions, eagerly discarding the mini-batch gradient computations of stragglers not only increases throughput but actually increases the overall rate of convergence as a function of wall-clock time by virtue of eliminating idleness. The principal novel contribution and finding of this work goes beyond this by demonstrating that using the predicted run-times from a generative model of cluster worker performance to dynamically adjust the cutoff improves substantially over the static-cutoff prior art, leading to, among other things, significantly reduced deep neural net training times on large computer clusters

    Parallel Complexity of Forward and Backward Propagation

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    We show that the forward and backward propagation can be formulated as a solution of lower and upper triangular systems of equations. For standard feedforward (FNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) the triangular systems are always block bi-diagonal, while for a general computation graph (directed acyclic graph) they can have a more complex triangular sparsity pattern. We discuss direct and iterative parallel algorithms that can be used for their solution and interpreted as different ways of performing model parallelism. Also, we show that for FNNs and RNNs with kk layers and τ\tau time steps the backward propagation can be performed in parallel in O(logk\log k) and O(logklogτ\log k \log \tau) steps, respectively. Finally, we outline the generalization of this technique using Jacobians that potentially allows us to handle arbitrary layers.Comment: 18 page

    Stochastic Normalized Gradient Descent with Momentum for Large Batch Training

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    Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and its variants have been the dominating optimization methods in machine learning. Compared with small batch training, SGD with large batch training can better utilize the computational power of current multi-core systems like GPUs and can reduce the number of communication rounds in distributed training. Hence, SGD with large batch training has attracted more and more attention. However, existing empirical results show that large batch training typically leads to a drop of generalization accuracy. As a result, large batch training has also become a challenging topic. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called stochastic normalized gradient descent with momentum (SNGM), for large batch training. We theoretically prove that compared to momentum SGD (MSGD) which is one of the most widely used variants of SGD, SNGM can adopt a larger batch size to converge to the ϵ\epsilon-stationary point with the same computation complexity (total number of gradient computation). Empirical results on deep learning also show that SNGM can achieve the state-of-the-art accuracy with a large batch size

    AdaBatch: Adaptive Batch Sizes for Training Deep Neural Networks

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    Training deep neural networks with Stochastic Gradient Descent, or its variants, requires careful choice of both learning rate and batch size. While smaller batch sizes generally converge in fewer training epochs, larger batch sizes offer more parallelism and hence better computational efficiency. We have developed a new training approach that, rather than statically choosing a single batch size for all epochs, adaptively increases the batch size during the training process. Our method delivers the convergence rate of small batch sizes while achieving performance similar to large batch sizes. We analyse our approach using the standard AlexNet, ResNet, and VGG networks operating on the popular CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets. Our results demonstrate that learning with adaptive batch sizes can improve performance by factors of up to 6.25 on 4 NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs while changing accuracy by less than 1% relative to training with fixed batch sizes.Comment: 14 page

    Scale MLPerf-0.6 models on Google TPU-v3 Pods

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    The recent submission of Google TPU-v3 Pods to the industry wide MLPerf v0.6 training benchmark demonstrates the scalability of a suite of industry relevant ML models. MLPerf defines a suite of models, datasets and rules to follow when benchmarking to ensure results are comparable across hardware, frameworks and companies. Using this suite of models, we discuss the optimizations and techniques including choice of optimizer, spatial partitioning and weight update sharding necessary to scale to 1024 TPU chips. Furthermore, we identify properties of models that make scaling them challenging, such as limited data parallelism and unscaled weights. These optimizations contribute to record performance in transformer, Resnet-50 and SSD in the Google MLPerf-0.6 submission