3 research outputs found

    SLACC: Simion-based Language Agnostic Code Clones

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    Successful cross-language clone detection could enable researchers and developers to create robust language migration tools, facilitate learning additional programming languages once one is mastered, and promote reuse of code snippets over a broader codebase. However, identifying cross-language clones presents special challenges to the clone detection problem. A lack of common underlying representation between arbitrary languages means detecting clones requires one of the following solutions: 1) a static analysis framework replicated across each targeted language with annotations matching language features across all languages, or 2) a dynamic analysis framework that detects clones based on runtime behavior. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of the latter solution, a dynamic analysis approach called SLACC for cross-language clone detection. Like prior clone detection techniques, we use input/output behavior to match clones, though we overcome limitations of prior work by amplifying the number of inputs and covering more data types; and as a result, achieve better clusters than prior attempts. Since clusters are generated based on input/output behavior, SLACC supports cross-language clone detection. As an added challenge, we target a static typed language, Java, and a dynamic typed language, Python. Compared to HitoshiIO, a recent clone detection tool for Java, SLACC retrieves 6 times as many clusters and has higher precision (86.7% vs. 30.7%). This is the first work to perform clone detection for dynamic typed languages (precision = 87.3%) and the first to perform clone detection across languages that lack a common underlying representation (precision = 94.1%). It provides a first step towards the larger goal of scalable language migration tools.Comment: 11 Pages, 3 Figures, Accepted at ICSE 2020 technical trac