3 research outputs found

    Scalable Mobile Crowdsensing via Peer-to-Peer Data Sharing

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is a new paradigm of sensing by taking advantage of the rich embedded sensors of mobile user devices. However, the traditional server-client MCS architecture often suffers from the high operational cost on the centralized server (e.g., for storing and processing massive data), hence the poor scalability. Peer-to-peer (P2P) data sharing can effectively reduce the server's cost by leveraging the user devices' computation and storage resources. In this work, we propose a novel P2P-based MCS architecture, where the sensing data is saved and processed in user devices locally and shared among users in a P2P manner. To provide necessary incentives for users in such a system, we propose a quality-aware data sharing market, where the users who sense data can sell data to others who request data but not want to sense the data by themselves. We analyze the user behavior dynamics from the game-theoretic perspective, and characterize the existence and uniqueness of the game equilibrium. We further propose best response iterative algorithms to reach the equilibrium with provable convergence. Our simulations show that the P2P data sharing can greatly improve the social welfare, especially in the model with a high transmission cost and a low trading price

    Optimal pricing for peer-to-peer sharing with network externalities

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    In this paper, we analyse how a peer-to-peer sharing platform should price its service (when imagined as an excludable public good) to maximize profit, when each user's participation adds value to the platform service by creating a positive externality to other participants. To characterize network externalities as a function of the number of participants, we consider different bounded and unbounded user utility models. The bounded utility model fits many infrastructure sharing applications with bounded network value, in which complete coverage has a finite user valuation (e.g., WiFi or hotspot). The unbounded utility model fits the large scale data sharing and explosion in social media, where it is expected that the network value follows Metcalfe's or Zipf's law. For both models, we analyze the optimal pricing schemes to select heterogeneous users in the platform under complete and incomplete information of users' service valuations. We propose the concept of price of information (PoI) to characterize the profit loss due to lack of information, and present provable PoI bounds for different utility models. We show that the PoI=2 for the bounded utility model, meaning that just half of profit is lost, whereas the PoI>=2 for the unbounded utility model and increases as for a less concave utility function. We also show that the complicated differentiated pricing scheme which is optimal under incomplete user information, can be replaced by a single uniform price scheme that is asymptotic optimal. Finally, we extend our pricing schemes to a two-sided market by including a new group of `pure' service users contributing no externalities, and show that the platform may charge zero price to the original group of users in order to attract the pure user group

    Regulating Competition in Age of Information under Network Externalities

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    Online content platforms are concerned about the freshness of their content updates to their end customers, and increasingly more platforms now invite and pay the crowd to sample real-time information (e.g., traffic observations and sensor data) to help reduce their ages of information (AoI). How much crowdsourced data to sample and buy over time is a critical question for a platform's AoI management, requiring a good balance between its AoI and the incurred sampling cost. This question becomes more interesting by considering the stage after sampling, where multiple platforms coexist in sharing the content delivery network of limited bandwidth, and one platform's update may jam or preempt the others' under negative network externalities. When these selfish platforms know each other's sampling cost, we formulate their competition as a non-cooperative game and show they want to over-sample to reduce their own AoIs, causing the price of anarchy (PoA) to be infinity. To remedy this huge efficiency loss, we propose a trigger mechanism of non-monetary punishment in a repeated game to enforce the platforms' cooperation to approach the social optimum. We also study the more challenging scenario of incomplete information that some new platform hides its private sampling cost information from the other incumbent platforms in the Bayesian game. Perhaps surprisingly, we show that even the platform with more information may get hurt. We successfully redesign the trigger-and-punishment mechanism to negate the platform's information advantage and ensure no cheating. Our extensive simulations show that the mechanisms can remedy the huge efficiency loss due to platform competition, and the performance improves as we have more incumbent platforms with known cost information